February Wrap Up

We are now officially into month three of 2017! After finishing the shortest and busiest month of the year, I have to say that I’m happy with the amount of books I finished in February. Since some days this month I had to work 16+ hour days, I managed to make my way through a few audio books! If it wasn’t for the audiobooks this probably would have been a sad, sad month. Life gets in the way all too much sometimes!! Between both the physical and audiobooks, I managed to complete 9 books this month. Here they are:


The first book that I read this month and it was so beyond amazing! I haven’t stopped thinking about this fantastic whimsical world yet. My full review of this book can be found HERE though I’m still not sure that my thoughts came together the way that I wanted them to. This book was just so hard to review. I obviously gave it 5 stars


Next is Caraval by Stephanie Garber. I not only read this book this month but I also got to meet her and get my book personalized!!! (For the pictures and information please click HERE ) I look at the pictures and the books I got signed by Stephanie Garber and Elly Blake and it still doesn’t feel real. This book was one of the best that I’ve read where I wondered what was real and what was part of the game. I loved being in this Caraval world and desperately need book 2 ASAP! For my full review of this book click HERE . I gave this book 5 stars.


Next up on my list is Wires and Nerve by Marissa Meyer. As soon as I found out that a graphic novel was coming out as a continuation of the Lunar Chronicles series, I lost my mind! I absolutely love graphic novels and I felt like I needed more from these characters. This was a great addition to the series but I wished for just a little more. I gave it 4 stars. For my review please click HERE


Book 4 was one of the few audiobooks I listened to this month. This one, I have to admit, I think would be a little better consumed as an audiobook opposed to reading it because Jenny Lawson herself read the book. I laughed so hard I was crying while working, and I also cried because I understood her pain a little too well. For my full thoughts click HERE – I obviously gave this one 5 well deserved stars


I finished this one as my *required reading* as I got this ARC from the publisher in exchange for a review. I fully expected to think it was just ok. It was a continuation of a previous trilogy and it was huge – over 600 pages. I was afraid that I wouldn’t attach myself to the story that well because I hadn’t read the original trilogy. But what happened is that I fell COMPLETELY IN LOVE with this book!! The writing, the book, everything was perfection, and I still think about this book every day. This one is going to be published on March 7th so it’s coming soon!!! The author even found my review and put it on his social media outlets which made the views on my blog explode. I sincerely hope that what I said motivates people to pick up the book because it was Just. That. Good. You can find that review HERE


After so many 4-5 star books in a row, I was bound to run into one that didn’t completely agree with me. It was ok, but I was expecting more and wished I liked it better. The subject of Jack the Ripper is fascinating and I was so excited to read this one. For my full review click HERE


One of the books on my Top 5 series I need to finish list was Blood for Blood and I’m so glad I was able to get into this one this month! I’ve been wanting to get back into historical fiction, and this one made me want to keep reading them. This was such an interesting and unique take on WWII, making Hitler win the war instead of lose. For all my thoughts click HERE


The second last book I finished this month was The Boy in the Striped Pajamas. This continued on with historical fiction and broke my heart just as I expected it to. I rented the movie but haven’t watched it yet – I think I’m  just waiting for my husband to leave for a while so that I can cry in peace lol. HERE is my review for this 4 star book


FINALLY – the last book I read this month!!! I went through so many hoops to find this book and I was not disappointed. This was probably my biggest leap into some more serious historical fiction and it really surprised me. From the synopsis I was expecting a ton of space adventure but what I ended up getting was a story of connection, emotion, and human/alien nature. For my full review please click HERE

I will be doing a post soon with my book haul for February and my March TBR.

Until next time, happy reading!

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