Signed Books Collection – part 2!

Holy hell. I knew I needed to do an updated post about my signed book collection but I had no clue that the first post was all the way back in 2017…… OOPS! Time flies apparently. That post (which you can see HERE) showcased some books that I still hold so dear to my heart. They were my first personalized books and one from my favourite author of all time. I have 8 books to show you today. Two are personalized and 4 were signed as I met with the author. Let’s see what we have here….


This will forever remain my most prized book! Not only is A Thousand Years To Wait by L. Ryan Storms personalized, but it’s because I’ve known this author for about 14 years now! Lorraine was also kind enough to put in a quote from me! I read this one in its very early stages, a few years before this was an actual printed book. To see it in person – makes my heart melt!


This copy of Nightblood by Elly Blake is the completion of an entire trilogy that’s personalized to me! I’m fortunate enough to live about an hour away from Elly so, whenever there was a new book in the trilogy released, I was able to go to the release parties. She is such a wonderful woman and so inspiring!


Back in 2019 my daughter and I went to Toronto where we got to listen to Angie Thomas speak. The conversation was so important, so inspirational, and hit right in the heart. Angie is such a stunning human being, inside and out. She speaks with such power and emotion without even trying! Getting to meet her was a bookworm’s dream come true!

And my last 4 are books that I ordered through Chapters Indigo that came in signed. Of course when I saw that there was a signed copy of Darkdawn by Jay Kristoff I HAD to get it! I have this and Godsgrave signed. I wish I had Nevernight as well….. dreams. Next is Finale by Stephanie Garber. If you check out the first post in my signed books collection you’ll see that I got the first book in the series personalized. The only one that I don’t have signed is Legendary. Next is Bridge Of Clay by Markus Zusak. I’ve yet to read it (as there are so many mixed reviews) but Markus Zusak is one of my favourite authors. Had to have it! And, lastly, we have Save The Date by Morgan Matson. Strangely enough I had no clue that I had purchase a signed copy! Getting this was a happy accident!


Those are the 8 new additions to my signed book collection. I hope that I will gain a few more in the coming years. My unicorn would be something personalized by Jay Kristoff. If that happened though….. I could imagine myself having an immediate heart attack and dying on the spot, therefore I’d be dead and couldn’t post about it anyway…….

Until next time, happy reading!


12 Comments Add yours

  1. I love posts like this. I realized that it’s been a long time since I’ve done one. You have a lot of wonderful signed books.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I LOVE signed books! I admit I’ve gotten addicted to getting books signed since starting to go to my local book festival and now I’m going to conventions too. The best are when they’re personalized for sure. I have one that’s personalized that means a lot to me because the author gave it to me as a gift for running the r/fantasy bingo challenge and when I got it and read what she wrote I might have teared up a little. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Omg seriously? I’m tearing up just reading your story lol. Who was the author?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Courtney Schafer! She’s the best. ❤


  3. _tirilu says:

    That’s so cool! I love how Markus Zusak’s signature is basically two wiggly lines. 😂
    I don’t have many signed books. Two, if I’m being honest. It does make the books more special somehow but there are not a lot of signings around here.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think it’s hilarious when signatures are just squiggles 😂 and we don’t get many signings around here either. I live in Canada and usually need to travel far for them. Worth it though!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. *Flora* says:

    Believe it or not, I don’t own many signed books. The vast majority of the signed books I own, I got from a book signing event last September. It’s such a thrill to own a copy of a book with the author’s signature in it! I can’t wait to collect more!


  5. OMG, Shanah!! I will get you something personalised by Jay!! I literally lived in the same city as him for 5 years and all my books of his are personalised. Which book would you like?! We’ve got 2 coming out this year if you’d like one from a launch, or I can get a backlist title done – just let me know!! x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I died. I think you just killed me. I’m dead 😂 it’s my dream to meet that man!!!!!! He’s so brilliant!! When you’re about to go to an event let me know and we will figure something out. I would be FOREVER in your debt!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I’ll be in touch!!

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