Bookshelf Tour Series – Part 13

This is it! The final bookshelf tour series post!! I can’t believe that the series is over…… what the hell am I going to post on Friday’s now?? That being said, this was a really fun series. It took way more effort than I imagined it would but it gave me the chance to make sure all of my reviews were formatted in the same way lol. Tomorrow is the day were I post the final picture of my shelves all together.  I was going to post it today but that would mean I need to clean them first……. not today satan. Today is the dystopian and graphic novel shelf. Since I read most of them before I started the blog there won’t be too many reviews linked to this post. Here we go, one last time…..

Bookshelf tour 17


SAGA (Volumes 1-8) by Brian K Vaughn and Fiona Staples (all different ratings)

ROLLER GIRL by Victoria Jamieson – 5 stars

NIMONA by Noelle Stevenson – 5 stars

THE HUNGER GAMES by Suzanne Collins – 5 stars

CATCHING FIRE by Suzanne Collins – 5 stars

MOCKINGJAY by Suzanne Collins – 5 stars

DIVERGENT by Veronica Roth – 5 stars

INSURGENT by Veronica Roth – 4.5 stars

ALLEGIANT by Veronica Roth – 2 stars (fight me lol)

THE GIVER (Graphic Novel) by Lois Lowry and P Craig Russell – 4 stars

THE GIVER by Lois Lowry – 5 stars

GATHERING BLUE – 3.5 stars

MESSENGER by Lois Lowry – 45 stars

SON by Lois Lowry – 5 stars

STATION ELEVEN by Emily St John Mandel – 4 stars

THE SANDCASTLE EMPIRE by Kayla Olson – 3 stars

THE AGE OF MIRACLES by Karen Thompson Walker – 4 stars

THE MAZE RUNNER by James Dashner – 3.5 stars

THE SCORCH TRIALS by James Dashner – 4 stars

THE DEATH CURE by James Dashner –

THE DEATH CURE by James Dashner – 3.5 stars

THE KILL ORDER by James Dashner – 3 Stars

untitled design

That’s all folks! Well, not actually….. there were a few more shelves that have miscellaneous stuff on them as well as all my TBR shelves. You’ll see it all in detail tomorrow! As you will soon see though – the shelves are full! 2020 might be the year of reorganization (or another book shelf!!!) I really hope that you enjoyed this series! Check back tomorrow for the full picture of my library wall!!

Until next time, happy reading!

2 Comments Add yours

  1. Oooh, I really love that cover for The Giver.


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