March 2019 Book Haul!

It’s the end of March already?! I know that I wanted time to pass so that spring could get here, but still. It feels like this year is already flying by! This month I acquired some AMAZING books! Most of which I’ve read already! Now that’s rare. Usually I buy them with the intent to read immediately and then a year later I’m like: “I really need to get to this soon”……. not this time folks! Here are all the books I got in the month of March:

Dasiy Jones and the six

The only physical book I bought this month was Daisy Jones and The Six <— click for my full review. It was OUTSTANDING! It’s the type of book that draws you into the lives of the characters so deeply that you’re still thinking about them days later. You meet Daisy Jones, and the band called The Six, knowing that they meet, join, and then break apart. This is the story of how that happens. I LOVED it!


A Thousand years to wait

First is A Thousand Years To Wait by L. Ryan Storms….I had big giant alligator tears in my eyes when I opened this package. There’s a bit of a story behind this one. I’ve actually read it already….. but it was a few years ago. Since then it has been edited and changed, and I can’t wait to read it and see the changes. Thing is – I’ve known the author for almost 14 years! I initially accepted her offer to read it because she was an internet friend. I was meant to be a beta reader but I failed HARD at giving feedback. I ended up liking it so much that I flew through it and didn’t even bother to write my thoughts and feelings down. Sorry Lorraine! But it was just SO good! And now that it’s publishing soon, I get to read the glorious physical copy with the most amazing cover I’ve ever laid eyes upon….. I MEAN LOOK AT THAT COVER!!!!!!!!

The next two ARC’s I got were both from Hachette Book Group/Little Brown and I am dying to get to these!!! The first one, When We Were Lost by Kevin Wignall, is about a plane crash that turns into a survival story with a murderous twist. I read Feel Me Fall by James Morris and it was incredible! I hope that this one lives up to my expectations. The next one, Teeth In The Mist by Dawn Kurtagich, is about a haunting, a murder, and some magic…. yes please! It also seems to have letters, messages, and pictures. The pictures aren’t included in the ARC, so I’ll have to wait a while to connect the story to the pictures. I’m all about another reading experience like I had in Miss Peregrines!


The two books that I got for my kindle are long overdue! It was books 2 and 3 to the naughty princess club series by Tara Sivec. And that is In Bed With The Beast and Kiss The Girl. I read the first book in the series a while ago and I’ve been dying to get back to these ladies! I’ve already read In Bed With The Beast (see that review here) and I think i’m going to get to book 3 really soon!!

Flower divider

Those are the 6 books I got this month! I’ve loved everything I’ve read from these so far! In fact, I’ve rated all three 5 stars! I have high hopes that the other 3 will be the same!

Until next time, happy reading!

8 Comments Add yours

  1. abunchoflessonslearned says:

    I got Daisy Jones and The Six this month too and I loved it!!!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Blair Leftly says:

    That cover for A Thousand Years to Wait is just beautiful!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. thedreamybooksniffer says:

    That cover is ⚡⚡⚡⚡

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I also bought Daisy Jones this month, though I haven’t read it yet! So glad to hear that you loved it! 😀


  5. Oh, friend! I am so excited for the release of A Thousand Years to Wait and even more excited about meeting you in person this summer so we can hang out and talk books until our mouths are dry and are ears are ringing! ❤ Thank you so much for your support!!! It means so, so much to me!


  6. I wonder what number is next for Taylor Jenkins Reid – three of her latest books all had a number in the title so…taking bets?

    L. Ryan Storms book cover is beautiful! You are so lucky to have read an early proof and glad you enjoyed it, I know that readers here will be intrigued for sure…unfortunate though that L had A Thousand Years To Wait for your feedback *ba-dum tush* – sorry, couldn’t help myself. Congrats on the publication!!

    Just curious, but how inspired by Disney Princesses are The Naughty Princess Club books? I’m guessing by the two covers that they aren’t fairy tale retellings in the strictest sense – ladies look too cheerful.

    Liked by 1 person

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