Weekly Wrap Up – May 20 – 26

I can’t even begin to tell you how good it feels to be back!!!! This week was great! I spent a lot of time with my 13 year old daughter, we had some warm weather, we got our pool liner replaced, I hauled a ton of books AND I read a ton of books! As you know, for any bookworm, a reading slump makes you feel like absolute garbage! You want to read so badly but….. you just can’t! I’m happy to report that THE SLUMP IS OVER!!!! I actually managed to read TWO books this week and almost finished a third!! And I loved them all! So let’s see what I read!


The first book I read this week was BIRTHDAY by Meredith Russo (click for full review) which I was a part of the blog tour for the publisher! I was a little nervous that I wouldn’t like it after reading the first chapter. But it ended up being an emotionally packed enjoyable read! I really liked this one!

The next book I read was THE HAUNTED by Danielle Vega (Click for full review) and I LOVED this one!!! For some reason I’m hesitant when it comes to YA horror. I feel like it’s just not scary enough – especially when it comes to hauntings and paranormal. But this one absolutely hit the mark! This one gave me goosebumps and…….. THAT ENDING! This one publishes on June 4th 🙂


I am less than 100 pages from finishing Red, White & Royal Blue and loving it! I didn’t even read the synopsis before picking this up so the whole thing was a huge surprise! I didn’t know that this was the book I needed in my life! I think that after I finish this one, I’m going to pick up When We Were Lost by Kevin Wignall. This one has to do with a plane crash, survival, and murder…. sounds like just the thing I’m in the mood for!



This weeks topic (Top 5 “Unputdownable Reads”) was so much fun! I loved reading everyone’s answers! And I also loved that my Tuesday wasn’t as chaotic as it normally is and I actually got to comment on posts!!! Tomorrow will be the release of the topics for June…. I can’t believe we are almost in June!!! Check back tomorrow afternoon to see what we will be talking about!


Like I mentioned in the beginning of this post, I hauled a lot of books. I mean, A LOT! I think that buying and researching books is the main reason why my slump took a hike. It seemed to have sparked my interest in a whole bunch of different genres and a lot of really interesting sounding stories! Too many books, too little time! My book haul will be posted this week!

Flower divider

I’m keeping this post a little short today. Despite this being a much better week (in terms of reading and my personal life/anxiety), my life is still insanely busy. Keeping up with comments and conversations is still a struggle. Especially with my daughter’s grade 8 graduation, things are a bit chaotic here. But when my head is in a better place, all of these things are just a little bit easier. I’ve even been posting on twitter and Instagram more! I’m slowly coming back and DAMN it feels good!!

Until next time, happy reading!

24 Comments Add yours

  1. Holly says:

    Getting back into reading and blogging is the best feeling! I’m currently getting back into the swing of things too and it’s such a relief. Glad that your slump is ending!! Happy reading!! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think a LOT of bloggers have been feeling the pressure lately! I hope you’re back 100% soon enough!!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Welcome back! 😊

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m currently in a reading slump and trying to pull myself out of it. I started a readathon yesterday and manage to sit and read for a couple of hours and got through a little over 100 pages so I am hoping the readathon/books I chose help me get out of it.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Wow that’s an amazing start!! I hope this Readathon kicks the slump!!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you. I think it’s working.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. So happy to hear that!!!!! I’m doing a bookish dance for joy for you!

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Aww thanks. I’m not 100% yet but I’m definitely wanting to read more now but I think I’m more in the mood for some cutesy romance books. I just finished Love & Gelato and I was so into it.

            Liked by 1 person

          2. That was supposed to be a smile NOT a laugh!!! Ugh

            Liked by 1 person

          3. Lol it’s ok!!

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  4. kellyluvsreadin says:

    I’m so glad that you’re out of your reading slump! And isn’t Red, White, & Royal Blue great? It was such nice read. Hope you have a great week!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Red, White and Royal Blue was amazing!! I want to make everyone read it 😂 I hope you have a great week as well 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  5. I need to get my hands on Red, White & Royal Blue now! It seems like it can be a new favourite book but I have to wait a few more weeks for it to be published. Gaaaah hurry up time!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Trust me – it will be well worth the wait!!! Enjoy!

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  6. I’m glad your slump is over! Can you sprinkle some of that magic dust my way because I think I need it!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Consider my magic reading motivation dust sprinkled your way!!!

      Liked by 1 person

  7. evelynreads1 says:

    Enjoy your reading!


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  8. Claire @bookscoffeeandrepeat says:

    I loved THE HAUNTED AS WELL! I’m a bit hesitant reading THE BIRTHDAY because I don’t feel like it’s going to be my cup of tea. Glad you had a good reading week. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The Birthday is definitely going to be an acquired taste. I didn’t think I would like it as much as I did. Glad you loved The Haunted! I can’t wait for it to publish and see what others think of it. It was so good!


  9. *Flora* says:

    I’m so glad to hear that you’re out of your reading slump – you’re right, for a book worm that feels like a fate worse than death.

    My passion for my blog has grown over the last 5 months but my twitter and instagram accounts have paid the price, I really not feeling the love there at all.

    I hope you have a great week and enjoy your reads.x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Omg I struggle so hard with twitter and Instagram. To get anywhere with those platforms you have to be a constant presence. I just don’t have the time (or motivation if I’m being honest) to do that!!

      Liked by 1 person

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