September Wrap Up

September feels like it was the month I got my reading groove back! This happens every year – summer is so busy and chaotic that I struggle to find the time to read. But with the kids back in school and our family falling back into a routine, I’m finally excited to read and finally finding the time to read! I had a really decent month! I managed to finish 6 books and really enjoyed all of them!! And all of them were fantasy!!! FANTASY SLUMP IS OVER!!!!!! Be glad we’re all behind screens right now because no one wants to see my happy dance. It’s unfortunate and embarrassing.

Anyways, here’s what I read this month:



FIREBLOOD by Elly Blake <—– (full review) 4.5 stars
Wow! This was an excellent sequel! I felt like the pace and character development really picked up in this one. All the new characters that were introduced were amazing and the mythology that was further detailed had me totally captivated. Need book 3 – NOW!


GODSGRAVE by Jay Kristoff <—– (full review) 4.5 stars
Dear god this man knows how to write a fantasy! This is saying a lot since I read a ton of fantasy, but he may have topped the list for favourite fantasy author!! His world building is so amazing and he is so unforgiving in the brutality of this world! This series is so foul mouthed, bloody, gritty, brutal and AMAZING!!!! On top of all the horrors that are unfolding in front of your eyes, he manages to throw in some humour that will double you over laughing. This. Series. Slays. Me!


ZODIAC by Romina Russell <—– (full review) 4.5 stars
I literally haven’t stopped thinking of this book from the moment I finished the last page. I have become obsessed with this world! The planets ruled by zodiac signs, the interesting and unique characters, the abilities to read the stars, the mysterious 13th planet, and the threatening “bad guy” have not left my mind. This book was just so well written! I’m thinking of changing my rating to 5 stars because I just can’t stop thinking about it! And I’ve been told by others who’ve read this one that the sequels are even better…… I can’t even!


INVICTUS by Ryan Graudin <—– (full review) 4.25 stars
Ryan Graudin is a genius. Plain and simple. She is on my list for favourite authors ever and this proved why. I absolutely loved it! Such a great adventure through time and with such a great crew! Twists and turns all over the place and a red panda. Yes I said RED PANDA! Saffron for president (hahahaha Justine I Should Read That I had to!)


WARCROSS by Marie Lu <—– (full review) 4 stars
This was my first Marie Lu book and I have to say that I really enjoyed it. It was a super fast and easy read where it was easy to lose yourself in the world. It was the world building that made that all possible! Japan in the future as well as an entire virtual reality world – it was all so interesting and well described. But now that I’ve had time to sit and think about this one my opinions have changed slightly. I’m finding it difficult to remember certain things about it, I’m finding I really liked certain things more and I’m finding that I’m not happy about other things. The longer I sit and think the more conflicted I am about it. I have a feeling that the series as a whole will complete my thoughts.

Wild beauty

WILD BEAUTY by Anna-Marie McLemore <—– (full review) 3.5 stars

I have very conflicting thoughts on this one. I really enjoyed it! The writing was just stunning, the descriptions transported me to a garden I wished I could live in forever, but I felt disconnected for a few reasons. I just feel like I’m not the right audience for this one.


September was a very good month as you can see! It was a bit of a game changer for me and now I’m excited to read all the books! Especially fantasy – I’m SO relieved that the slump is over! I missed enjoying fantasy like I used to. I’m back! What was your favourite read this month? If I had to choose I would have to say it’s a toss up between Godsgrave and Zodiac. They’re too close to pick just one!

Until next time, happy reading!

17 Comments Add yours

  1. YAS!! I’m glad your fantasy slump is over! 🎉🎆

    Godsgrave has been on my TBR list FOREVER, I just haven’t had a chance yet. But the fact that our enjoyed it so much only makes me want to read it even more!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I was hesitant because it was so long and I wasn’t in the mood for a lengthy book. But it reads so fast!! This book never stops! I know you’ll love it!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I can’t wait to read it!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. J.W. Martin says:

    Six books, all enjoyable? That’s one great month! Invictus sounds so good, and I’m still chomping at the bit to get into Nevernight/Godsgrave. Might not be until 2018, unfortunately.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I know you’re going to love Nevernight! I can’t wait for you messages while you’re reading it. Because I know you’ll want to react to someone!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. kozbisa says:

    Hmmmm, my favorite read this month? I had two 5-star reads: Autoboyography and A Short History of the Girl Next Door (and now I am crying just thinking about Short History). So, I guess they were my favorites, but I had 6 4.5-star reads. It was a good reading month.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sounds like you had an amazing month too! Go us! 😂

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Marie says:

    Ohh yay, it seems like you had a great reading month, that’s so great! 🙂 I think my favorite book this month was Girl Out of Water, from Laura Silverman 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hmmm i think I’ve seen that book around a lot lately. I may need to check it out! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Beware Of The Reader says:

    WOW! You were lucky to read these bestsellers in the making Shanah 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I want to read Warcross so much, but my TBR pile is huge, so yeah it’s still waiting for me, anyway I’m glad you liked it and that you read so many books!

    Moonlit Library |


  7. What an amazing wrap up! I HAVE to read Zodiac now – it sounds fantastic. Thanks for sharing your reads!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. What a great reading month! I think my fav September read was Warcross, but it’s hard to remember now. LOL.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hehe so it’s not just me? I always get to the end of a month, do my wrap up and realize that the first book I read that month felt like ages ago!

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      1. Not at all! LOL. Thank goodness for GR! 😅

        Liked by 1 person

  9. kyera says:

    Oh man, such amazing books. I need to get on them ASAP.

    Liked by 1 person

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