The Liebster Award!

So I don’t do many of these awards. It’s not that I don’t like doing them, it’s just that I find most of the questions are more of a personal nature opposed to book related. I am beyond flattered when another blogger thinks of me! When I started this blog I couldn’t have imagined that I would love this community as much as I do. And I also couldn’t imagine that other bloggers would nominate me to be a part of these awards! So I hope that no one is offended when I don’t participate! As I said above, the questions are usually more directed to the blogger themselves and I try to keep the content on my blog more about the books. But this one I loved the questions so much! So here we GO!

I was nominated last week by the creator of the amazing blog K The Ravenous Reader (This site is fantastic so check it out if you haven’t already!)

The Liebster award


  1. Thank the person who nominated you and post a link to their site on your blog
  2. Display the award on your blog
  3. Answer 10 questions about yourself, which will be provided to you by the person who nominated you
  4. Nominate 5-10 other bloggers for the award
  5. Create a new list of questions for your nominees to answer
  6. List these rules in your post
  7. Inform the people/blogs that they have been nominated for the Liebster award and provide a link for them to your post so they can learn about it

QUESTION ONE – What author (dead or alive) would you love to have dinner and chat with?

Oh this one is easy – Sarah J Maas! I love her to pieces! Yes her books are incredible, but it’s her as a person that draws me in more. I’ve watched many interviews and book talks and she seems like the type of person I could get along with really well. She’s nerdy, happy, funny, and just so laid back. Her thought process on everything is also lengthy and goes in so many unexpected directions. We could totally be friends lol

QUESTION TWO – What inspired you to start blogging and what was your favourite post that you’ve done?

What got me blogging was my own inability to find books I loved. A few years ago I basically stopped reading because it seemed every book I was picking up just didn’t suit me. It got to the point that I didn’t enjoy reading anymore so I stopped. But I missed it, so badly! That’s when I decided that I needed to research more and find other people who had reading tastes like mine. It was through their reviews/tags/etc that I rekindled my love of reading. So I wanted to review the books I love in hopes that I can help someone else find their next amazing read!

Hmmmmm I don’t really have a favourite post, but I do have a sentimental one. My first ever ARC review for the book Sins of Empire. Not only was this book incredible, but shortly after I posed this review the author saw it and put it up on all his social media. My blog was less than a month old at the time and I was shocked to see that all of a sudden there were hundreds of views! I even talked to Brian McClellan and he’s a super nice guy. I know that sometimes reviews don’t get many views, but review posts are always my favourite thing to do and read!

QUESTION THREE – Which fandom(s) do you love to obsess over?

I think my header picture speaks for itself! Harry Potter is my life! I almost didn’t read this series because I thought that a magic school was too childish, but I am SOOOO glad I did! These characters, the plot, the magic, it’s everything!

QUESTION FOUR – If you could hang out with a character for the day, who would it be and why?

This is hard!! I would love to hang out with Kvothe from The Name of the Wind so I could drink in the tavern and listen to him play. I would love to hang out with Feyre from the ACOTAR series because I would love to meet the inner circle gang. Or Harry Potter when he was in school so I could experience Hogwarts. But my answer has to be Celia from The Night Circus. I would give anything to experience Le Cirque des Rêves. The atmosphere had me entranced and even though it was a beautiful thing to read I think it would be a million times more beautiful to experience in person!

QUESTION FIVE – What is your favourite bookish merch? Do you have a favourite bookish merch shop?

I’m going with bookmarks. You can never have enough bookmarks! And ones that are specific to books or characters are always the best! I don’t use magnetic ones very often but the magnetic ones from Crafted van are absolutely adorable!!!! And they are located in Canada which is always a plus for me!

QUESTION SIX – If you were stranded on a deserted island and could only read one book or series for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Really?? That’s like asking a bookworm what their favourite book is! There’s no possible answer. But for the sake of the question I will pick one lol. A Court of Mist and Fury. I love the world and characters so much! There’s so many different people and settings so I feel like I could always find something/someone new to attach myself to.

QUESTION SEVEN – What is a popular book or series that you are not a fan of or haven’t read yet?

The Mistborn trilogy. I haven’t heard a single bad review of these books and they have everything that I’m looking for. I know that I’m going to love the series but I want to make sure that I have as much uninterrupted time as possible to dedicate to it so I can fully appreciate it. A popular book that I didn’t like would be Fangirl. I just couldn’t attach myself to the plot or the characters.

QUESTION EIGHT – Do you have a favourite underrated book or author that you think deserves more love?

Sure do! I have a few actually. Rita Sepetys is well known for her books Between Shades of Gray and Salt to the Sea. But one of her other books, Out of the Easy, never gets talked about! It’s not a WWII novel so maybe that’s why? It’s still a historical fiction but set in a more modern time and set in Louisiana. It needs more love! I have a few other underrated books but I’ll save those for another post!

QUESTION NINE – What blog(s) do you look for inspiration?

All of them! I’m serious. Following a wide variety of blogs brings more ideas and perspectives!

QUESTION TEN – What is your favourite book to movie adaptation? Or what book do you think would make a great movie?

My favourite adaptation is probably The Hunger Games. It is very close to the books and was really well done. I love the actors they chose for the characters as well. What I think would make a great movie is The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern. If done well it could be such a magical thing! But doing a book with such vibrant atmosphere would be difficult.


I like these questions so much that I’m not going to be making a new list. So if you choose to do this then use these questions 🙂 I’ll list them below so you can copy and paste! I think I will tag:

Blame it on chocolate

Book princess reviews

I Should Read That

The Book Filled Day

The book mermaid

10 Comments Add yours

  1. Congratulations on the award! These are some really interesting choices 🙂
    Maas was once a real inspiration for me but lately her work has let me down… Wouldn’t mind discussing that topic with her, though!
    And Kvothe… He sounds like a really interesting character! I have the first book in the series on my shelf and have yet to pick it up.
    Thank you so much for nominating me but I’ve already done this one before ^^ I’ll try and fit it in in the future, though!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Kvote is one of the coolest main characters I’ve ever read – he made the story! Sorry I didn’t realize you had done it before! There’s no obligations for these things lol


      1. No problem! Thank you for thinking of me 🙂
        And that’s great to know! The only thing keeping me from reading the series so far is its length, but I’ve heard it’s well worth it!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. This was fun to read! I love your answer about which author you’d like to be with! Maas would be epic to hang out with! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  3. eliza rudolf says:

    Congrats… 🤗😇

    Liked by 2 people

  4. OUT OF THE EASY! Lol, we’ve clearly had this conversation before, but it’s still exciting to see it. XD And I totally agree about The Hunger Games. It’s one of the few adaptions that really did stay super true, and I really enjoyed how they brought it to life as well. And can I meet with the inner circle with you too?? Wonderful post, and thanks so much for the tag! 😀 😀 😀

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Donna says:

    I agree that all blogs I follow inspire me 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  6. I enjoyed reading your answers. So fun! And thank you for nominating me! I’m honored that you would think of me!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Jay Colby says:

    Congrats on the award!

    Liked by 1 person

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