Weekly Wrap Up – October 22-28

This was such a productive week!!! I started using my bullet journal this week and I forgot how much I could accomplish when I have my tasks laid out for me. I managed to clean and purge 3 rooms in my house (which is HUGE…. the task, not the house lol) AND I read two books! On top of that, blogging was busy! I had one of the best turn outs ever for top 5 Tuesday and got a lot of feedback and interest in the November topics. I was also 10 views away from my best viewed day ever! Luckily work was slower this week allowing me to keep on top of all this. If work was busy I would have ended up in a ball on the floor crying somewhere! Here’s everything that happened this week!



FINAL GIRLS by Riley Sager <—– (Full review) 3 stars
Sadly I didn’t enjoy this one as much as I hoped I would. There are some things that I really enjoyed, some things that I was just “meh” about, and some things that actually pissed me off. It was enjoyable for the most part but left me with very mixed feelings.

I finished this one late last night and absolutely adored this book!!!!!! I find that whenever I pick up a Jasmine Warga book I’m always surprised in the direction she takes the stories. They end up being so emotional, 3 dimensional and wonderful! Review will be posted on the blog tomorrow!


I feel like I’ve been reading IT forever!! This is where we sing “this is the book that never ends……” I’ve fallen a bit behind schedule with it but if I take a day or two over the next week I should get back on track. But with a book like ARTEMIS in my hands……. probably not going to happen!!! I’ve been anticipating this one since it was announced. The Martian was one of my top 3 books of last year which shocked the crap out of me. I never expected a science fiction that was so science heavy to be that enjoyable! I can’t wait to find out if this one lives up to The Martian!



Wow! So many participants and so many amazing quotes!! This was one of the most popular weeks this feature has had and there were SOOOOO many requests for a repeat of this topic. **** Yes, I heard all your comments calling me evil for making you choose 5!**** Since so many of you want to talk about more quotes, this topic will be repeated in the coming months. If you’re interested in participating in the month of November, here’s the list of topics!


Like I said at the beginning of this post, I started using my bullet journal this week and it’s been such a huge help! I finally found a way to merge a personal journal with all my book related things and I couldn’t be happier. Here is the post about my October pages. A new post with my November pages will be coming soon.


I was a little short on time this week so I could only do 4 bloggers, but all 4 are SO amazing! As much as I love this feature, it’s getting harder and harder to get to on a weekly basis. I’ve been reading more which means that more days are taken up with reviews. I won’t be able to keep up with it on a weekly basis but it will happen at least once every other week! This is probably my favourite feature idea ever and there’s no way i’m giving it up!


It’s been a very busy busy week, but a great one! I hope you all had a great week as well!

Until next time, happy reading!

12 Comments Add yours

  1. Marie says:

    Oh yay for a productive week, this is so awesome ❤ ❤ Also, I'm so happy you enjoyed that Jasmine Warga book so much, I added it on my TBR the last time you mentioned it on your blog, I'm eager to read your review now, sounds like it was a hit for you 🙂 hope you'll have a lovely week! xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Omg I’ve been working on the review for over an hour! It never takes me this long to review a book! It was very character driven which makes it hard. I hope the review does it justice!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Marie says:

        Oh wow – I’m even more impatient to read it now, ahah. I’m sure it will be perfect ❤

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Justine says:

    I’m happy to hear you’ve started Artemis! It’s hard not to compare it to The Martian, but they’re such different books and I love them both SO much! I can’t wait to hear your thoughts 😍

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I hope I love it as much as you did. Our tastes are quite similar so I have high hopes 🙂


  3. Naty says:

    Very nice!! I hope you’re enjoying IT!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Artemis looks interesting. I still need to read The Martian. I accidentally bought the classroom edition on Amazon, so I have to return it.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Artemis is hilarious! I love the main character! I hope getting the right edition isn’t too much of a hastle

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      1. I hope not either. I don’t know how I ordered it, but it says it has classroom appropriate language, so I want the real deal, lol.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Oh you don’t want classroom appropriate language when it comes to this one! The inappropriate parts were the best parts!

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