Weekly Wrap Up -Oct 28 – Nov 3

This week was freaking INSANE!!! Not much happened book wise, but everything else was just chaos! Tuesday my dad retired after 27 years with the fire department. He started there when I was 10 so he spent almost my whole life with the department. They were like a family to him and to us as well. The night he retired we all waited in the front yard to wait for the fire trucks to bring him home. I tried so hard not to cry – it didn’t work! LOL! That night we had a party at their house and we drank (a lot), laughed and ate good food. Wednesday was recovery lol! Thursday was halloween and it was pouring down rain so a friend of mine who owns a restaurant/catering business asked me at 9am if we should do Halloween party out there so the kids could trick or treat indoors and not get wet…… just a few short hours later we had many donations from the community, lots of candy, and an idea that everyone seemed to love! We had over 350 kids through the door, ran out of candy 3 times, and had a ton of prizes to give away. I think we’re going to do this again next year but take longer than 5 hours to plan it lol! By the time Friday rolled around I was so exhausted I could barely move and ended up getting sick. This week was one of the best and most memorable weeks i’ve had but at the same time I’m SOOOOOOO glad it’s over! I think I’ll sleep for the next few days!


Sorcery of thorns

Believe it or not, with everything that went on this week, I actually managed to finish a book! I’m really glad that I picked up SORCERY OF THORNS by Margaret Rogerson because it was the perfect book to take my mind off things. There was magic, books, demons, action, adventure, deception, and so much more. It’s not the type of book that blows your mind BUT it’s the type of book that you really enjoy yourself while reading. Review will be posted this week 🙂


No…… I’m not reading ALL of these (I wish I had those super powers lol) – these are just the books that I’m considering. I’m apparently back in the mood for fantasy and these are the ones that I’m trying to decide between. The Ten Thousand Doors of January is one of my newest books. I’ve heard so many good things about it! All I needed to know was – portal fantasy! And that cover is GORGEOUS! The next book i’m considering is Red Seas Under Red Skies, which is the sequel to The Lies of Locke Lamora. I loved the first book so much and I’ve been dying to get to the sequel. The length of it scared me but I’m in the mood for a long book. Speaking of long books – The Black Prism by Brent Weeks has been on my shelf for years………. yes, YEARS! I’ve been wanting to read it since forever! I even have the next three books in the series on my shelf……. yup. I bought 4 books in a series and I’ve yet to read any of them. I am a failure.

I’ll be taking each of these books, reading the first chapter, then decide which one to pick up. If you have me on Goodreads then you’ll see shortly which one (if any lol) I decided to pick up 🙂



I am sooooooooooo sorry to all of the participants this week! I went ahead with a topic knowing full well that it was the day of my dads retirement and could possibly be too busy……. turns out that was an understatement. I added a few of the participants and then didn’t get the chance to touch my computer again until the weekend. I AM SO SORRY! This won’t happen again – I promise!

If you don’t hate me for this week, and are willing to participate this week, the topic is an easy one – the top 5 books on your current TBR! This doesn’t have to be your TBR for the month – just list 5 books that you’re really excited to read soon!


When I finished reading Sorcery of Thorns I got up to put it on my bookshelves……… and there wasn’t a single space to put it. Nowhere. Nada. No vacancy. The parking lot is full. CRAP! This presents me with a huge problem. I just reorganized a while ago to make some space and hoped it would be good for a while. Now I either need to reorganize again or start stacking on the table and hope that I get a new shelf for Christmas. Good times lol!

untitled design

There just wasn’t enough time in a day to get everything done this week. I pushed myself way too hard and ended up getting sick in return. If I don’t get enough sleep, I always end up sick. I think it’s my body’s way of forcing me to relax. I hope that next week is better!!! I also hope you all had a fantastic week!!!

Until next time, happy reading!

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