Birthday Giveaway!

It was my birthday on Saturday and I felt like sharing the love! Everyone loves presents so why should I be the only one getting them? It’s been quite a while since i’ve done a giveaway and I thought I could make someones day just a little brighter. Also, since all the book stores are…

Drumroll please! And the winners are…

TODAY’S THE DAY!!!! I have been very impatiently awaiting this day! It’s only been two weeks since I announced the giveaway but it’s felt like an eternity! I’ve won giveaways before and, of course it’s exciting! But nothing is more exciting than being able to share the love and give TWO people the chance to…

1,000 followers?! AND Giveaway announcement!

WOW I MEAN, WOW!! I am speechless, humbled, proud, and so VERY blown away by this!! When I started this blog in January I had one goal – have 100 followers by my year anniversary. I didn’t have any other goals because I had no idea what I was doing to be honest! I knew…

The Unlikelies

THE UNLIKELIES Written by Carrie Firestone Published by Little Brown and Co, June 6, 2017 My star rating: 3.5 stars THE SYNOPSIS: Rising high school senior Sadie is bracing herself for a long, lonely, and boring summer. But things take an unexpected turn when she steps in to help rescue a baby in distress and…

And the winner is …….

And just like that my first giveaway is officially over! This was such a great experience for me and I plan to do this again soon. As an obsessed reader, I know how exciting it is to win a giveaway – ok I’ve only ever won one before but it was pretty exciting! To keep…

Book Giveaway!

Yes, you read that title right! I’m very pleased to announce…….. I’M HOSTING A BOOK GIVEAWAY!!! I think I’m even more excited to gift a book to someone else than I was to win one myself. It feels like Christmas and I’m playing Santa!! Recently the world has once again fallen in love with the…