April wrap up!

Since the end of April falls on a Sunday, I’ve decided to skip my weekly wrap up. This month I managed to finish 9 books. I was kind of hoping to read a little more than that but life got in the way and slowed me down. What I did read was really great and I even reread two books that I had read last year! So here’s my month in review:



HUNTED by Meagan Spooner <—– (Full review)

With the story of Beauty and the Beast being everywhere lately, I knew I had to pick this one up – I was so glad I did! This one was very close to the original Disney movie  but certain aspects (my least favourite in the movie) had been changed. I loved the added aspect of folklore, That there was no Gaston, and Beauty’s sisters! I gave this one 4.5 stars.

Blue lily lily blue

Blue Lily Lily Blue by Maggie Stiefvater <—– (full review)

I had waited SO long to get to the third book in this series and this was the best one yet. I loved the directions the characters went in and the general feel of the whole book. Now that the first two books had set up the world and character building, it was finally time to get into some details! I gave this one 5 stars

Good morning midnight

GOOD MORNING MIDNIGHT by Lily Brooks Dalton <—- (full review)

This is a slow burning sci-fi dystopian that will totally mess with your emotions! I haven’t heard too many people talk about this book (it only has 505 reviews on Goodreads – WHAT?!?) but they should be talking about it! There were a  few faults but this was a truly wonderful story of dreams, survival, and connections! I gave it 4 stars

Thirteen reasons why

THIRTEEN REASONS WHY by Jay Asher <—– (full review)

With the TV show coming out recently I had to read this one before I happened upon spoilers. It was such an emotional hard hitting read! I could have reviewed the hell out of this book. There are certain aspects I liked and certain aspects I didn’t agree with. But I took this for what it was – a girl’s story as she suffered mental illness and her decision to take her own life. Mental illness is an evil beast that can grip our thoughts and never let go. It can make even the smallest of things feel impossible to deal with. I’m only on episode 4 of the show and can’t wait to continue to see how closely it relates to the book.

AN EMBER IN THE ASHES by Sabaa Tahir <—– (full review)

A TORCH AGAINST THE NIGHT by Sabaa Tahir <—– (full review)

These have gotten so much praise over the last year or so and I wondered – “could it really be that good?” – it was! A world based on ancient Rome, classes of society, warrior training, politics, folklore, magical creatures and more! These books really were THAT incredible! This was a type of story that I usually prefer in an adult high fantasy genre but you rarely see in YA. Book one was great but the aspects that I liked got even stronger in book 2. I can’t wait for book three to see where this all goes!

The raven king

THE RAVEN KING by Maggie Stiefvater <—– (full review)

This was the concluding book to the Raven Cycle series. It was finally happening – I was going to learn exactly what was going on after all this time! But it fell flat and confused me at times more than it gave me answers. After all this build up to the finale I felt that the ending was going to be large, mind blowing and explosive. But it was just meh. It wasn’t awful but it was nowhere near what I expected. These characters though! So well developed and Ronan and his brutal honesty and dirty mouth makes him my new spirit animal 🙂


ACOTAR and ACOMAF by Sarah J Maas

These two were rereads and I don’t have a full review on either of them. I do want to say that rereading them threw me for a loop! I thought I knew these characters and the story, but going back into it from the beginning again had me questioning every detail I thought I knew! I made obsessive notes trying to keep the histories and important events straight but most importantly I wanted to see if these characters were really what they seemed. The jury is still out on that! I know there is more behind their decisions that we aren’t aware of yet. I want to believe the best in people but it’s so hard!!! I’m just over 100 pages into A Court of Wings and Ruin and there have been quite a few jaw dropping moments! This series is just amazing!


So theres my monthly wrap up! It was a pretty good reading month but May and June are what I’m really looking forward to! So many great new releases and science fiction to get into! I hope you had a great reading month as well! What was your favourite read of April??

Until next time, happy reading!

4 Comments Add yours

  1. You had a good reading month 🙂 I read 10 books, but one was a DNF so in the end it makes 9 too!
    I liked Blue Lily so much better than The Dream Thieves! I was supposed to read the last installment two months ago but my ARCs are preventing it to happen! I’m sorry you were kinda disappointed by it!
    Have a great May!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Poulami @ Daydreaming Books says:

    Glad you had a good reading month!! Hope you have an even better May. Happy reading!

    Liked by 1 person

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