First Impression Friday #2

It’s time for another First Impression Friday and I am SO excited! I participated in this meme for the first time two Fridays ago and, I have to be honest, I enjoyed the hell out of it. Every time I cracked a new book open I was anticipating writing down my first impressions for this post. This meme is created by the genius Joe at JW Martin – Storeys of Stories. Please check out his blog! You won’t be sorry! If you think this idea is something you would like to do, he welcomes participants 🙂 Here are my first impressions of the books I’ve read over the last 2 weeks:

Sky in the deep

MY FIRST IMPRESSIONS – WOW! This book opened with lots of action, brutality, loyalty, and atmosphere! I knew right away that I was going to love this book. Along with all the action it gave slight hints to a past feud between clans and I couldn’t wait to learn more! I guessed that I would rate this book 5 stars…..

HOW I RATED IT – Close! I ended up rating it 4.25 stars. All of the action and brutality that I fell in love with in the first chapter calmed down slightly and gave way to a more atmospheric read that was rich in traditions. I thought I would love it for one reason and ended up loving it for a totally different reason! It was fantastic though! Click here for the full review

Red rising

MY FIRST IMPRESSIONS – Well…… this one was a bit of a rough start for me. I knew immediately within the first chapter that I was going to love Darrow. He was a total fearless bad ass with a heart the size of an elephant. He was tough yet so full of love and understanding. But all the hype I had been hearing didn’t hit me in the beginning of this one. I was totally afraid and I guessed that I would rate it 3 stars…..

HOW I RATED IT – Wrong! I ended up rating it 4.5 stars and freaking loved it! The hype was real! But, I still stand by my initial reaction – the beginning of this book was not strong at all. I struggled through the first 100 pages or so. But after that, this book was so amazing! The many characters and the political games were outstanding! Click here for the full review

My lady Jane

MY FIRST IMPRESSIONS – Yet another one that I was afraid my thoughts wouldn’t live up to the hype. After I read the first chapter I was missing everything that was promised. People said that it was funny, adventurous, light hearted, and fantastical. But going off the first chapter I was taken aback by the way the story started and had a hard time relating to Edward. I guessed I would rate this one 3 stars…..

HOW I RATED IT – WRONG yet again – and thank the stars for that! This book ended up being in my top 3 favourite reads of the year. This book was SO amazing! It was hilarious and I got many strange looks from my husband when I would burst out laughing for no reason. I could gush for hours about my love for this book and all it’s characters! I obviously gave this one 5 stars!! Click here for the full review


I feel like the last 2 weeks definitely taught me something. When I’m picking up a book I tend to read the first few pages and see if I’m able to get into the story. There are so many books that I’ve set aside due to a slow start. Two of the books I read had incredibly slow starts but I ended up falling head over heels for them. The other one I fell in love with immediately but ended up loving it for a totally different reason. This just goes to show that you can’t really judge a book by the first few pages. Give it a shot and it might end up being your favourite for the year!!

Until next time, happy reading!

15 Comments Add yours

  1. Thank god you didn’t end up having to bin My Lady Jane!

    I’m also guilty of setting books to one side if they don’t grab my interest in the first few chapters.. maybe I should look to change that habit because going by this post, I could be missing out on some awesome books haha.

    Have a great weekend 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m so happy this one was chosen! My lady Jane is amazing! And I really need to stop putting books aside because of a slow start. I do it ALL the time!


  2. I absolutely love this idea. Thank you for sharing this!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m the same as you and have put down books for the same reasons.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m trying to break myself of that but it’s so hard!


  4. I keep hearing great things about My Lady Jane! I might have to pick it up when it comes out…I didn’t read the first one though, do you think I should?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. From what I understand, the two books are completely different. Different people and different times. I think you’re safe to read the second without having read the first.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. I Had put down My Lady Jane because the beginning was just, well, wasn’t living up to the hype. I think I’m going to pick it back up now and see where it goes. I love the idea of this post! So much fun.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I love this idea, it is such a brilliant idea! I love the idea of comparing the start of the book to the overall enjoyment of the book, as the start makes of a book makes a big difference as to wether you continue reading a book! Xx💗😆

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Isn’t it the best idea?! I think Joe is a genius!


  7. kyera says:

    I just got a copy of Sky in the Deep today, so I’m excited to see how I feel about it going in and then at the end of it all. I still love the idea of this series, it was great getting to see your opinions change!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I hope you love it! My opinions definitely changed from the first two chapters opposed to the rest of the book. But it was great!

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