Weekly Wrap Up, May 28 – June 3

Is it just me or do the weeks speed up as the weather gets nicer? I feel like I may have missed a few days somewhere this week!! How did everything go so fast! Good thing there are dates on blog posts or else I wouldn’t be able to remember what happened! LOL So here’s what happened on the blog this week:


When Dimple met Rishi

When Dimple Met Rishi <—– (full review)

This was the cutest, most adorable summer read ever! I absolutely adored the writing, the characters, the traditions – everything! I had been hyping this one up in my mind for the longest time and I was afraid that it wouldn’t meet my expectations – luckily it met them and exceeded them!


I’m currently 40% through The Obsession by Nora Roberts. I’ve read 12 of her books and have loved them all. My favourites of hers are the trilogies with paranormal elements. This one has the element of a serial killer which I find so interesting! I’m doing a buddy read with my bookish sister Robin (The Other Weasley) from Books Amino and can’t wait to come to you with our dual review. I’m going to have to do some editing to make sure there are no bad words and spoilers though! LOL!

I’m also 75% through Claiming Addison by Zoey Derrick and it’s enjoyable. I don’t pick up many erotic romance novels so this is kind of a reset for me. I’m enjoying being able to step away from fantasy and science fiction for a while and dive into this romance. I’m not sure if I will do a review for this one as it’s not really everyones cup of tea, but maybe I’ll do a mini review at some point.


So this was a week of unexpected surprises. First of all, on Saturday morning, I woke up to find that I have reached 350 followers! I swear I almost cried. I never in a million years expected that I would reach this number! I started this blog as something just for me. I wanted to talk about books and talk to others about books and honestly wasn’t sure that I would stick with this for long. Even though this blogging adventure can be stressful at times, I’ve reached so many unexpected goals that have increased my confidence in myself. This has been such a happy experience and I’m so grateful that I decided to do this! My favourite part is the people I’ve connected with – thanks for all your conversations!

My next bit of exciting news is following my review of When Dimple Met Rishi. I’m fairly new to Twitter and still find it confusing. People say it’s a great way to make connections and get yourself out there but I haven’t really kept up with a whole lot so I haven’t noticed much difference – until this week! A little while after posting my review the publisher featured and quoted my review on their site! I was so excited! But then they author herself commented with this:

Sandhya Menon

….. I was shocked. A fangirl moment, if you will! I’ve always worried that an author would read one of my reviews. I try to review all books with respect for the author whether I really enjoyed them or not. But I always fear that anything I say will hurt an authors feelings. So to know that an author read my review was scary! Thankfully she was happy with it! But still – an author read my review – and I’m shell shocked!


This weeks Top 5 tuesday topic was Top 5 Childhood Reads. This one was so much fun to do as I went back and read them all before writing the post. Oh memories! And this week I continued with the second TBR Thursday. So many books, so little time!


I love the end of the month! So many wrap ups everywhere and a more complete look at what bloggers like to read. This months book haul was larger than usual as it was my Big Birthday Book Haul. I think that after my next preorder comes in next week I need to put myself on a book buying ban! This months wrap up was a little smaller but there were so many books that I absolutely loved! I would rather read a smaller amount of books and really love them than to read more and enjoy them less!


I’ve been feeling a little slumpy in the fantasy reading department so I’m looking to branch out a bit. So asked you for recommendations for some Scary reads and I’ve gotten some really great recommendations! I can’t wait to pick some of these up! (See! I’m doing it already! I mentioned just above that I needed to go on a book buying ban and now I’m talking about more books. Book rehab…… I’ve got problems!)

Lastly, I didn’t read much on Friday or Saturday. The backyard needed some serious attention. But after two days of cleaning out the pool, pulling weeds, sweeping, prepping the fire pit and decorating – it’s done!! Now all I need to do is hang the gazebo cover and it’s relaxation time! I see many days of reading in my happy back yard while the kids are playing in the pool. Here are a few pictures 🙂



Hope you all had a fantastic reading week!

Until next time, happy reading!

21 Comments Add yours

  1. I so wanna read WHEN DIMPLE MET RISHI so much…btw your tattoo 💞

    Liked by 1 person

    1. 🙂 that’s my favourite (and biggest) tattoo. There’s more to it but I can’t get the sides and back of my leg in the picture as well lol

      Liked by 1 person

      1. It’s truly amazing

        Liked by 1 person

    2. Btw I hope you get to read that book soon. It was sooooo good and adorable!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Kristin says:

    Your backyard looks so relaxing!

    Congrats on reaching 350 followers! You deserve it!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Awe thanks so much! Still in shock

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Congrats on the followers 🙂 I have also read many of Nora Roberts books and I always like them, hope you like this one too 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks! 😁 and Nora Roberts is always a safe read for me. I haven’t touched her books in over a year so it was time!! I’ll have my review up Wednesday

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I’ll look forward to reading it:)

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Congratulations on reaching 350 followers and getting a reply on your review from Sandhya Menon. Your garden looks like such a great place to relax and read in.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Congrats on your follower milestone! Your backyard looks beautiful! No doubt the kids will have lots of fun in the pool and you’ll get many books read. Happy Reading!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Marie says:

    Ahhh congratulations on the followers milestone, this is SO great! Also, I’m so happy you got noticed by the author of When Dimple Met Rishi, this is sooo exciting! Twitter really is overwhelming at times ahah but in these cases, it’s a LOT of fun as well 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Twitter is SO overwhelming!! So many messages. I couldn’t keep up with it even if I tried! And thanks!

      Liked by 1 person

  7. How cool that the author of When Dimple Met Rishi read your review!! That’s so exciting! I REALLY want to read that book soon, I need to go get myself a copy. And your backyard looks fantastic, I’m super jealous of that pool! What a great place to relax in the summer!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Great post! So exciting about your Twitter moment and reaching 350 followers 😊

    Liked by 1 person

  9. iamdes says:

    I feel the same way about authors reading your review. It happened to me a couple times and it freaked me out, it took my a long time to gather my thoughts and reply. It is overwhelming. 😁

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ok I’m glad it’s not just me! I still feel weird about it and wonder how many authors have read my review. I know of at least two more . Thankfully they were all positive!


  10. Congratulations on 350 followers!! That’s so awesome! 😀
    I know what it’s like when an author mentions our review… An amazing, amazing feeling! So glad you got to experience it recently 🙂
    Also, I love your back yard! Hope you get your well-deserved rest after so much work ^^

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Awe thanks! And I did rest – finally. I even got to read two books!!!

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