Top 5 Book Titles!

Happy Top 5 Tuesday everyone! I’m here with a bit of a different topic. One that may be taken in many different ways. For me, book titles can be interesting. It can be something funny, unique, interesting, or something that makes you wonder what in the world it could be about. Either way, a title alone is enough to make you want to read it and find out a little bit more. There’s one participant in particular that I can’t wait for her response……. I’m talking about YOU Sophie (aka Beware of the Reader!) I know you’re going to have some clever (and hilarious) titles for us today!……… but no pressure….. really lol! Here are my top 5 book titles and why they made the list:

Top 5 Tuesday is a weekly meme where I explore different topics. If you are interested in participating I would love to have you! Here is a list of my Upcoming topics in DECEMBER – please remember to ping back a specific post of mine so I get a notification and I will add you to the participants list!

Scream all night


There’s just something about this title that called to me. It could mean so many things! Are we talking like murder screams, happy screams, sexy screams – so many screams are possible!

The girl who fairyland


Do I really need to explain why this title is amazing? It says so much! We know that there is a fairyland. And we also know that a girl made a ship, and circumnavigates said Fairyland…… sounds like quite the adventure! It’s also possibly the longest title I’ve ever seen!



Before I even knew what this book was about, it called to my childhood in the 80’s. Then when I found out that it was all about the 80’s pop culture, I HAD to have it! This title is self explanatory lol

An ember in the ashes


This title is so simple, yet elegant and thought provoking. An ember in the ashes suggests that there’s a fire buried and is trying to escape. There’s a light within the darkness. There’s a force waiting to explode. It says so much yet says so little. It’s oddly powerful!



Yet another long title (confession – I freaking LOVE long titles!) and one that hints at so much. As soon as I saw this, all I could think of was a space adventure full of investigation and mishaps while travelling to a new planet. I needed it!

Flower divider


Flower divider

There are my top 5 book titles. If you have a spare minute, and want to see something that will make you smile, just google “funny book titles”……. some of them I really wonder if they’re real! A few I was so stunned by the title I had to see if they were actually published….. and they were….. which made me laugh even harder!

To all the participants – I hope to keep up with adding you to the list as quickly as possible. Yet another insane work day so I might be a bit behind and I might not have the chance to comment. I started this meme for a Tuesday because it was the slowest day of the week……. then, all of a sudden, Tuesday became my busiest day….. go figure!

Until next time, happy reading!

22 Comments Add yours

  1. So many good ones! I almost out The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet on my list! Ready Player One truly is a perfect title!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. OMG, perfect titles… Especially the one with ‘Circumnavigated’.. hehe. I’m pretty sure I’ll never use that word till the day I die. 😂😂

    Here’s my link so it would be easy for you to see it. 💖

    Liked by 1 person

    1. 😂 I actually used circumnavigated in a sentence last week. Probably for the first time ever! Lol got you added 🙂


  3. Alyssa Cohen says:

    This is such a cool topic!!! I have another post scheduled for today, so unfortunately I won’t be able to participate this week 😦 But, I think one of the best titles I’ve heard recently is “The Smell of Other Peoples Houses”. I just purchased this book on Book Outlet and I’m really excited to read it!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. No worries! Get to it whenever it fits into your schedule. No pressure! And I never thought of that book but I’ve definitely read the synopsis a time or two because of the title!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Yay for long book titles! I’ve always loved the title of Valente’s book, and I’ve been tempted to buy it because of that, even when the summary doesn’t sound like something I would pick up.


  5. Oh my gosh, THESE ARE ALL SO GOOD. Ready Player One, The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland…they’re all so fascinating.


  6. Sahi says:

    I didn’t even know a couple of these… Nice choices 😊😊😊 And I love long titles too 😃😃😃

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Great choices!! I have a few of these on my TBR list. It’s always nice to see that they’re good!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Nia says:

    Ahh there are so many good titles! I love An Ember in ghe Ashes and The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet, they would make me want to read them if I see them on a store😊.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Beware Of The Reader says:

    Well Shanah I swear I had not read your post before writing mine but …I think you’ll be surprised and that my mission is accomplished 😉 Here is my link


  10. kyera says:

    Oh I love this. They’re all fantastic choices!!

    Liked by 1 person

  11. You really do have a thing for long titles! I like The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet. Just from that title, I expect deep thoughts and scifi and maybe unexpected humour. (Tell me if I’m way off.)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re not way off actually! There’s deep thoughts and sci-fi but not really humour in the way you would expect!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Well then it looks like the title is doing its job! The best titles connect with a book’s genre, imho.

        Liked by 1 person

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