Top 5 Things I’m Enjoying While In Isolation

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – this is what us introverted bookworms have been preparing for for years! Though, honestly, it’s not all as great as I thought it would be. I always waited for the day I was forced to stay home all the time and not interact with other humans. When all of a sudden it became a reality, I quickly realized it’s not as great as I hoped it would be. Like the entire world, I miss my family. I miss my friends. I just want to hug them all so tight! So when the days start melting together (yeah – that’s where I’m at right now…… I had to set a reminder on my phone for Tuesday or else this feature wouldn’t be happening lol) we all need a little something to break the monotony and bring us some happiness and entertainment. This post is meant for us all to take a second and think of the positives of being in isolation and the SANITY SAVERS that bring us joy! I can’t wait to see what makes your lists!!

Top 5 Tuesday is a weekly meme where I explore different topics. If you are interested in participating I would love to have you! Here is a list of my Upcoming topics in April – please remember to ping back a specific post of mine so I get a notification and I will add you to the participants list!


Let’s just get the obvious answer out of the way here. I think it’s pretty indisputable that this would be number one on my list. If I can’t leave the house in real life, I can read and go on adventures through books! I can still meet new people, visit the world (real and fictional), and escape reality for a little while. I’ve never been so thankful for books!!! The sanity they’ve brought me through these last few weeks is immeasurable.


Yeah….. so…… this is a thing…… that might just be consuming my entire day and pissing off my 9 year old son because I stole his switch……. but it’s SO addicting! It was expensive and not an expense that I jumped on quickly. I waited days and considered pros and cons. Finally, so many people said to just go for it because it was so relaxing and soothing. I needed that in my life. And damn if they weren’t right! This has given me something to look forward to every day. Something that I get excited about. There might not be a point to the game really, but that’s what makes it perfect for these stressful times!


I’ve always loved puzzles and the challenge they present. But they take up a shit load of space and an ass ton of time. I’ve got nothing but time! LOL! Not really….. I’m still working from home, but you get it. I recently picked up a new puzzle that has all the planets on the solar system on it with facts and descriptions. It’s so pretty and educational for the kids! I’m a bit OCD about it though. I couldn’t walk past the table without searching for pieces. We have another 1,000 piece puzzle but it was in a clear unmarked bag…… we don’t know what the hell it’s supposed to be! I hope to start on the “mystery puzzle” soon!


I love to cook and bake. Always have. But now that daily trips to the grocery store are out, I’m forced to bulk up as much as possible and get creative with ingredients. We go through an insane amount of bread and english muffins so i’ve been baking those from scratch every other day. I’ve always baked bread, but now it’s a bit more of a necessity.


Our family LOVES card games! Uno is especially our favourite. Another favourite is Uno Flip where you can flip the cards over and the challenges are a lot worse. It’s hectic when they’re flipping all the time! And our new favourite though – Phase 10! It’s a long ass game as you have to complete 10 challenges and the first person to complete them all wins. My son has a golden horseshoe up his ass and usually wins. We get really competitive and raise our voices, slam the table, and laugh the whole way through! I want to add drinks to the mix one night…….. not sure how that’s going to turn out but it won’t be boring lol!



Meeghan Reads ——— HappyMessHappiness ——— Clemi’s Bookish World
Storeys of Stories ——— Tirilu ——— Wonderwall
Robyn Reads Books ——— Comfort Reads ——— Birdie Bookworm
Kira Jeanette ——— The Secret Library ——— Realms Of My Mind
We Are Just Stories ——— The Punk Theory ——— The Book Prescription
Diagnosis: Bookworm ——— Rather Be In The Library ——— Sophril Reads
Bella ——— Jillian The Bookish Butterfly ——— Ace Reader
The Pine-Scented Chronicles ——— Kristin Kraves Books ——— Kyera’s Library
Evelyn Reads ——— You Can’t Catch Xee ——— Synopses By Sarge
Bookishly Rebecca ——— Hail & Well Read ——— Books Are 42
Lili’s Blissful Pages ——— Books Are Only The Beginning ——— Flora’s Musings
Books On The Brain ——— Zezee With Books ——— CJR The Brit
Always Bring Books


I seriously can’t wait to see the participants lists! I think we could all use some ideas to keep us busy. I think we’re in this one for the long haul.

I will do my best to update the list as quickly as possible. Both of my kids are being homeschooled by “teacher mommy” who’s the bad teacher that has a suspicious mug of “coffee” and my sanity is unstable for the moment. My time is also running as short as my patience lol.

What are you doing during these times of isolation and quarantine to keep yourselves busy?

Until next time, happy reading!

24 Comments Add yours

  1. _tirilu says:

    Card games have always been big in our family too. But turns out I’m so good at Skipbo that nobody wants to play with me anymore. 😅 I wish we had more board games at home. It becomes a little boring to play the same ones over and over again but still I feel like I should convince my boyfriend to make this a weekly thing – board game/card game night. 🤩
    I hope teaching does not drive you insane, although I’m really curious about what’s so suspicious about that coffee mug? 😂


  2. I really thought being in isolation would be perfect for us introverts bit yeah it’s not that fun. Though I’ve been reading a lot, but that’s the only similar activity we’re busy with. 😊


  3. evelynreads1 says:

    Always books!
    I feel so tempted to buy a switch just becasue I see everyone playing Animal Crossing!

    My post!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I caved to the peer pressure 😂 it’s expensive but it’s soooo worth it!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. evelynreads1 says:

        My main reason for not going out to buy one is that it is sold out everywhere ahah!


  4. MrsDMVH says:

    I have seen so many people talk about Animal Crossing, I may need to try it out!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. There’s no point to the game really…. but it’s so addicting!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. I figure Animal Crossing is going to be on everybody’s list!


  6. I really need to dig out some games. Glad you’re staying safe.


  7. I broke out a 3000 piece puzzle with my roommate…I think we finished it in four days. Needless to say we had some time on our hands! I’m in the same boat with you as an introvert who thought she’d be fine with self-isolation who suddenly finds that she really does need to go out and interact with humans a couple days a week for sanity. Video conferencing makes up for some of it at least!


  8. J.W. Martin says:

    I need to stop hearing about how good Animal Crossing is, especially since making the jump for me would mean buying the switch itself and then the game on top of that!


  9. Colline says:

    My daughter really wants to get animal crossing 😀


  10. cathepsut says:

    Yses to baking (bread) and puzzles!


  11. cathepsut says:

    Yes, I mean… why can‘t we edit comments? So annoying…


  12. Zezee says:

    I wish I had some jigsaw puzzles too. Those are great when having to stay in.


  13. Oh my gosh, Animal Crossing is so huge! I feel like I’m missing out! I still have book reviews to catch up on and Harry Potter LEGO to work on though! 🙂


  14. We played a lot of card games growing up – my dad was a big believer in teaching the kids how to play (and cheat) at 500 and Euchre!! The husband and I would probably play them, except they are best with 4 people…!


  15. *Flora* says:

    Forgot to say, I really enjoyed writing this one and visiting everyone’s blogs. My youngest loved Animal Crossing when we got her a 3DS. Haven’t coughed up for a switch so she hasn’t played the new version 😉


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