1,000 followers?! AND Giveaway announcement!



I am speechless, humbled, proud, and so VERY blown away by this!! When I started this blog in January I had one goal – have 100 followers by my year anniversary. I didn’t have any other goals because I had no idea what I was doing to be honest! I knew that I wanted a space to talk about books. They’ve been my passion since I was only a few years old and talking to others about books is the greatest feeling in the world. We can share our love of the written word and talk about the things that make us happy, sad, excited and more. The worlds I’ve been able to experience because of recommendations found on blogs have been SO amazing! YouTube was out of the question for me – I hate being on camera! I’m way too awkward for that, not to mention that my house is never empty because my husband and I work from home, so recording would always involve an audience…… NOPE! So a blog it was. But, like I said, I had no clue what I was doing! I’m not good with computers or web sites, but I wanted it so badly I took the chance and jumped in both feet first. Am I ever glad I did!

Being a part of this community has been the most amazing thing I’ve ever decided for myself. It has given me a place to talk about all the things I love about books. It’s also made me feel like I was a part of something. I’ve never really felt alone, but I’ve never felt like there was anyone that had an interest in books like I did. You have all made me feel like I have a giant network of friends and family that I didn’t know I really needed. All of the conversations that I’ve had with you all has left a long lasting impression with me. One of happiness and joy. You’ve all made me feel like I was a part of a group hug. And it’s the best feeling in the world!

So, 1,000 thank you’s go out to all the people who have followed me, supported me, and been my friend through all your comments. I’ve enjoyed every moment and I’m so thankful for you all!

For anyone reading this that wishes they hit this number one day – it will happen!! I’m not saying this because I think I’m some sort of blogging goddess. Not at all and quite the opposite in fact. But if I can take a second and tell you something, it will be this:

BLOGGING ISN’T EASY!! It’s honestly one of the most frustrating and emotional things in my life. When I first started I was stuck at 11 followers for months on end. Just when I would put hours of work into a post I was proud of, no one would view it. It was heart breaking and I cried. More than I care to admit. Just give it time. I know, the girl with no patience is telling you to have patience, but it’s the best piece of advice that I have. Stay true to you, reach out to others in the community, and keep going. Things will happen. Even though blogging is hard, it’s SOOOOO worth it! Enjoy every minute!



As stated in the title, I’m proud to announce a giveaway to say thank you to all of my followers. Here are the rules:

  • Enter only through Rafflecopter. I will be verifying all entries! CLICK HERE TO ENTER!!!!!!
  • You must be following my blog to win! This is a thank you to my followers after all 🙂 But there are 5 ways to enter in total.
  • Giveaway starts today (November 9, 2017) and ends in 2 weeks at midnight (November 23, 2017)
  • Open INTERNATIONALLY as long as Book Depository ships to you!
  • Winners will be notified on November 24th. You will have 48 hours to respond. If I do not hear from you, another winner will be chosen.

Here’s the giveaway details! I will be choosing TWO winners. Each person will be allowed to choose a book of their choice up to 20$ from Book Depository. If you can manage two books for 20$ or less, then go for it! If I contact you as a winner, just tell me what book you want, and I’ll make it appear on your doorstep. I’m basically like Bookish Santa Claus!

I wish I could do a bigger giveaway but things ended up happening over the last few weeks and I’m strapped financially. Not to mention, Christmas is right around the corner. I just hope you all know how much I appreciate you! So please, enter, and best of luck to you!


Until next time, happy reading!

160 Comments Add yours

  1. Priyasha says:

    Congratulations ..💜 Shannah
    I am so happy that you achieved 1000 followers and you are certainly turning into a Santa Claus 🎅 I always wanted to participate in a international giveaway … You are making it possible .
    I seriously want to win this giveaway as I live in India .
    Fingers crossed 😍

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You are part of the reason why I made this international actually! There are so many people throughout the world that deserve a win but most giveaways are only in the US. I feel your pain as I live in Canada! I’ll cross my fingers for you!!!


  2. Claire @bookscoffeeandrepeat says:

    Congrats! 🙌
    And thanks for the chance. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks! And it’s my pleasure! 🙂


  3. Whoo, congratulations!
    There’s so much in this post that sounds true to my soul in a way I didn’t expect, haha.
    It really is wonderful to find your little spot in a community, isn’t it? 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks!!
      And yes, the book community really has changed my life. So many great people out there to connect with who share our love. It’s a great feeling knowing there are others out there like you!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Dreamy Reads says:

    Congratulationsssss!!!! I am so happy for you. You totally deserve it. ❤ ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Vanessa says:

    Hey congrats!!! I’m pretty sure you deserve it! And thanks for the giveaway. I hope more blessings come your way 😄💕💕

    Liked by 2 people

  6. wanderingsofabookbird says:

    Congrats lovely! Thank you for the wonderful giveaway! ❤
    Megan S.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks! And it’s my pleasure!


  7. Congrats on 1000 Shanah!!! This is such an amazing milestone!!!! *confetti* You have an amazing blog with amazing content and now 1000 lucky people get to read it! Thanks for being great (and being a Bookish Santa! 😉 )

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Ellyn says:

    I love how you aimed for 100 but got 1000! I’m so proud of your blog! Congratulations, I’m so glad you’re part of our bloging community!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Congratulations! I’m looking for that day someday 🙂 Right now I’m still hoping for 100 by my first year in April.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I know you’ll get there. I ❤️ your blog!!

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Congratulations…so happy to have found your blog and added it to my favourites list thank you

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Congratulations! Hope I could get to this point someday. (And people who could see this, would you mind checking out my blog and my twitter account? It would be so much help and I would highly appreciate it.) Thank you so much for this opportunity. I appreciate people who make their giveaways international since I’m from the Philippines.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. If I got to this number then that means you can too! ❤️


  12. Well done Shanah! Your blog is awesome!
    And I can’t believe you’ve only be doing it since January! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It feels like it’s been sooooo much longer! Lol


  13. Taiwo B. says:

    Congratulations!! Thanks for the chance! And thanks for making it international! That’s really appreciated.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks! And I was so happy to find a way to make this international! Book lovers in every country (well almost every one) deserve a chance!


  14. ignitedmoth says:

    Woo! That is seriously fantastic. Congrats!! 😀
    And thanks for doing such a cool giveaway, too. That’s really nice of you to do. ❤
    Looking forward to seeing your blog continue to grow and grow!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much! I’m so excited to see who wins!!

      Liked by 1 person

  15. Elizabeth says:

    Wow!! That’s A LOT of followers for only a year of blogging. Congratulations!! And thank you for the giveaway 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks! And it’s my pleasure 🙂 I’m itching to see who wins!!

      Liked by 1 person

  16. Misty says:

    Hi! Congratulations on your continuous grow of followers, I want to try writing in here too. Wish me luck and I hope you’ll never ever get tired of appreciating art. All the love 💛

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks!! And best of luck to you! 🙂


  17. enolalone15 says:

    Congratulations!!! And thank you for the chance:)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks! And it’s my pleasure 🙂


  18. Jackie Nolan says:

    Congratulations on 1,000 followers! That’s amazing

    Liked by 1 person

  19. _Sandra_ says:

    Congrats on 1000+ followers and wishing you many, many more! 🙂 Thank you for a generous giveaway!! ♥

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks 🙂 and it’s my pleasure!


  20. OMG Shanah, how did I miss this!! Congratulations on all those followers! You deserve each and every one! Happy Thanksgiving to you! Have a great day 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks! I miss posts all the time so don’t feel bad 😂
      I live in Canada so my thanksgiving was last month. If you live in America then happy thanksgiving to you!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. oh i see! so you already had a great food day haha 😂
        no, i’m from germany! no thanksgiving here 😩

        Liked by 1 person

  21. Chaitanaulke's delices says:

    Congratulations dear

    Liked by 1 person

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