February 2018 Book Haul!

Not gunna lie – there were a few “retail therapy” purchases made this month. I knew I didn’t need books BUT they were pretty and made me smile. DON’T JUDGE ME! The books that I bought weren’t impulse buys though. They were books that I’ve had my eye on for more than 6 months…… and now that I’ve validated my purchases (hahaha) let me show you the books that found their way on my shelf!

Wires and nerve 2

I preordered this one using my Christmas money and patiently waited (I’m lying) for it to be released. Of course I read it as soon as it came in but I didn’t do a full review as it’s really hard to review a Graphic Novel like this. I loved the Lunar Chronicles so much and every time we get a new instalment it makes me so happy!!!


Next was Speak the graphic novel by Laurie Halse Anderson. This is an author that I’ve wanted to read from for the longest time and thanks to Raincoast Books I was given the chance to finally get to it. We had been having a conversation about dark books with hard topics and this book came up. It was just released this month and I was so interested to see how this would be as a graphic novel. It was really well done! Now I want to read the full length novel so I can compare the two experiences. Here’s my full review

A Little Life

A Little Life by Hanya Yanagihara has been on my wish list for over 2 years. I heard about it through BookTube and almost everyone that talked about it loved it and was SO effected by it. I love it when a book effects someone so much that they can’t form a proper thought and the review ends up being a mess. I can pretty much guarantee that I’ll love it – but for some reason I’ve been too intimidated to even pick it up. Thanks to the top 5 intimidating books topic, you all convinced me that it needed to happen. It showed up on SO many lists and you all said it was worth it. So I took the plunge and bought it!

When four classmates from a small Massachusetts college move to New York to make their way, they’re broke, adrift, and buoyed only by their friendship and ambition. There is kind, handsome Willem, an aspiring actor; JB, a quick-witted, sometimes cruel Brooklyn-born painter seeking entry to the art world; Malcolm, a frustrated architect at a prominent firm; and withdrawn, brilliant, enigmatic Jude, who serves as their center of gravity.

Over the decades, their relationships deepen and darken, tinged by addiction, success, and pride. Yet their greatest challenge, each comes to realize, is Jude himself, by midlife a terrifyingly talented litigator yet an increasingly broken man, his mind and body scarred by an unspeakable childhood, and haunted by what he fears is a degree of trauma that he’ll not only be unable to overcome—but that will define his life forever.

Honor among thieves

Honor Among Thieves by Rachel Caine and Ann Aguirre is one of my most anticipated of the year! This book sounds SO amazing! I’ve been all about science fiction and this one seems to have every element that I’m looking for. Not to mention that it takes place (at least in part) in “New Detroit”… if that’s in the same place as the current Detroit then that’s less than an hour away from me! But I hate typing the title…… my Canadian spell check refuses to accept it. We spell Honor with a U (honour) and it takes me forever to make my computer accept this as fact. So if the title randomly shows up on my blog as Honour or Conor – that means spell check attacked and I missed it lol

Petty criminal Zara Cole has a painful past that’s made her stronger than most, which is why she chose life in New Detroit instead moving with her family to Mars. In her eyes, living inside a dome isn’t much better than a prison cell.

Still, when Zara commits a crime that has her running scared, jail might be exactly where she’s headed. Instead Zara is recruited into the Honors, an elite team of humans selected by the Leviathan—a race of sentient alien ships—to explore the outer reaches of the universe as their passengers.

Zara seizes the chance to flee Earth’s dangers, but when she meets Nadim, the alien ship she’s assigned, Zara starts to feel at home for the first time. But nothing could have prepared her for the dark, ominous truths that lurk behind the alluring glitter of starlight.

Sky in the deep

A million thank you’s to Raincoast for this ARC! The more I look at the cover and the more I read the synopsis, the more I become obsessed with it!! That cover just screams BAD ASS!!! She looks so fierce! Sky In The Deep by Adrienne Young reminds me a lot of Merida and the story of Brave. Raised by warriors, part of a clan, and viking action! This one isn’t released until April so it’s going to be a while before you see my review – but I can’t wait!

Raised to be a warrior, seventeen-year-old Eelyn fights alongside her Aska clansmen in an ancient, rivalry against the Riki clan. Her life is brutal but simple: fight and survive. Until the day she sees the impossible on the battlefield—her brother, fighting with the enemy—the brother she watched die five years ago.

Faced with her brother’s betrayal, she must survive the winter in the mountains with the Riki, in a village where every neighbor is an enemy, every battle scar possibly one she delivered. But when the Riki village is raided by a ruthless clan thought to be a legend, Eelyn is even more desperate to get back to her beloved family.

She is given no choice but to trust Fiske, her brother’s friend, who sees her as a threat. They must do the impossible: unite the clans to fight together, or risk being slaughtered one by one. Driven by a love for her clan and her growing love for Fiske, Eelyn must confront her own definition of loyalty and family while daring to put her faith in the people she’s spent her life hating.


Those are the 5 latest books that ended up on my shelf this month! There are so many books coming out in March too which worries my wallet. But they all sound amazing so there’s no regrets! I will say though……. I’m nearing a serious bookshelf reorganization….. it’s looking pretty full! What books did you haul this month? What are you most excited for?

Until next time, happy reading!


29 Comments Add yours

  1. I also purchased Wires and Nerve, vol 2 this month and I looked EVERYWHERE in Barnes and Noble for Honor Among Thieves and it was not there. So disappointing but I will hopefully get it soon! Great haul, looks like you have some fantastic reads 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Nooooooo! Not fair that they didn’t have it!!! That’s the worst – going to a bookstore to pick up a book and it’s not there 😢 hope you get it soon!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. strakam says:

    I read Speak, the full length version, and loved it. Such a powerful book. I would be interested in reading the graphic novel, too.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I didn’t realize that there was a graphic novel for Speak. That book had a big impact on my younger self. I need to get my hands on that for sure!

    A Little Life has also been on my list for ages but it is so intimidating! I can’t wait to see what you think!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. A Little Life is REALLY intimidating! I just hope I can motivate myself to read it soon

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Elley says:

    Hooray for books!! 🙂 Ooooh, that cover for Sky in the Deep looks AWESOME. I need to check that one out!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Justine says:

    Curious to hear your thoughts on A Little Life! It is very brutal with some of its themes (abuse being the main one) and I didn’t even finish it. I think it was just a little much for me personally! However, everyone else I know who has read it loves it!

    Yesssss Sky in the Deep! I’m so jealous! Although I think it is going to come in a certain book subscription box for April, so I’ll have a copy of my own at some point 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think A Little Life will be one of those books that I read a little bit at a time or something. It’s huge and the subject matter/writing scare me. We will see.
      How in the world do you know it will be in a box in April?! Do you have bookish psychic powers? 😂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Justine says:

        Guessing subscription book box titles is my superpower apparently 😀


  6. malanielovesfiction says:

    I am also so intimidated by A Little Life by Hanya Yanagihara but I can’t resist a book that makes readers become a weeping mess so i must read this????? this is an amazing book haul ❤ ❤ ❤ I can't wait to read your review for "a little life"!!!!!!


  7. I just received an arc for Sky in the Deep and can’t wait to read it!!! I’ve heard a lot of good things about it so I’m going into it pretty excited 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yay! Congrats! Hope you love it 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Ruqs says:

    Awesome post! Ahh I’m going to treat myself to purchasing my most anticipated books after my exams!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I hope you spoil yourself rotten – you deserve it! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Ruqs says:

        Thank you! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  9. Beware Of The Reader says:

    I can’t wait to read Honor among Thieves Shanah as Raven was just gushing about it and I love Anne Aguire’s Enclave series. Now for once I beat you at the monthly book haul! RARE London and visiting Waterstone on Piccadilly Street have ruined me! I’ll leave a simple post with just the picture and the titles or it would be so long LOL. I hope that you are feeling better now ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I hear amazing things about Waterstones! Sounds like it was a great trip!


  10. Readyouleyre says:

    I cannot wait to read your thoughts on Honor Among Thieves! It’s one of my most anticipated as well and I sure hope it turns out as good as it sounds.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. A Little Life is on my TBR, I can’t wait to see your thoughts!

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Steph says:

    I was super intimidated by A Little Life, but as soon as I started it I fell right into it. A devastating read though, definitely one that’s hard to swallow, but it’s one of my favorite books. I’ll be interested in seeing your thoughts!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It was your thoughts on it that finally convinced me actually! I had heard you talk about it a few times and I finally gave in

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Steph says:

        Yay!! Lol, it’s a book I find hard to be quiet about!

        Liked by 1 person

  13. Ellyn says:

    Ahh, you’ve just reminded me that I haven’t read Wires And Nerve volume 1!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh no!!! But enjoy reading it for the first time! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  14. trashfaerie says:

    Lovely post!! Honor among Thieves sounds so amazing im like this close to buying it lol

    Liked by 1 person

    1. 😂 it sounds SO great right?!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. trashfaerie says:

        Its going in my tbr pile for sure 😀

        Liked by 1 person

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