Kiss The Girl

KISS THE GIRL (Naughty Princess Club #3)

Written by Tara Sivec

Published by Swerve, September 4, 2018

My star rating – 5 stars!


While her friends have broken free of their insecurities, Ariel Waters is struggling to come out of her shell. Her ex-husband took away her voice and her self-confidence, and Ariel is drowning under a sea of debt to afford the alimony she has to pay him. She refuses to ever fall for a man’s charms again, and is determined to make her own way.

When her house and her beloved antiques are taken by the bank after too many missed payments, Ariel finds herself adrift until the infuriatingly charming Eric Sailor comes to her rescue. Although she can’t stand the millionaire playboy, Eric’s kindness and unconditional support reveal hidden depths and a love that Ariel never imagined she could find.

But there are outside influences who will stop at nothing to keep them apart; can Ariel and Eric weather the storm and find a way to be together? Find it on Goodreads

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This series is HANDS DOWN by favourite romance series to date!!! I’ve read quite a few romance in my life, but this one was just incredible! First of all – it’s a series of retellings. The first book (At The Stroke of Midnight – find my review here) introduces Cindy. She seemed to be living the perfect live – nice house, a husband and daughter, money, on the PTA. But then her husband leaves her for the baby sitter and she’s struggling to make ends meet. Unwilling to give up everything she has, she struggles for money. When a costume party brings up the opportunity to start a “naughty princess club” her and two friends (Belle and Ariel) start a new business adventure. In book two, In Bed With The Beast (Find that review here) we get Belle’s perspective (The quiet librarian). This book is all about strong, foul mouthed, bold, Ariel.

Throughout this whole series, Ariel has always been my favourite! The things that come out of her mouth made me laugh out loud so many times! She’s bold, has no filter, speaks her mind, and is in your face. But she has a heart of gold. Throughout the series she’s been the source of inspiration and confidence with both Cindy and Belle. We got hints that she’s had secrets lurking in her past, but we finally learn more in this book. Out of all of them – this one was my favourite!

Even the most confident of people have their insecurities. Ariel has always seemed like she oozed confidence. But appearances often mean nothing. Some people use their bold nature as an armour to hide what’s really going on inside. And, in this book, walls were broken down and we learned who the real Ariel truly is. She was still hilarious and seemed to be fearless, but we got the softer side of her personality. We also got her father….

What I think I loved most was seeing how a confident woman could be broken. No, I didn’t love watching her fall apart. That was hard. A series of events seemed to break her down little by little until she finally broke. I know what that’s like. It sucks and you feel hopeless. But, watching her build herself back up with the help of her friends, and end up stronger than ever – that was truly beautiful!

In fact, that’s what this whole series is about! Strength and confidence! Yeah, ok, they find strength in taking their clothes off as they dress as princesses and strip, and they find confidence in romantic relationships (AKA sexy men), but their growth was amazing to follow! It really teaches a person that you can’t (and shouldn’t have to) do everything alone. With an amazing support system – you can do anything!

There isn’t a whole lot that I can say about this book itself without spoiling things. I’ve basically been talking about the series as a whole. But this will be a series that I reread again! The characters were absolutely amazing, and it oozed woman power! This book though…….. it has goat yoga and a hairless cat who loves to lick his balls…….. ok maybe that wasn’t the way to convince you to read this! LOL! But trust me – if you’re looking for amazing friend groups, humour, confidence, woman power, and so much more – all in the form of a romantic retelling of princesses??? Look no further! This is a MUST READ series!!!

Until next time, happy reading!

6 Comments Add yours

  1. I absolutely loved this series! I binged all three books last week and even though I was initially unsure about it, I’m glad I kept reading! I loved that all their stories were funny, sexy and empowering! I actually started off liking Ariel the least but her story ended up being my favorite! Great review 😃

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    1. I’m so glad someone else out there loves this series as much as I do!! I’ll be reading more from this author soon. She’s amazing! Have you read anything else by her?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Nope, these were my first. I think I picked this up after reading your review for Stroke of Midnight actually! Have you read her others?

        Liked by 1 person

        1. No I haven’t read anything else by her yet. I plan to this summer though! There’s a series about chocolate or sweets that I was told was just as good 🙂

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          1. Omg, books revolving around delicious food is one of my favorite types to read 😍 I’ll have to check it out!


  2. Yes, definitely adding these to my TBR.

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