Weekly Wrap Up – April 9 – 15

This week was SO much better!! I read 2 books, got some work done, we had a day where it was 73 degrees, AND my anxiety seemed a little easier to handle! The swelling in my lymph nodes has calmed down a bit and I got my blood work back and my white blood cell count is within normal range. I also started on anxiety medication again. I’m happy with the decision to get some help. It’s going to take a couple of weeks to kick in, but I seem to have naturally calmed down a bit on my own already. SO – things are starting to look up! Oh…… kind of…… my car died…….. so there’s that. I’m not happy about the unexpected expense, but at the same time I’m looking forward to a newer vehicle…. maybe lol!


Let’s all just take a second and look how beautiful these two covers look next to each other – the colours are perfect! I didn’t plan that! Both of these I rated in the 3 star range. I enjoyed them, but I found quite a few faults in both.

First I finished Honor Among Thieves and, even though the beginning 100 pages were extremely difficult to push through, I really enjoyed it! The science fiction aspect went more in depth than expected and the friendships and connections were very well done!

Next I finished Confess by Colleen Hoover and I’m so proud to have finally gotten to one of her books! The drama throughout was overbearing at times, but the book as a whole was entertaining. I really liked the characters too!


I started The Marrow Thieves a few days ago and it’s moving along a little slower than anticipated. There’s a lot of world building as we learn of the situation of the characters and what they’re trying to run from. What I’m absolutely loving though is that there is talk of past Canadian events effecting the future. And I love that story telling is very true to the stories I’ve heard my whole life. It’s such a beautiful way to recount past events. I may have to set this one aside for a while so I can pick up the next book though as it’s an ARC and needs to be read before it’s release date.

And that ARC is Sky in the Deep by Adrienne Young. It’s set to be released on April 24th and I’m so excited for it! There are vikings – VIKINGS!!! Also bad ass women warriors.

So we will see how things go this week. I may attempt to read both of these simultaneously, which is something that I don’t often do.



I’m so excited about this!! I’ve been trying to think of ways to spice up my blog AND my reading, and I may have found a way. I won’t tell you what the new feature is just yet, but it’s something that will assist me to get to my backlist while hopefully breaking me of my mood reading habits. I haven’t decided when this feature will roll out next week, so keep your eyes peeled!!


This weeks topic was the Top 5 books I loved that others didn’t – and there were a few new participants – so welcome 🙂 As much as I enjoyed making this list, I’m even more excited for next week, where we will be talking about the books you DIDN’T like that others did (aka let’s air out our unpopular opinions!!). The list is long and might just have to be a top 10!


This isn’t a schedule change per se, but I’ve decided to no longer post on Saturdays. Over the last few weeks I’ve been spending my weekends recharging – and it’s felt great. Time with my family, binge watching TV, reading, being outside. Basically doing all the things that don’t involve my phone or computer. I’ve come to realize that this recharge time is doing me a lot of good. And now that the nice weather is coming I’ll be expecting even busier weekends. I’ll be keeping my wrap up on Sunday and will attempt to drop in every once in a while to respond to comments 🙂


I feel like I’m finally starting to get back into a groove, no longer crippled by my anxiety. It’s not 100% better, but it’s an improvement. Baby steps 🙂 I hope you all had a fantastic week filled with books and smiles.

Until next time, happy reading!

13 Comments Add yours

  1. Marie says:

    I’m so happy that you had a better week – and yay for taking your Saturdays to recharge and everything else, that’s so important, too ❤ I hope you'll have a wonderful week ❤ ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Beware Of The Reader says:

    I am so happy for you Shanah!!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. So glad you’re feeling better! 😁

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Lia says:

    I haven’t read any of the books you mentioned. I hope you have a great week! Taking a day to relax is a great idea 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks! Hope you have a great week as well 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Lia says:

        Thank you!

        Liked by 1 person

  5. I’m glad that you’re feeling a bit better!
    Also…. super excited to see what the new feature is about! My back list is getting out of control so anything that helps me clear it will be great haha 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks! I got too excited and posted it today lol


  6. Nice job on finishing 2 books this week

    Liked by 1 person

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