Top 5 Tuesday….. is taking a break

Time for me to get real here. I’ve spent the last two weeks going back and forth on a lot of things to do with the blog. After a lot of thought (and even some tears), I’ve come to terms with the fact that 2020 is the year that kicks my blogs ass. I tried for months to keep it going and put way too much pressure on myself. I can’t do it anymore. This doesn’t mean that I’m done blogging!! I couldn’t leave this special place on the internet and all the people that are a part of it!! I do however need to take a step back, let posts come when they will, and not have anything that I need to be responsible for at the moment.

So – I own two businesses. They are both fishing related and since a lot of people have time off because of Covid, we are swamped! It’s so busy! That’s a good thing, mind you, but it’s also demanding and exhausting. Not to mention that the second business just increased production and I now need an assistant, clone, or AI being that I can train to help me work and also clean my house on the side….. clearly i’ve read too many sci-fi books lol. The kids have also been home since the beginning of March and aren’t going back until September at the earliest. Point is – I’m strapped thin and going crazy.

As much as I love Top 5 Tuesday, I can’t handle being responsible for one more thing, especially with work being as crazy as it is. I think for a few minutes that “I can do it” and “it only takes a few hours out of the day”, and then it all falls apart. I end up wanting to rip my hair out because I’m stuck working and know that I have a post to update! Work comes first – it always will. Blogging is just my fun little hobby where I talk about books and reading.

Here’s the plan – there is no plan lol. I would love to say that I’m stepping back for the month of June and then I’ll be back in full force for July. As the whole world knows, nothing is set in stone and everything is up in the air right now. In Canada, things started opening back up a little so I’m fully expecting a second wave to come along at any moment. Things can change quickly and I don’t want to get my hopes up that I’ll be back. Keep your eyes open towards the end of June and I will give you all an update then.


If you’ve read this far, then you deserve a participation medal! LOL! That was a lot of word vomit. Before I sign off for the day I just wanted to say a huge thank you for all of the participants who join in with me on Tuesday’s! It started off as me wanting to make a list and then all of a sudden I had people wanting to participate. It then turned into something that I’ve hosted for a few years now and have so many lists to look forward to each week! If all goes well then we will be back in July!

Until next time, happy reading!

28 Comments Add yours

  1. Heather says:

    Self-care over blogging, always. ❤


  2. CJR The Brit says:

    Totally understandable. It’s totally crazy times we are living in and we cant do it all. Sending hugs (and dont work too hard!!!) ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I relate so much to this. There is only so much time in a day! So thrilled that your businesses are doing so well. I hope you are able to take some time for yourself!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. If you no longer want to do the Top Five Tuesdays, I wouldn’t mind coming up with topics and starting it over on my blog!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. sophrilreads says:

    Take care of yourself. These are crazy times and you are what’s important.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. M.T.Wilson says:

    Completely understandable, it’s such a crazy time right now! Look after yourself! ❤️


  7. kellyluvsreadin says:

    I’m glad you’re looking out for yourself. Good luck with everything.


  8. evelynreads1 says:

    take care of yourself!


  9. I hope the break will be good for you.


  10. MrsDMVH says:

    We’ll be here when you come back!!!! Take care of yourself!


  11. Enjoy a break, sounds like you need it!


  12. Take care of yourself and take all the time you need! We’ll be here when you are ready to continue.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. I totally understand, and it sounds like you’re taking a much needed and much deserved break! I’m also happy to hear your businesses are going well! 😊💗


  14. Even though it’s sad you take a step back from the blogging and such, it’s totally understandable. And a big YAY for the businesses going so well. 🙂


  15. Colline says:

    Blogging shouldn’t be stressful at all and I look forward to reading the posts you will write from time to time.
    Good luck with the re-opening.


  16. dearbookshelves says:

    Sending good vibes 💜💜


  17. totally understandable – please take care


  18. Zezee says:

    Thank you for the fun Top 5 Tuesday topics.
    Def take the time you need to do what you need to. I strongly believe that blogging, if it’s your hobby, shouldn’t be stressful at all.


  19. I’m happy your businesses are doing well! I hope you have a good break💜


  20. Lisa says:

    As someone who only recently came to Top 5 Tuesdays, I’ll miss it! But I understand completely and totally support your need to prioritize yourself right now. Glad to hear that your businesses are booming! Take care, have a great start to summer — see you when you’re back!


  21. Nia says:

    It’s okay to take a break and totally understandable! Your self care and mental health comes first, and work is very important, especially at times like these.
    Take care of yourself and I’m sending you lots of love💕.


  22. Sending all of the hugs!! You’re amazing and we love you!!

    Liked by 1 person

  23. Hugs Shanah. Take all the time you need. We’re here when you come back. And I’m glad about your businesses despite the situation. Goodluck on everything. 🙂 🙂 ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  24. It’s a well deserved break Shanah, well deserved. Thank you so much for everything you have done with Top 5 Tuesday. I’ve not been able to participate recently because of how busy it’s been so I can’t imagine how busy it’s been for you to try and run it with everything else!

    If it comes back than awesome, there will be many people happy to see it (and you!) back but if it doesn’t – it doesn’t. The tide changes and priorities change too.

    Enjoy your break and your family!

    Liked by 1 person

  25. Kimmy says:

    Take your time, you deserved it! Stay safe!


  26. kyera says:

    Take care of yourself and your family, first and foremost. We’ll all be here when you have time to come back! 🙂


  27. *Flora* says:

    I completely understand, Shanah. You may have noticed my absence in T5T for the past 6 weeks. 😉 I’m not sure whether I’ll be back until August or September (I think you’re right about a second wave hitting). Work and family should ALWAYS take priority, blogging should be our escape not a chore. I’m happy to hear that your businesses are thriving though. Take care. See you around Twitter and the blogosphere. XxXx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. There have been quite a few people stepping back from their blogs lately. It’s interesting and difficult time’s. Stay safe!
