Weekly Wrap Up – September 17 – 23

Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!!!! I FINISHED TWO BOOKS THIS WEEK!!!! I was so happy that I literally danced in front of my book shelves. I honestly don’t even remember the last time I finished two books in a week and I was so proud! My fall/winter reading sprint has begun! As soon as spring and summer comes my reading slows down and I get so frustrated. But it’s starting to pick up now and so is my enthusiasm to read. I want to read everything! I can’t….. but I want to! LOL! So here’s how my week looked 🙂



INVICTUS by Ryan Graudin <—– (full review) 4.25 stars

This book was such a fun adventure! Great characters, family, relationships, loss, a red panda, and time travel – what more could you ask for?! We got to see ancient Rome, ancient Egypt, the Titanic, future Las Vegas and so much more. This was a bit of a hard one to summarize my thoughts on as I didn’t want to spoil anything, but it further cemented my absolute love for Ryan Graudin and her genius abilities to write unique historical fiction! This one comes out on September 26 🙂

WAR CROSS by Marie Lu <—– (full review) 4 stars

Yet another fun adventure! This time we are taken through a future where Virtual Reality has basically changed our every day lives and the love of a VR game called Warcross is an obsession. There’s even a way to make a real financial living off of the tools within the game. Not to mention that there are games where teams compete within the game. There’s also hacking, a seedy underground, and bounty hunting – it’s all here! The hype is real when it comes to this book and I loved it!


Yup, still attempting Tower of Dawn. Though to be honest I haven’t actually touched it in a week. I was so immersed in Invictus and Warcross that I didn’t come back to it yet. I plan to get to at least a few more chapters this week. I’ve also just started Wild Beauty. Anna-Marie McLemore and I’m honestly not sure what to think yet. So many people have mentioned her beautiful writing. And I have to agree that it’s stunning! Her writing style is so unique, poetic, gorgeous, and more! I’ve stumbled on quite a few lines because they’re so shockingly beautiful. I end up stopping, rereading, and smiling. But at the same time her writing style has thrown me for a loop. This one is magical realism about 5 girls who have the ability to grow things. Due to a “curse” they live in this place and are unable to leave because they will get sick and die. This “curse” also makes the men they love disappear. They way she writes this book is that you’re just thrown into this world/situation and no explanations are given. It’s just law and the way it is. So, being thrown into this without knowing what’s actually going on has me a bit confused. I feel like I’m playing catch up and connecting dots more than I’m experiencing this plot along with the characters. I’m only about 50 pages in so there’s time for me to catch up, but for right now I’m not officially sold.



It was a big week for my meme! This weeks topic was Top 5 Dream Reading Spaces – it had me driving around town looking at other peoples sheds in hopes that I could figure out some way to get my own space. Sadly, still not happening. I also announced the Topics for October!! I’m so excited for those topics! October is my favourite month of the year so we will be talking about some scary/creepy things! This coming weeks topic is the Top 5 characters I would team up with to rule the world! Kind of like my own kick ass crew. I can’t wait to reveal who would be on my team!


I actually did a discussion post this week! It’s only been months since my last one so it’s time. I talked about buying a finished copy if you have an ARC. I also listed all the books I want to read before the end of the year in hopes that it will motivate me to finally get to some of these! They’ve been on my TBR for sooooo long!


I’ve been trying to step up my Instagram game lately and I’m kind of failing. But I do remember to post every once in a while. I took what is probably my favourite picture to date and I wanted to share it with you! Here it is – (by the way, if you want to follow me, the link is in the menu on the right)

wild beauty


So that was my week! Not incredibly exciting but very productive! I finally feel like I’m settling back into my reading groove and I couldn’t be happier! I hope you had a fantastic week!!

Until next time, happy reading!

26 Comments Add yours

  1. I can’t remember the last I read two books in a week, I’d be dancing around as well if I had! Love that IG photo!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. kozbisa says:

    Two book, and they were both great. Sounds like an awesome reading week to me. I am looking forward to reading Warcross, because I adore Lu. I hope to get to ToD soon. Buzz is positive, so I am excited. I loved Wild Beauty. I rushed to read it in June, because my co-blogger wanted to take it to school, and then she didn’t read it. But that’s ok, because it was so beautiful and magical. I hope you enjoy both books this week.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It was my first Marie Lu book and it was wonderful! Not sure if I’ll read her other series or not – my TBR shelves are full enough as it is right now lol
      Wild Beauty is definitely magical! I’m a little further in it now and things are getting a tiny bit easier to follow. Still confused though lol

      Liked by 1 person

      1. kozbisa says:

        Legend is one of my favorite series, and I am not even a dystopian reader. Lu is just that fabulous, and now she wrote that Legend short story, that I will definitely be buying. Wild Beauty’s story will as intertwined as the flowers they created. When you finally get the whole story, it is quite interesting.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. I may have to look into the Legend series after all 🙂
          I know as the story unfolds my mind will be changed. It really is beautiful 🌺


  3. Justine says:

    I could have sworn I followed you on Instagram, but apparently I didn’t! Your photos are really lovely 😍

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I could have sworn I was following you too!! Apparently we were both wrong 😂 your Instagram is envious!!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Justine says:

        I love the way you set up your photos and use props! I want to do more things like that. I’m planning to kcik my photos up a notch here soon — I can’t wait!

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Props are the only thing I have lol! Thank goodness for the dollar store!

          Liked by 1 person

  4. Beware Of The Reader says:

    Congrats Shanah! That’s true that I’ve never read as slowly as I have now. And to say we are blogging about books 😂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. 😂 exactly!! I laugh about the irony all the time!!


  5. Marie says:

    Yay for two books this week, that’s awesome! 😀 I’m very, very curious to hear your thoughts about Wild Beauty once you’re done with it – I hope you’ll feel less confused, or at least that this confusion won’t bother you too much to enjoy the story as a whole. Glad you’re enjoying the writing style so far 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I made it a little further today and it’s starting to feel a bit more comfortable. I’m sure when it all comes together in the end my thoughts will finally form and I can decide how I feel 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Marie says:

        OH I’m glad to hear it! I can’t wait to read your full review 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  6. Sarah Jane says:

    I am so highly anticipating reading Warcross and Invictus! I just want to read them right now! also, can’t wait to see your answers for Octobers top 5 tuesday, all of my posts are scheduled, it feels like an accomplishment!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Having posts scheduled is the best feeling ever for a blogger!!! My last scheduled post went up this morning. Now I feel like I need to catch up!

      I hope you love them when you get to them 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Sarah Jane says:

        Oh no. Happy scheduling then! It’s such a life saver 😂

        Liked by 1 person

        1. It really is!! I usually have an entire week planned. I have a lot of work to do tomorrow!


  7. kyera says:

    Two books, whooooooo! (And what books they were, ugh why haven’t I read them yet?!)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I don’t know, why haven’t you?? You won’t be disappointed I’m sure 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Sophie Li says:

    Hi Shanah! Kudos for reading 2 books this week! Invictus sounds super interesting! I’ve been reading a lot of contemporary recently and I think I am ready for a change, so I’ll be adding this book to my tbr 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I hope you love it!! I tried to get into contemporary this year. Read a few great ones but didn’t get to as many as I wanted to sadly 🙁

      Liked by 1 person

  9. you had a great week! 🙂 finishing two books is amazing! and i am glad you liked both of them 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Mika says:

    I never finish two books in one week! Im jealous!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s a rare occurrence for me 😂

      Liked by 1 person

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