Top 5 Books That Caused A Major Hangover

Hangover?? You might be wondering why i’m mentioning an hangover when there’s no alcohol involved. The dreaded “book/reading hangover” refers to something that happens when you finish a book and, for some reason or another, you struggle to pick up another book for a small amount of time. It could mean that you struggle to choose your next read OR you can’t get immersed in your next read. Because I’m such a mood reader this happens more than I care to admit! Sometimes I get so sucked into a book that I just read that I cannot, no matter how hard I try, get into another book!! My head is so stuck into the last thing that I read and I can’t stop thinking about it! Here are 5 books that caused the WORST hangover…..

Top 5 Tuesday is a weekly meme where I explore different topics. If you are interested in participating I would love to have you! Here is a list of my Upcoming topics in March – please remember to ping back a specific post of mine so I get a notification and I will add you to the participants list!

Foundryside RD4 clean flat

FOUNDRYSIDE by Robert Jackson Bennett

I’m starting off with my most recent hangover – and, honestly, I’m still not over it!!!! This book killed me!! I was so obsessed with the characters, the magic, the world, the plot – everything!! I was in such a fantasy mood over the last few months and this book killed it….. I’ve tried to pick up a few more fantasy books since then but, none of them could even touch the brilliance of this book! If nothing compares then you just give up lol!

The Gutter Prayer

THE GUTTER PRAYER by Gareth Hanrahan

Keeping up with the fantasy train, here is another one that blew me away to the point where nothing compares. This book was unlike anything i’ve ever read! The characters and creatures were so interesting!! There were ghouls, people turning into stone, menacing monsters made of wax, worms that could take the form of humans….. and that’s only the tip of the iceberg! It was a slow burn that came to a head at the end and caught my heart off guard!



This book D-E-S-T-R-O-Y-E-D my emotions. I couldn’t cope with the events of this book. It was so sad and heartbreaking that there was nothing I could do or read to soothe my soul. It was a damn good book and a story that will stick with me forever BUT, it took me quite a while to come back after this one!



This was one of my most unexpected book hangovers. A Court of Thorns and Roses was the first book of hers I had ever read. It was good but not entirely groundbreaking in my opinion. I was assured that book 2 was even better and that I should keep reading. Holy shit! This book did things to me that I wasn’t expecting! That romance though!!!

The hearts invisible furies


This was another one that caught me off guard. A few years back, this book was everywhere. If there was a list about “favourite books EVER”, this book was always number one. I had read The Boy In The Striped Pajamas and thought it was ok but, just like ACOTAR, I didn’t think it was groundbreaking, so my expectations were low. This book was like a slow burning fire that slowly consumed my heart and soul until there was nothing left but ashes. After I finished it the only thing that I could do is sit with my emotions. It’s a story of a man from life to death – nothing action packed by any means. But piecing together all the strings of his life along with the emotion that come with it…. my head was spinning!



The Pine-Scented Chronicles ——— Flora’s Musings ——— Clem’s Bookish World
Scorpio Book Dreams ——— The Cozy Pages ——— We Are Just Stories
The Secret Library ——— Realms Of My Mind ——— The Punk Theory
Sophril Reads ——— Ace Reader ——— Kyera’s Library
A Fictional Bookworm ——— The Smell Of Ink ——— My Year Of Reading Dangerously
Bookishly Rebecca ——— Hail & Well Read ——— Hanna Reads
Zezee With Books ——— Beware Of The Reader ——— CJR The Brit
Dragon On A Book ——— Rather Be In The Library


Now that i’m seeing everything put together in a list, I’ve realized that the books that cause the most (and worst) hangovers are ones that have an emotional impact. Some of my favourite books are ones that tug on my heart but, they’re also the ones that keep me from reading other books. That’s kind of weird! What books have caused some of your worst hangovers?

Until next time, happy reading!

15 Comments Add yours

  1. Holly says:

    Omg yes, Between Shades of Gray is SO SAD. I didn’t know what to do with myself after finishing it!


  2. evelynreads1 says:

    Totally agree with ACOMAF! Both excited and scared to read Foundryside though haha!

    My post!


    1. She’s probably my favourite historical fiction writer ever!!! I’ll get you added to the list shortly 🙂


  3. I 100% agree on A Court of Mist and Fury. The first book was rather “blah”, but the ACOMAF really destroyed me.


  4. Beware Of The Reader says:

    I still need to read that one by Ruta Sepetys! The last one of her I haven’t read yet! And John Boyne is on my TBR! Here is my post


  5. You’re right, emotional impact make the biggest book hangovers!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I’ve now seen 3 different reviewers I trust give The Heart’s Invisible Furies amazing reviews. Maybe I should pick it up🤔. Also I completely agree about Foundryside. Can’t wait for book 2!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The Heart’s Invisible Furies is one of my all time favourites!!!!! It’s slow but so worth it!


  7. CJR The Brit says:

    Agree with ACOMAF….its on my list too! My post has just gone live!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Foundryside sounds really interesting, I’ll definitely have to keep my eye out for it. I’m always looking for really good fantasy!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I hope you love it as much as I did!
