Top 5 Books That Exceeded My Expectations

Last weeks topic was a bit of a downer – sorry about that (not sorry). I’m making up for it this week though as we talk about the books that exceeded our expectations! I normally HATE surprises but, when it comes to books, I love it when you stumble across something that you loved WAY more than you thought you would! I could have made this one a top 10 – there have been so many that have surprised me in the best ways possible! I didn’t have enough time to make a list that long so we’re sticking with just 5 lol!

Top 5 Tuesday is a weekly meme where I explore different topics. If you are interested in participating I would love to have you! Here is a list of my Upcoming topics in February – please remember to ping back a specific post of mine so I get a notification and I will add you to the participants list!

Sorcery of thorns

Sorcery of Thorns by Margaret Rogerson

When this book came out, everyone was talking about it. I mean everyone!! I thought “Ok, another YA fantasy. Big deal”…. it actually is! LOL! What completely sold me on this was how much fun everyone said they had while reading it. It wasn’t the most original or exciting book out there, but damn it, I had a blast! I still need me some more Silas!

Red white and royal blue

Red, White & Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston

This book made me question who I was and what I had done with myself lol. I didn’t want to read this because the cover is cringe worthy (judge me all you want, I care not) and I hate books about celebrities – royal, political, or otherwise. But this book…. so freaking good! It took out all the parts of the celebrity culture that I hate and made them as real people with real lives, feelings, pressures, loves, and so much more. Their celebrity was a part of their lives that they wanted to use for the powers of good but they also wanted to separate that part and be real. Love that!

No exit

No Exit by Taylor Adams

I want to love thrillers and mysteries, I really do. I just think that I’m choosing the wrong thrillers and mysteries because I haven’t figured out what I like yet. THIS – it’s apparently what I like! It tells you within the first chapter what’s happening and who the kidnapper is….. seriously. I read that and all I could think was “Shit, now what are the next few hundred pages going to be about. Thanks for the spoiler asshole.” There was much more to the story and it was full of action! Loved it!

The loneliest girl in the universe

The Loneliest Girl In The Universe by Lauren James

I went into this one expecting a story of connection…. I don’t say this often but I was so wrong! I knew nothing about this book going into it and that was probably a good thing. The plot twist caught me completely off guard and I got a story that went into a direction I never expected! I stand by my opinion that this needs to be made into a movie……

My lady Jane

My Lady Jane by Cynthia Hand, Brodi Ashton, and Jodi Meadows

I refused to read this. A historical fiction with magical realism where a man turns into a horse. That sounds so freaking stupid……. So many people were reading this saying that it was absolutely hilarious and they had the best time reading it. You all piqued my curiosity and, here I am, once again, admitting I was wrong. This book WAS hilarious and the horse man scenario weirdly worked!



Meeghan Reads ——— The Pine-Scented Chronicles ——— Robyn Reads Books
My Year of Reading Dangerously ——— Comfort Reads ——— Bella
Realms Of My Mind ——— The Secret Library ——— Birdie Bookworm
The Punk Theory ——— Sophril Reads ——— Ace Reader
Feed The Crime ——— Rather Be In The Library ——— Eat Travel Read
Synopses By Sarge ——— Hail & Well Read ——— Book Blurb
Bookishly Rebecca ——— A Lovely Book Affair ——— Evelyn Reads
A Multitude Of Musings ——— Zezee With Books ——— Elysa Reads It All
Hanna Reads ——— Reading At Tea Time ——— Be Frisky
Rae’s Reads and Reviews ——— Beware Of The Reader


As I said in the beginning, I could have made this list at least 10 books long. There are so many that I loved more than I ever expected. Here are just a few more that caught me by surprise:

  • With The Fire On High by Elizabeth Acevedo
  • The City Of Brass by S.A. Chakraborty
  • The Martian by Andy Weir
  • Serpent And Dove by Shelby Mahurin
  • Every Heart a Doorway by Seanan McGuire

What books did you end up liking more than you expected?

Until next time, happy reading!

28 Comments Add yours

  1. I remember thinking as a kid that Harry Potter was the dullest, most uninteresting story ever (no, I hadn’t read it, lol. It was that elementary/middle-school attitude to make everything sound like it was below your expectations). I read it when I was a little more mature and BOI did it exceed my expectations XD

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Same here!!! I refused to read it. I was a teenager and books about witches and wizards were below me. I was too cool. I gave in and read it in my early 20’s and have been obsessed ever since!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Great list! I loved My Lady Jane and Sorcery of Thorns, so I def need to read the other books on your list. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Birdie says:

    Okay, I’ve been refusing to read My Lady Jane too, but I keep seeing it on everyone’s best of list, so I think maybe I need to change my mind…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes!!!! My Lady Jane should come with a warning on the cover – “this book isn’t what you think it is so just read it” lol


      1. Birdie says:

        I’m trying to get a copy, but it’ll have to wait. Those tricky publishers offer the second one on Kindle Unlimited but not the first one!

        Liked by 1 person

          1. Birdie says:

            Exactly my thought! 😀


  4. evelynreads1 says:

    Oh I loved sorcery of throns, it was so good! I’m currently reading Red, White and Royal blue, and I can totally see where the hype is coming from!

    My post!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m glad you’re loving Red, White and Royal Blue!!! I’ll get you added to the list very soon

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Red, White, & Royal Blue definitely exceeded my expectations, too.


  6. Loneliest Girl is definitely one I want to check out in the future. And Sorcery of Thorns is on my list of I WILL THROW THIS AT EVERY PERSON I MEET.


  7. Ooh I might want to participate in this. I have to think of the top five books: do they have to be new books or older ones?


  8. Beware Of The Reader says:

    I totally agree with Sorcery of Thorns (and the City of Brass) ! And I did a top 10 LOL Here is my link:

    Liked by 1 person

  9. hannawsreads says:

    I’m kind of starting to want to read My Lady Jane, even though i’ve pretty much refused to even think about reading it since it was announced and the hype started 😁


  10. This is such a great list! I have saved this one so I can add the books to my TBR! Thanks for sharing!


  11. There’s so much hype about Red, white and royal blue ! I hope it’ll exceed my expectations too 😊

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Nia says:

    Sorcery of Thorns and The Loneliest Girl in the Universe were amazing! I’m so happy you enjoyed them as well!

    I habe read My Plain Jane and liked it but I still have to pick up My Lady Jane 😀.


  13. With the Fire on High made it to my main list 😀 I just finished The Martian a few days ago and it was so good!

    Liked by 1 person

  14. CJR The Brit says:

    Sorcery of Thorns….totally agree!

    I did participate and my post is up and linked but I’ve been so busy I havent had chance to comment, I’m sorry.


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