Top 5 Books That Start With P-Q-R-S-T

Happy Top 5 Tuesday everyone!! This is week 4 of July’s “themed” topics where we will be making lists of books that start with corresponding letters. Each week, we will have 5 letters and you will list one book for each letter.

Same thing as last week, i’m using this opportunity to talk about some books that I don’t get to very often. There are so many books that I really enjoyed but I always mention the all time favourites first! So, if there was an all time favourite that started with a certain letter, I will choose something else just to give another book some time in the spotlight. This weeks letters are P-Q-R-S-T. Here we go 🙂

Top 5 Tuesday is a weekly meme where I explore different topics. If you are interested in participating I would love to have you! Here is a list of my Upcoming Topics in July – please remember to ping back a specific post of mine so I get a notification and I will add you to the participants list!

The poppy war

P – THE POPPY WAR by R.F. Kuang
This is an epic fantasy that surprised me so many times! Yes, there’s a bad ass female heroine, but she’s not your typical strong female lead. She is fearless and ferocious in ways that is rarely seen in fantasy. She was willing to put in the work and make the sacrifices needed to put herself at the top. And it was her hard work and sacrifices that made this book what it was. I can’t wait for the sequel!!

Queen of the tearling

Though this wasn’t my favourite book out there, there were still quite a few interesting things about it. It was told in a future world where things like Harry Potter existed, but yet it was an old world without things like electricity and other modern comforts. I really enjoyed the character arc of the main character. She was so sheltered and all of a sudden was thrown into being a Queen. It was her passion for her people that really stuck in my mind!

Red sister

R – RED SISTER by Mark Lawrence
Yet another fantasy with a strong female lead, but this one we have a young girl training with nuns in order to become killers. Anything where we have a school setting where they’re training to be assassins/killers/human weapons is a book I need in my life! This one we have politics, rank with the girls who were training, and really interesting classes! Such as poison…… when the teacher poisons literally everyone as part of their training. Oh, and did I forget to mention that all of this was happening on a mountain?

Sky in the deep

S – SKY IN THE DEEP by Adrienne Young
All I knew about this one before I picked it up was that the main character was a viking warrior…. sold! I went into it expecting non stop battle and bad-assery. I didn’t get that. BUT – what I did get was some outstanding character development mixed with a world that I found absolutely intriguing. I loved the characters, their families, their traditions, their ways of living – it’s still vivid in my mind to this day!!

Teeth in the mist

T – TEETH IN THE MIST by Dawn Kurtagich
Now this one was creepy! We get three perspectives, all from different generations. They don’t know of each other but are all linked through this place in the world and the powers that are held there. There’s crazy hauntings, unexplained powers, and it was DARK!!! Parts of it really creeped me out and gave me goosebumps and that’s VERY hard to do! I think I really love this authors writing style!

Flower divider


Books Tales By Me ——— Meeghan Reads ——— Much Ado About Books
Ace Reader ——— The Limit Of Books Does Not Exist ——— Robyn Reads Books
The Book Nook UK ——— We Are Just Stories ——— My Year Of Reading Dangerously
Realms Of My Mind ——— The Punk Theory ——— Feed The Crime
Wonder wall ——— Anxious Nacho’s ——— Many Things Bookish
Bath and Books ——— Jillian The Bookish Butterfly ——— JW Martin – Storeys of Stories
A Gallery Of Books ——— A Fictional Bookworm ——— Kristin Kraves Books
Kyera’s Library ——— Synopses by Sarge ——— Ally Writes Things
Coffee, Crumbs and Books ——— The Words Gremlin ——— Bookishly Rebecca
Libby Reads ——— First Line Reader ——— Perfectly Tolerable
Hanna Reads ——— Tays Infinite Thoughts ——— Words Words Words
The Roaring Bookworm ——— Zezee With Books ——— Obsessions of a Bookaholic
The Books She Reads ——— Read You Leyre ——— Stuck in Fiction
Between The pgs ———CJR The Brit ——— Beware of the Reader
Jasmine’s Reading Blog

Flower divider

So there are the next 5 letters of the alphabet titles series! Only one week left….. and I’m SOOOOOO sad about it! This month has been the most fun i’ve had in a long time making lists for Top 5 Tuesday! And, it’s also been the most successful! So many new participants over the last few weeks and it warms my heart to see your excitement. I hope that next months topics can live up to the same amount of fun!!

Until next time, happy reading!

24 Comments Add yours

  1. I also used The Poppy War for the letter ‘P’. Everything you said about the main character is also what made me appreciate her so much–nothing is given to her, she works her ass of for it!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. That she does! So many times these bad ass women are just gifted. Things come easy. But not for her! And yet she’s still amazing!!


  2. I have read non of these but I have sky in the deep to read this week
    here is my link

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Perfect – I’ll be adding you in just a few minutes 🙂
      And I hope you love Sky In The Deep!


  3. I haven’t read all of these (most are on my TBR), but I am here for Sky in the Deep. I also went into that novel blind (didn’t even read the synopsis I was sold on the Viking element) and loved the atmospheric writing. I still remember certain scenes from that book to this day so I totally support that selection!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I agree 100%! It’s so easy to forget parts of books. But the writing was just so vivid! And I even connect emotions with certain scenes. I just love her writing! I’m so glad someone else understands! This book seems to have gotten some bad reviews because it wasn’t the action packed book people expected. But dang! I loved it!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Well I’m here to love it with you! I recently snagged an arc of The Girl The Sea Gave Back and I can’t wait to see if it keeps the love train going!!


  4. Nice choices! I loved Sky in the Deep and Teeth in the Mist.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I only posted last weeks segment today 😦 Then today I have included U a week early 😦

    Liked by 1 person

    1. No worries!! You’re just excited 🙂🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  6. I was the same way with Sky in the Deep! All I knew was that it was about a Viking girl haha. I love it too ❤ It was awesome 🙂


  7. Rose says:

    I had been wanting to read Sky in the Deep ever since it came out but for some reason I could never get hold of it in the UK. I found a copy a few months ago and I’ve been waiting for the right time to read it. It sounds amazing!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Rose says:

        Thank you!


  8. Beware Of The Reader says:

    Queen of the Tearling and Poppy War are some of my fav too Shana! Here is my link and I did next week too due to my travel to London!


  9. Zezee says:

    Lol same about Sky in the Deep. The beginning got me so excited for awesome battle scenes.


  10. I’ve heard so many good things about The Poppy War! I really need to read it 😀


  11. Now I want to put Sky In The Deep back on my TBR!!! Damn it!!


  12. abunchoflessonslearned says:

    This has been such a fun challenge every week. I’m happy you thought of it!


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