Weekly Wrap Up – October 1 – 7

If you live in Canada then HAPPY THANKSGIVING!! Today we are planning to have one of the biggest Thanksgiving dinners we’ve ever had. My family is merging with my husbands family (including my brother in law’s new girlfriend who we all LOVE!) – it’s going to be a BIG day!! The weather is supposed to be beautiful so I’m hoping we can spend the day outside by the fire, have some drinks, and eat great food. Looking forward to today!

On top of this amazing weekend, the last week has been SO GREAT for reading! I have a refreshed urgency to read everything! I’m reading faster than normal and retaining more. I also managed to finish 2 books again this week! Almost 3! What is this madness?! I’m thinking that if I do a reread of a graphic novel series, reaching 100 books for this year may be attainable!! I’m getting chills! But I’m trying not to get my hopes up. Reaching 100 books in a year is something I never thought I could ever do…… especially since my original goal for this year was only 50 books. If I could reach 100 by the end of this year I don’t even know what I would do!!



ALLEGEDLY by Tiffany D Jackson <—– (full review) 4.25 stars
This was probably the biggest surprise of the year! I’ve kept this book on my radar for many months and finally decided to give it a go. So glad I did! This book was so fantastic!! So heartbreakingly emotional and so conflicting with the truths of what really happened to this poor baby girl.

MARINA by Carlos Ruiz Zafon <—–(full review) 4 stars
Marina is a really hard book to sum up. There isn’t much that I can tell you about it because it’s really a book that you need to experience for yourself. The atmosphere was wonderful and unravelling the story from start to finish was such a whirlwind. I had been wanting to read something from this author for the longest time and now I can’t wait to read more!



Like I said above, I almost finished three books this week. I’m so close to finishing The Troop and hope that I will actually have it done tonight! It’s a horror set in Canada (OH a book set in my own country?!) and it’s totally gross and creepy. It started off with a bang but then the pace slowed quite a bit. The middle of the book has been a bit of a struggle. As soon as I finish this one I’ll be picking up Hidden Bodies by Caroline Kepnes. Does it sounds strange to say that I’m excited to get back into the head of a stalker/serial killer??

I’m attempting to make it through It before Halloween. I sat down and even made a schedule of the amount of pages I had to get to every day (roughly 40 pages or so a day). I thought that I would have immediately fallen behind with this schedule but luckily I’ve been able to keep up!



Oh my goodness! My heart has swelled to epic proportions! 17 fellow bloggers participated in T5T (most read authors) this week! 7 of those participants were new! That’s the best turn out for my little weekly feature yet 🙂 When I first started coming up with topics over on the Books Amino app over a year ago I never would have imagined that it would have turned into something other people would participate in. Thanks a million times over for your continued support 🙂 If you want to participate in T5T with me then next weeks topic is Top 5 Spooky reads for Halloween!


On top of the excitement of finishing two books in a week again, I also had the privilege of working with another blogger for a GUEST POST! Joe from jwmartin.com brought up a great discussion post talking about what we as readers owe authors. So many great points and sprinkled with his usual humour. If you aren’t following Joe then you need to check him out!


OK, so i’m “that” person who spends countless hours a week looking at Instagram pics, drooling, falling in love, exploding with jealousy, and then I try to make my pics look half as good as what I’ve been seeing…… and I never come close. Well…… I finally posted a pic that I’m proud of!!! I love it so very much and I’m hoping to give it another shot this week! Crossing my fingers (by the way, follow me on Instagram!) Here is the picture…..

Marina Insta


So after my daughter was born, my husband and I wanted to start our own family tradition. Something in the fall to look forward to and something that I can compare pictures over the years. That tradition? APPLE PICKING! We haven’t missed a single year and the kids have so much fun! This year was a spur of the moment decision to go on a Wednesday – because it was just SOO beautiful! We couldn’t waste the day! Here are a few pics from this year (BTW I’m the one in the middle. You can see how much taller my 12 year old daughter is!):


I hope you all had a fantastic week and, to my fellow Canadians, HAPPY THANKSGIVING WEEKEND!

Until next time, happy reading!

33 Comments Add yours

  1. Annalee says:

    I love the pics!!! They are adorable!!!! And Happy Thanksgiving!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. They are adorable and they know it! 😂 thanks!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Hahaha my eleven year old daughter is taller than me too!!

    Happy Sunday!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m glad I’m not the only one who’s shorter than their children! Bound to happen to me – hubby is 6’4” and I’m 5’ 😂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Happy Thanksgiving!

    I never heard of The Troop but I am always looking for books set in Canada!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks! It’s set in PEI which is even more rare!


  4. Haha, I thought one of the books you finished in a week was It, and I was mighty impressed 😂 ooh I love Caroline Kepnes! “You” will always be my fave, but Hidden Bodies was good too 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. If I could finish It in a week I would officially be a super hero!
      You made me laugh so hard! The things he comes up with. Like talking about killing is just a normal thing. Being inside his head is a scary place!


  5. Oh, and happy Thanksgiving! 💕

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Happy Thanksgiving hope you have a wonderful day!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. kozbisa says:

    Good luck on your way to 100 books. You can do it! I miss apple picking in the fall, but my child is five states away, so it’s not feasible, but each an apple cider donut for me.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Apple cider donut?!? Oh now that sounds amazing!

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Marie says:

    Happy Thanksgiving!! 🙂
    Oh I’m the same when it comes to Instagram – I always look at pictures and drool over pretty much everything, but I’m never satisfied with what I come up with… reason why I never properly tried bookstagram, hahahaha.
    I hope you’ll have a great week! xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’ve only recently attempted Instagram officially. It’s intimidating that’s for sure so I haven’t given it my all
      You have a great week as well!!

      Liked by 1 person

  9. I am also trying to get through IT by the end of the month but unlike you I have fallen behind. Are you having a hard time getting into it because I am?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. A little yes. I recently saw the movie so the first part is a bit of a refresher. But I definitely feel like it could be SO much shorter!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I haven’t watched the movie yet. I wanted to read he book first. Hopefully once I get past the first half things will pick up for me.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. I hope so! It’s intimidating which doesn’t help. I’ve actually fallen behind as of today but hoping I can pick back up today!

          Liked by 1 person

          1. As of today I should have read over 300 pages and I am only in page 84.

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          2. The first part of the book is more of an update of what their lives are like now and them all getting a call that IT’s back. It picks up in the second part

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          3. That’s good to know!!

            Liked by 1 person

  10. Look like you had a great week! Im canadian but im in the UK and they dont celebrate here 😦 So Happy Thanksgiving to you!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Awe sorry you’re missing out on the festivities! Happy thanksgiving to you across the pond!

      Liked by 1 person

  11. kyera says:


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks! 🙂 it ended up being a really great day!

      Liked by 1 person

  12. Steph says:

    Happy Thanksgiving!! I love apple picking in the fall! My parents brought me when I was little so it was always a special tradition in my family as well 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Sophie Li says:

    Happy Thanksgiving Shanah!! Congrats on reading 2 books this week and all the best on your 100 books goal this year 🙂 I’ve heard a bit about Allegedly before- it seems like a scary novel, and I am a little intimidated by it. Glad to hear that you enjoyed it and I may be persuaded to give it a go 🙂

    The proud Canadian in me cheers when I encounter a book that takes place in Canada :’)

    Love those pics of you and your children in the apple orchard! For a moment I couldn’t figure out which one was you :’)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s not scary at all. It’s more of a mystery of figuring out what really happened and following this young girl as she works her way through the system

      Yup. I’m the short one in the middle 😂 my daughter is 12 and already 6 inches taller than me. I’m only 5 feet tall but my husband is 6 foot 4…. they have his genes! 😂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Sophie Li says:

        Glad to hear that it is not a scary book! I will keep an eye out for it!
        Haha that is quite a height difference between you and your hubby 🙂 awesome that your daughter is so tall! I am 5’2” so I can relate 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Lol I get called midget a lot. I don’t look so small on my own but standing next to my hubby I look like a child!

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Sophie Li says:

            I often get comments about my height as well haha :’) I bet you and your hubby look adorable together!

            Liked by 1 person

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