Discussion – Responsibilities with requesting ARC’s

This is a topic I was hoping to visit towards the end of this month but, when I recently made the difficult decision to DNF a physical ARC from a publisher, I moved this discussion up a few weeks. Before I go any further though, I need to mention the abbreviations DNF and ARC. DNF…

So, you DNF’d a book… Now what? Goodreads discussion

When was the last time I did a discussion post? NO! Don’t look, I don’t want to know. It will only embarrass the living hell out of me lol. Safe to say – it’s been a while….. a long ass while! Let’s see if I remember how to do this…. So. Here’s a thought that’s…

Chamber of Secrets Reread – Spoiler Discussion!

Gah! The decision to reread the Harry Potter series was a hard one. I’ve got so many ARC’s, backlogged books, and even a manuscript to read – and here I am reading something I’ve already read. But this reread couldn’t have come at a better time. My life has been SO busy lately and these…

Harry Potter #1 Reread – spoiler discussion!

As I’m sure you’ve all caught onto by now, I’m slightly obsessed with Harry Potter. *Ahem – sarcasm! I have a deep seeded love for this series…… and it’s something I fought for the longest time! When the first book became popular, I was older than most of you. I was in high school, in…

Discussion – When do you start a new book?

It’s been a looooooooong time since my last discussion post……. as in, I honestly can’t remember the last one! I’ve always wanted to do more of these but I feel like I struggle to come up with topics. Not today! A little while ago I had a discussion with someone about starting a new book….

Do un-relatable characters effect your feelings of a book?

Wow! It’s been quite a while since I’ve done a discussion post! But this topic was weighing heavily on my mind for the last little while and I wondered what you all thought. When I was doing some research on a book I was interested in, I noticed that there were very mixed feelings. Some…

Discussion – how many books do you read at one time?

My curiosity is getting the best of me here! I’ve found that there are two types of readers: The person who reads only one book at a time The person who has 3 or more books on the go at all times I’m personally number one. I’ve only really ever been a book monogamist and…