First Impression Friday #15

Happy Friday everyone!!! I work 7 days a week (downside to being a self employed business owner!) so Friday doesn’t mean a whole lot to me. But it does mean that it’s time for this meme so I have at least one thing to get excited for! LOL! This was created by Joe over at J.W. Martin – Storeys of Stories. If you haven’t checked out his blog yet – what are you waiting for?? The point of this post is to talk about the books read and our first impressions. I, however, wait to share my impressions until I’ve finished the book so I can share with you how I felt about it in the end as well. Here’s my first impressions of the books I’ve finished over the last 2 weeks:

The cabin at the end of the world

MY FIRST IMPRESSIONS – This book doesn’t take it’s time getting to the point! The first chapter was what I would call explosive. We are introduced to the character and the situation, but we are also introduced to the complication as well as the threat immediately. I guessed that I would rate this 4 stars…..

HOW I RATED IT – This was an interesting one. Parts of it I loved while other parts were mediocre. It’s really hard not to compare a book by the same author when you rated one of them 5 stars. In this case I think that my expectations were set so high that the premise just couldn’t live up to it. It was a good story in and of itself, but not absolutely stellar. I ended up rating this one 3 stars. For my full review click HERE

The Wanderers

MY FIRST IMPRESSIONS – This one was a bit of a slow start. After the first chapter, I did a quick flip through of the book, and realized that there were many different character perspectives. It also seemed like the type of book that takes a while to build momentum – none of these was necessarily a bad thing though! I was interested in the characters, the writing style, and the direction of the story, so I guessed that I would rate this one 4 stars…..

HOW I RATED IT – Pretty darn close! I ended up rating this one 3.5 stars. It ended up being WAY more character driven than I expected. There was a lot of human emotion and connection going on, and I ended up connecting with the different characters for different reasons. Each one seemed to have their own problems, but also something that was entirely relatable. There was also a lot of mind games and speculation. It was a tad bit on the slow side, but worth the read. For my full review click HERE

Empress of All Seasons

MY FIRST IMPRESSIONS – Almost immediately I fell in love with this authors writing style. She was able to draw me into the mind and the life of the character and I desperately wanted to know more! And I was also so very excited to see what connected the character that we were first meeting to the events that the synopsis promised. I was very excited to read more of this one. I guessed that I would rate this 5 stars…..

HOW I RATED IT – Once again, close! I ended up rating it 4 stars. There were a lot of positives and a few negatives, but over all, the story was really interesting, vivid, and well written! My blog tour stop is on November 7th (where I will be showcasing a full review and exclusive author Q&A!) so you’ll have to wait until then to hear exactly what I thought of it!

Flower divider

That’s all folks! (sorry that was cheesy but I’m feeling nostalgic about Bugs Bunny lately lol). Those are the 3 books that I’ve started and finished over the last two weeks. Hope you have a fantastic Friday!

Until next time, happy reading!

9 Comments Add yours

  1. Alexandra says:

    Of these three, I think I’m more interested in Empress Of All Seasons, which sounds intriguing.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It was really interesting! Not perfect, but a really enjoyable read for sure!


      1. Alexandra says:

        I have it on my list! ☺️

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Alyssa Cohen says:

    ooooo I have not seen this type of post before! I might have to join in on the fun!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. J.W. Martin says:

      You absolutely should. Always looking for new voices to give their First Impressions (on Friday!) lol

      Liked by 2 people

    2. Isn’t it such a great idea?!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Empress of All Seasons held up pretty well to your expectations! I’ve been teased a lot of good things about it. Guess I’ll have to wait for that full review to know more haha.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. 😂 I know! I’m forced to be a giant tease lol

      Liked by 1 person

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