A VERY busy weekend!

I hope that everyone had a wonderful weekend! Mine was SOO busy but so much fun! Because my husband and I own two business (and run it ourselves with no employees), we rarely ever take the chance to get away. His parents offered to get everyone tickets to see the Toronto Blue Jays and there’s no way we were going to miss that! So we drove down Friday afternoon and got home late last night. Everyone was exhausted but it was well worth it!

Instead of getting hotel rooms, the most cost efficient way to go for us was to try our first Air BNB. We rented a house near downtown and saved an insane amount of travel time every day. I think it was the perfect place. They must have known I was coming… there was a little library out front! There wasn’t much in there but it was meant to be!


Early Saturday morning we were off to the ballgame! I had no idea where we would be sitting but we ended up just off first base in the 18th row! I’ve been to quite a few baseball games when I was a kid but I’ve never sat this low before. It was seriously one of the best experiences I’ve ever had. The kids got right into it and were so excited. But it was HOT! As in insanely hot. There was a high chance of rain so they ended up closing the dome part way through and then things got a little easier to handle. Sadly the Jays lost and the kids didn’t get to see one of the Jays players hit a home run, but it didn’t really matter to any of us. We had the best time watching the game and spending time with family. After the game was over the kids even got to go out on the field and run the bases! It was very quick but it’s something I hope they will always remember!


Here’s a family picture of almost all of us. On the left is my husband, I’m in the red holding onto my 7 year old son (who is almost as tall as me lol), my 11 year old daughter is in the blue standing to the right of me, (yes – she’s 11 and taller than me already!), and my brother in law is on the right (he’s mostly beard lol). Below is a picture of how close we were and then my kids on the field after they ran the bases

Then on Sunday we were off to the Ripley’s Aquarium. It was a busy but beautiful place! Sea life has always been something that my kids have obsessed over. Sharks, turtles, jelly fish, sting rays, starfish, and more. So this was pure heaven for them. They had a “people mover” walkway that you stood on and it carried you through a tunnel where fish, sharks, and rays swam overhead. They even got to touch some stingrays! They’re really soft and curious little creatures! And LOOK! We found Dory AND Nemo – they were together the whole time!

As fun as this weekend was, I am SO glad to be home. I’m not a fan of big cities and prefer the quiet of a small town. Cities are too loud and busy for my taste. I’m a book reading introvert remember??

Speaking of reading, I didn’t do any of that this weekend, including any blogs that I follow. I doubt that I will have time to catch up so I’m really sorry if I missed some of your amazing posts this weekend! Business begins as usual today and I can’t wait to go blog hopping again! I also tried to keep up with comments on my blog but was having issues with my phone and may have missed some. So if I did miss one of your comments then it wasn’t on purpose!

Until next time, happy reading!

15 Comments Add yours

  1. Justine says:

    What a lovely day! You got a well-earned break 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. mhelissalifeinthebooks says:

    What an amazing day, you have a beautiful family😊

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Your family is lovely! What a fun time. I’m going away this summer and am thinking of using AirBNB, too. I’ve heard great things about it.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks! It was so much more relaxing than a hotel!


  4. Marie says:

    Aww it seems like you had such a lovely time! I’m glad you got the chance to get away a bit, even just for a weekend, it’s always refreshing! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I’m glad you had such a great weekend.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Beware Of The Reader says:

    Good to know you had a great time Shanah! But gosh 2 businesses??? When do you blog? LOL

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m sure I blog in my sleep at this point! It’s been a difficult task lately but I love it so I make time 😊

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Beware Of The Reader says:

        Haha I hope you won’t have querty imprinted on your forehead Shanah 😉

        Liked by 1 person

        1. It’s happened before! 😂


  7. Sophie Li says:

    That does sound like a busy (and fun) weekend!
    I was looking through the pictures when it clicked that they look familiar. My home is in Toronto too (though now I live in London Ontario – the real London 😉 ). That is a SUPER cute little library.
    I’m curious what are your 2 businesses?


    Liked by 1 person

    1. You live in London?! Wow that is super close to me! I live in a small town just the other side of Sarnia! Small blogging world apparently! 🙂
      My husband and I have a bait and tackle shop and we own a soft plastic bait manufacturing company called Anglers Choice. Our products are in a few stores in London 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Sophie Li says:

        Haha it is a small world!
        That’s cool that you guys have a company. I don’t fish but I’ll keep an eye out for your products!

        Liked by 1 person

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