The reread has begun!

I’ve been anticipating the release of Sarah J Maas’s A Court of Wings and Ruin for what seems like a lifetime! I know I’m not alone in my impatience either! But the day is almost here – May 2nd! So to prepare, an online bookish friend (The Other Weasley over on Books Amino) and I have set a schedule to finish the first two books before our copies come in the mail.

At first I was so happy to get back into these books! I’ve wanted to reread them since last summer but I knew I wouldn’t be satisfied unless I had book three. I’ve been thinking of these characters and this world for SO long and it feels like coming home!

But here’s the problem… both of us are half way through book one and we’re wondering the same thing – is this the same book?? It’s natural to forget some of the things you’ve read. Over time you lose the details and they’re replaced with details of new books and the general chaos of life. I’m a faster than average reader but I won’t skim because I feel the need to soak up everything I can. But what is this?? There are things that are happening and I’m questioning my every thought I had when I read this book the first time.

Now, if you’ve read this series, you know that SJM did a flip with our emotions in book two. Everything we thought we knew was flipped on its ears and we were all sitting there scratching our heads. But I thought I knew these characters! I thought I understood the situation.

Now I’m not so sure.

This reread has called all of my assumptions, instincts, and knowledge into question. It also doesn’t help that I’m over analyzing every tiny detail and trying to compare it to what I already thought I knew. I’m keeping an insane amount of notes on my thoughts, how people tie in together, their powers, and their past. I’ve accepted the fact that I am obsessed!

Have you reread these books. Or are there any other books that you’ve read and they shocked you for the second time?

Until next time, happy reading!

25 Comments Add yours

  1. That’s crazy how the thoughts your having on the book are changing so much, a lot goes on in ACOMAF so I can see how a lot of things you didn’t think of upon a first read through are popping up. I can’t wait to hear your thoughts when the reread is overb

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I am currently reading ACOTAR for the first time and it’s really great! I already know I am going to reread these books and I’m interested to see if I’ll have the same thoughts as you! Happy rereading! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I hope you enjoy these! There are a few parts that made me so mad I almost stopped reading. But others told me that it’s all explained as you read on and it did just that. These books are amazing!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Ah yes I’ve had that too but I let my friends spoil me every once in a while whenever I’m confused or angry! 😂😂

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  3. kyera says:

    I’m rereading these later this week and I can’t imagine what my thoughts will be.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m so torn! I remembered loving Tamlin and then hating him. Now I’m right back to wondering if he’s really all that bad and if his intentions are just confused. I think I’m looking way too far into this reread!

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      1. kyera says:

        Yeah, SJM totally threw us for a loop with Tamlin. I liked him in the first book too!

        Liked by 1 person

  4. MiRakelBooks says:

    I need to read this series, since everyone is talking about it. 😛


    1. Some people love them and some people couldn’t get into it. For me these are in my top 5 all time books/series! Let me know if you give them a try – I’d like to see how you like them!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Yay! Re-read! We are SOOOO talking about ACOWAR next week!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. YES!! I probably won’t get my copy in the mail until Friday. Good thing my mail man is a friend – he’ll understand when I stalk him! LOL

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      1. A mail man is a good friend to have. 🙂

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  6. I still haven’t read the books….😭

    Liked by 1 person

    1. There’s still time! I loved these books SOOO much!

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      1. The only problem is that these books are not released in India. 😢


        1. Really? Oh that’s sad! It’s awful when books aren’t released in your country. Canada has quite a few but there have been some where I searched for years and ended up having to pay a ton of money to have them shipped to me.

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          1. You get my point. 👍

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  7. bookwonderlandweb says:

    I have never read this series at all! I have recently picked up the first novel and I cannot wait to get into it in preparation for the new release!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I hope you enjoy them!!

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Thats crazy how your opinions and views change during the reread, but everything you seemingly know in ACOTAR is drastically changed in ACOMAF so I definitely could see that happening! I also cannot wait for ACOWAR to come out (we so close YAY)!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I just got the notification that my preordered special edition of ACOWAR shipped today!! I did a dance for joy in the middle of a restaurant and I have no shame!! I’m hoping this means I will get it early!

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      1. Oh my gosh thats awesome!!! I am so excited to read it!

        Liked by 1 person

  9. Marta says:

    I hope you enjoy your re-reading! ^^
    I’ve read them for the first time recently, and I LOVED ACOMAF … ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’ll enjoy revisiting Rhysand…….

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  10. Aditi17 says:

    This series is my obsession for life. Amazing post!

    Liked by 1 person

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