First Impression Friday #17

Happy Friday! Even though I work 7 days a week, I plan to take it easy this weekend and only work one job…… I deserve it! I’ve been working non stop for the last 3 weeks and I’m exhausted! My dog is also very mad at me because we haven’t had any couch cuddle time. I’m doing this all for my dog…….. lol! Even though i’ve been working insane hours, audiobooks have saved my behind! Because of those i’ve managed to read quite a few books over the last two weeks. So here are my first impressions (of the first few chapters) combined with how I thought of it in the end. By the way, this genius idea was created by Joe atΒ J.W. Martin – Storeys of Stories. He welcomes participants so be sure to link to him so he knows you’re posting πŸ™‚

Scrappy little nobody

MY FIRST IMPRESSIONS – Is it really possible to not love Anna Kendrick?! Celebrity biographies aren’t my thing. I don’t care about them enough to know all about their lives. But Anna Kendrick seemed like my type of person! Her humour was immediately apparent and I couldn’t wait to hear about everything from her perspective. It did start a little slow though, so I guessed that I would rate this 4 stars…..

HOW I RATED IT – I was right and rated it 4 stars. I still feel weird rating someone’s life story though lol. I loved how down to earth she is and how funny she is. She’s someone who thinks just like I do and I think we could be good friends lol!

City of Ghosts

MY FIRST IMPRESSIONS – I’ve attempted Victoria Schwab a few times and her books seem to start off slow and confusing. It takes a little bit of time to get your bearings and get to know the characters. I didn’t feel that with this book actually. I feel like I understood the main character, her abilities, and what was happening with her. I was immediately drawn in by the first few chapters to know more! I was also drawn in by how dark it seemed to be! I guessed that I would rate this 4 stars…..

HOW I RATED IT – Wrong! I didn’t rate it 4 stars….. it ended up being a 5 star read for me! I absolutely loved this book! Probably the first and only middle grade novel that I’ve loved since Harry Potter! This book was far darker than I could have ever expected and I loved the aspects of ghosts and travel. I can’t wait to continue with this series!

The Lightning Thief

MY FIRST IMPRESSIONS – The first chapter of this one was a little weird for me. I couldn’t really figure out if this was going to be great or not. It hinted that something weird was happening, and something larger than our character could ever expect. But it was just SO CONFUSING! I know it was written that way for a reason, but there wasn’t anything that captured my attention and made me want to continue reading. It was really slow paced and left me too much in the dark. I honestly wanted to DNF it. I guessed that I would rate this 2.5 stars…..

HOW I RATED IT – Thankfully the book picked up in the second half and I ended up rating it 3.75 stars. The second half was hilarious and outrageous! And once all of the characters were introduced, and the plot direction was laid out, it actually started to get interesting. But the first 50% of this book was incredibly difficult to push through!


MY FIRST IMPRESSIONS – With this one I didn’t even make it through the first chapter before I knew it was going to be another 5 star read! It felt so exciting to be back with these characters (especially Oberon!) and in this world. The first book was such an adventure filled with paranormal craziness, and I expected this to be much of the same. I guessed that I would rate this 5 stars…..

HOW I RATED IT – Of course it ended up being 5 stars! I love this series so much! I absolutely can’t stand mass market paperbound books….. they’re so small, stiff, and uncomfortable to read. But that’s the only editions that I could find. So for me to push through and read them anyway, despite the awkward feel, really means that I must love it lol.

Flower divider

So those are the first impressions that I had over the last 2 weeks. Some I knew right away that I would love it, while others took me a little while to convince me. It was still a really fantastic few weeks for books!

Until next time, happy reading!

7 Comments Add yours

  1. Priyasha says:

    Anna Kendrick πŸ’œπŸ’•β€ I love her kinda

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Beware Of The Reader says:

    Well I wish I could also listen to audio books but sadly I can’t concentrate enough… I hope you’ll get some rest next month Shanah!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Alexandra says:

    I’m so tempted with the Hexed series.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Anna Kendricks book is amazing!

    Liked by 1 person

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