Bookshelf Tour – The Reveal!!

Well ladies, gents, and bookworms – the bookshelf tour is over and it’s finally time for the reveal!! This series was a lot of work and I’m glad you all enjoyed it 🙂 The time has come to show you the library wall! I’m not happy with the picture though. The lighting was bad because of the weather……. and my shelves are a bit of a mess. They’re to the point where they’re so full that I’m stacking books wherever they fit. Not to mention I have a 9 year old boy who insists that all his shit gets displayed on my shelves as well. If you want things to be yours and yours alone…. don’t have kids! They make everything that’s yours theirs lol. I don’t mind though 🙂

You will also notice that there are more shelves than you saw in the bookshelf tour series. A few are books I read but don’t have any reviews for. Another shelf is for all of my 9 year olds books. And then there are 4 shelves (on the bottom right) that are all TBR books. I might do a tour of those in the new year if you’re interested.

Without further ado, here is my little library 🙂


Thanks for all your support and love through this series! I really hope that in the new year I can reorganize all of this or maybe even get another shelf……. I REALLY need another shelf! I only have space for one more. I wish I had room for an addition on the house because I need my own library room! A girl can dream, right? Now i’m off to figure out what the hell i’m going to post on Friday’s now that the series is over lol!

Until next time, happy reading!


5 Comments Add yours

  1. Oooooh that looks lovely 😀 have fun with your little library!!


  2. jillianthebookbutterfly says:

    Your bookshelves are goals!


  3. evelynreads1 says:

    They look great!



  4. hannawsreads says:

    That looks amazing! I only wish I owned that many physical books 😍


  5. I think I said it before, but I really love your book cases. The color is just so cheerful!


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