Top 5 books that made me cry

Breathe. Just remember to breathe.

I’ve tried to write this post 50+ times in the last few months. Every time I try I can’t finish it and delete it. My emotions and fears were just too fresh and I couldn’t handle typing the words. But I put this topic on my list to force myself to finish it – so here it goes….. I’m saving the hardest (and closest to home) for last…….



I’m pretty sure I started crying in this one before I even hit page 25 and continued to be a complete mess through almost the whole thing. Her writing was captivating and beautiful, showing so much hope in the face of absolute horror. But it was the fact that these things actually happened that tore me apart. These events were just unspeakable and yet it actually happened. And no matter how awful it was people still endured. I just can’t imagine. Even thinking about it makes my eyes water.

The book thief

THE BOOK THIEF by Markus Zusak

Following the WWII historical fiction theme, this one was such an emotional roller coaster. I read this one a while before I caught all the hype on blogs and you tube. I went into it not knowing what to expect and almost DNF’d it because I found it hard to get into. Told from the perspective of death was something I had a hard time grasping in the beginning. But as the story went on I found myself so connected to literally every single character. What they endured and the bravery of a young girl only wanting to understand what was happening grabbed my heart. I can’t imagine how hard it would be for someone so strong in her convictions. Knowing that whats happening is wrong but having different views forced down your throat. And that ending….. I was actually sobbing gasping for breath on the couch. Thank goodness my husband wasn’t home because I did NOT want to explain myself!!!


THE HELP by Kathryn Stockett

This one had me crying both happy and sad tears almost the whole way through. This book has inspired me and rooted itself in my heart for many years. The strength and determination of all of the women in this story is just so beautiful!! It was so amazing to see these women overcome their fears and stand up for themselves and what they deserve. And the revenge – sweet, sweet revenge – sprinkled throughout was just so stinking satisfying! It’s rare that I can say that I enjoyed the movie as much as the book but it’s very true in this case. Annnnnnd now I want to reread this one!!

A monster calls

A MONSTER CALLS by Patrick Ness

And here’s where it starts to get hard and personal. This is one that I found out about while watching a you tube video. They didn’t really explain what it was about but they actually started crying while talking about it. For it to invoke so much emotion I had to know what it was about. I read this 2 days before the anniversary of my Papa’s passing – it was both great and horrible timing. See, my Papa was very close to me. He was such a great man and I wanted more than anything for him to meet his great grandson. He wanted a boy and told me while I was pregnant that it was a boy when everyone else said it was a girl. 5 months into my pregnancy he had a heart attack. We got the phone call that he was on ventilators and he wouldn’t make it. So we sat by his side for hours (sorry if there’s spelling mistakes because I’m crying now) and just watched him sleep, listening to the monitors beeping, just waiting to watch his chest rise and fall one last time. In some crazy miracle he kept breathing. A few hours later he opened his eyes. A few hours later he talked. But we knew it was going to be short lived as his organs stopped working. So I sat in a dark hospital room at midnight, helping him drink water through a straw, trying to understand what he was saying, and just holding his hand. Before I went home that night I hugged him and said I love you. He said “I love you too hun” and I left. I went home thinking that I wished he would have just passed because I didn’t want him to suffer any more. I felt so guilty for years thinking this. This book gave me closure and a sense of relief that I never thought would come. That day was the hardest day of my life – but I’m also so grateful that I had that time with him. To tell him I loved him one last time. And for that to be our last words to each other. It’s been almost 8 years and there still isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t think of him. Excuse me while I blow my nose and prepare to write about my final book…..

The fault in our stars


Okay – okay. This one made me cry for a different reason than most people. I myself have been Hazel Grace. Give me a minute to explain. I’ve had thyroid problems since I was about 8 years old. I’m so used to blood tests, scans, ultrasounds, iodine testing, and more. When I was in my early teen years they told me they found a nodule, but they assure me that it was normal. They’re just a growth and it doesn’t necessarily mean anything. By the time I hit my 20’s I had 5 nodules, which meant that I needed to keep up with my ultrasounds and blood work to monitor their growth. Last August my worst fears came true. A phone call from the endocrinologist telling me that two of them were now within the guidelines to be biopsied. I knew. I just knew. And sitting across from that doctor with my husband as she told me that I had papillary carcinoma was like an out of body experience. You always think and wonder what you would do when you’re sitting in a doctors office and they tell you that you have cancer – but it’s not even close. I immediately felt doomed and was planning on never seeing my kids get married or have my grand babies. I had surgery to have my thyroid removed in October. The results from pathology confirmed that three of my five nodules were in fact cancerous, two being benign. Luckily, since I was aware of this from the time I was very young, it was caught early and hadn’t spread. If I had waited any longer then the largest one had just reached outside of the protective capsule and was preparing to go throughout my body. After months of constant doctors visits (sometimes being in the hospital 4 days a week), a team of doctors told me in January that I am now CANCER FREE!!! There is still a chance that this could come back, even though my thyroid is now gone, it could have microscopically attached itself to my lymph nodes. But it’s easy to catch through blood work and I would just have to do some specifically targeted radiation and hopefully be cancer free yet again. So now I’m on a hormone replacement for the rest of my life. So I’ve been Hazel Grace – though not to that extent. I was lucky. I am thankful for every day that I have my family, the sunshine and my books. But being in their shoes is the worst thing that I could ever experience. To this day I can’t watch the movie. I just can’t bring myself to do it. it’s too hard.


So there it is. This was much harder than I expected but I made it all the way through. If you take anything from this then here are a few things. Live every moment to it’s fullest. Look at the stars. Feel the sunshine. Say I love you. And if you think something is wrong push to take care of yourself. It may save your life.

Until next time, happy reading

59 Comments Add yours

  1. canaryylungs says:

    Hey!! I can imagine how awry your feelies must’ve been while writing this, because same): The Book Thief’s ending was so unexpected. I mean, it’s been a couple of years but I’m still in a lot of pain.

    Also, hun, I’m so glad you’re free from thyroid problems 🙂


    Liked by 1 person

    1. The ending of the Booo Thief was heart breaking for sure!!! And I still think that the father is my favourite character. He made me smile 🙂
      And thank you!!

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  2. mikaela says:

    Aw, this is such a fantastic post! So nice to hear that books really helped you through the tough times; isn’t that what books are for, after all? 😁 I agree with TFIOS and A Monster Calls – two of my favorite books and they drained emotion from me. 😭

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s exactly what books are for! I’m so happy that I’m a reader for that reason 🙂

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  3. I’m so sorry about your thyroid problems. It always does strike a chord when you can relate to a character so deeply. While I may never have had a character connection THAT strong, there have been aspects of characters that have hit a chord.
    And The Book Thief…I tried reading that twice. And on my third try, I finally got into it. I’ve only read the ending twice; I just can’t reread that bit. Liesel is such an amazing character to not have fallen apart completely after that.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s the thing that gets me every time. That people dealt with so much yet they had the strength and perseverance to keep going. It’s just mind blowing!

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      1. It really is mind blowing…and inspiring.

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  4. Amber says:

    To be fair, I try to avoid books that make me cry. Sometimes you just walk into them, though. If you want two really great books that will end up making you ugly cry, (legitimately ugly cry) try Tillie Cole’s A Thousand Boy Kisses and Bright Side by Kim Holden.

    Those are my two that I shove at people like, “Read this! It’s great, it’ll wreck you.” 😀

    I need to put The Book Theif on my TBR.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much for the recommendations!! I love your “read this it will wreck you” comment! I totally laughed out loud and scared a customer – yes I’m checking this while working but I’m my own boss so it’s ok lol!! Im going to check those two books out!

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      1. Amber says:

        A Thousand Boy Kisses really will. I was bawling in under the first 5 minutes of that book. When it first came out I had one of my friends read it, she made the mistake of starting it before class. Well, she never made it to class, sat in her car on campus the whole day and read the book instead while bawling her head off.

        Bright Side is just something else. My chest hurts thinking of that one. There’s a second part to it but if people say too much about that one, you loose the oomph from it.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Oh geez!!! So that’s something that I will need to make sure I don’t read when my husband is home!!! Crying in less than 5 minutes….. now I really want to read it but don’t want to at the same. Why do we punish ourselves?? Lol

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Amber says:

            Yeah … I wouldn’t recommend being around anyone for it. It’s so good, though. It also lays it out like one of those books where you’re all, “I know what is going to happen!” but you really don’t. You’re guessing in the dark. I thought I had the plot figured out, I was so wrong.

            I would say if you’re going to read ATBK, go into it blind. Don’t read reviews, don’t go anywhere that you might remotely get a spoiler. It’s worth it to avoid all things and just dive in.

            Liked by 1 person

          2. Ok I will. Now I’m really excited to find and read them!

            Liked by 1 person

          3. Amber says:

            Do you use a Kindle? If so, I can loan you ATBK from that. 😀


          4. No I don’t have one. Well I do but it won’t connect anymore. So I’m going to have to get the kindle app for my phone/computer

            Liked by 1 person

          5. Amber says:

            You basically don’t need one, it just makes it easier. I can loan it to you through Amazon, and it’ll stay in your stuff for 14 days. It really just goes to an email address. If you download the app, you can def read it from there. 😀

            Liked by 1 person

          6. Oh ok I had no clue that could even be done! That would be amazing. I’ve got a few books on the go right now but I will download the app within the next few days!

            Liked by 1 person

          7. Amber says:

            When you get it downloaded, let me know! I’ll send you the book. I’d just send it now but then that’d cut into your 14 days. 😀 (I actually have a ton of ebooks from Amazon that can be loaned. I’m always willing to share!)

            Liked by 1 person

          8. That’s so sweet of you!! Thank you so much!

            Liked by 1 person

      2. Amber says:

        On second thought, I actually have more than those two that will do it. I should write a “These books made me ugly cry” post someday. 😉

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Yes please do! I’m more than interested!

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Amber says:

            I’ll see about getting to it! I’m currently in the middle of a theme change. You know how that goes. All the background work.

            Liked by 1 person

          2. Oh yay….. that’s always so stressful!! Good luck!

            Liked by 1 person

          3. Amber says:

            Thanks! I got it done and now I’m more stressed about how my followers are going to react. It’s a BIG change.

            Liked by 1 person

          4. I can’t wait to have a look at it when I get home to my computer!! 😁

            Liked by 1 person

  5. Wow, thank you for sharing such a personal post with us! I love how books can really connect to our personal lives like this and help us get through tough times and even give us platforms to share with each other.

    I’ve read all the books on this list except A Monster Calls (which I WILL get to one day), and they’ve all made me tear up in their own ways but The Book Thief…I’ve read that one twice and both times sobbed my eyes out. Like, ugly crying sobbing your eyes out. That is definitely a book I cannot finish when I’m around people!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Great post, The Fault in our Stars broke my heart when I read it and I had to put The book Thief down for a good ten minutes when reading the end.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I love books that make you sit there and think before moving on!!

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  7. Justine says:

    This is a wonderful post, thank you for sharing something so personal! I’ve read A Monster Calls, The Book Thief, and The Fault in Our Stars and they really hit me hard. A Monster Calls actually holds the record for making me cry — I figured out what was going on about 15 pages in and was in tears for the entire book. I just couldn’t stop!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It seriously took me forever to really figure it out! Made me feel so stupid lol

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      1. Justine says:

        I am overly paranoid about ill parents so I look for the early signs in every book. Probably not the healthiest thing to do, but still.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. I don’t think its unhealthy – you just know that there are things you can’t handle and look out for them! I won’t read books with sick kids

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  8. I haven’t read a lot of these books but ahhh the emotional feels are real with A Monster Calls omg 😭😭 And TFIOS for sure! Loved this list. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  9. kyera says:

    I’ve heard so many wonderful things about Ruta Sepetys, her books are on my TBR. The only book that I’ve read that you mentioned was the Fault in Our Stars and it did make me cry. I am so glad to hear that despite your trials, you are not only cancer free but have not let it affect you – and are living a wonderful life.

    I can completely understand how tough this post would have been to write. I am going to share now, so feel free not to read this because it’s not entirely cheerful. My (paternal) grandma died when I was 15 and that was devastating because she was like my best friend. She was honestly like the sun in everyone’s life, she was kind not matter what even though she was probably in incredible pain most of the time. She had gotten in a car accident when she was younger so she had a metal rod and pins in her back, when I knew her she had arthritis and she died from cancer. Nothing brought her down though, so everytime I got sad after she died I just thought to myself that she’s no longer in pain. I can understand your feelings and not wanting your grandpa to be in pain anymore. I’m proud of you for writing this post though!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Awe share away! Sounds like she was a really wonderful person. Anyone who can deal with that much pain and still think of others and be constantly positive the way it sounds like she was is amazing. Even though she passed when you were younger it’s a good thing you had each other!! ❤️

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  10. annelogan17 says:

    wow, this was an amazing post for so many reasons. Thank you for being such a fighter, you are an inspiration!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Awe thanks ❤️

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  11. LairOfBooks says:

    Shanah thank you so much for sharing your personal experience & connections with these books. It takes a lot of courage to give voice to what hurt us, it’s appreciated. I also loved The Help & was moved by the cast of women & how they managed to rise above. I was just watching the movie the other night & will also need a re-read someday soon. A Monster Calls had me in tears before I even knew what was happening. I also went in blind & that was prob best since I tend to stay away from these types of books & would’ve missed out. All amazing books, thank you again for sharing & I wish you continued strength & good health <3!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much! It was hard to put out there that’s for sure! I don’t know how authors write these books though. I would be a mess writing something that emotional lol

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      1. LairOfBooks says:

        I agree that’s why I’m a reader lol, they must really go through it to produce the kind of text to invoke emotion 💙

        Liked by 1 person

  12. BrizzleLass says:

    Such a moving story thank you for sharing.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Ugh omg all of these books are incredibly heartbreaking (except I haven’t read A Monster Calls yet…bad ik). When Rudy dies in The Book Thief, it was the saddest thing ever. I can’t even put it into words. On a brighter note…well there really is no bright note to this. BUT if you want a really sad (but still good!) book, read Second Chance Summer (I’m suspecting I may be turning into one of those suckers for cheesy contemporarys but I think it’s actually a good book!) 😂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’ve heard amazing things about second chance summer but I’ve heard it deals with cancer. Because of my reason The Fault in our Stars made me cry, I’m just not ready to handle that subject yet! Hopefully one day!

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  14. The Other Weasley says:

    Sometimes these books are life savers. And sometimes my poor heart is just shattered and I can’t breathe.
    Your story about your grandpa was so familiar. I’m glad that a book helped you find some closure.

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  15. Such great post! I’ve read all these books too and they did make me cry. Funny because in my Goodreads review on A Monster Calls, I remember mentioning my grandpa too. ❤ Honestly though I couldn't boil down my favorite tearjerkers to just five books. I mean, the last four books of the Harry Potter series alone already made me bawl out. Hunger Games, the first book in particular made me cry. (Lol!) But here are some of mine in case you're up for books that will give you tears but inspiration as well. Second Chance Summer by Morgan Matson, Just Listen by Sarah Dessen, Falling Into Place by Amy Zhang, Before We Were Strangers by Renee Carlino, Confess by Colleen Hoover, The Five Stages of Falling In Love by Rachel Higginson, Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver, Emmy & Oliver by Robin Benway, Burning Eddy by Scot Gardner, Looking for Alibrandi by Melina Marchetta and The One Plus One by Jojo Moyes. Sorry if this comment seemed intrusive. I just got really excited. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Not intrusive at all! I really appreciate the recommendations and can’t wait to look into them! I’m a very emotional person and it’s easy to make me cry. My daughter got the emotional gene as well because she cried while reading The Hunger Games a couple times!

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  16. Marie says:

    I had tears in my eyes reading your post. I am glad to hear you are better now and I understand how some books like TFIOS could really have such an impact on you. TFIOS is one of my favorite books and I cried like a baby for too long after finishing it. I really want to read A Monster Calls, I haven’t yet because I know it’s one of these books that will make me cry like a baby as well, but it seems worth it.
    Beautiful post ❤ ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Awe thanks! A monster calls will be the end all of ugly cries lol. But it’s totally worth it!!

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  17. Hi there,

    I’m so glad you posted this!

    The Book Thief is one of my favourite books. It’s heartbreaking but such a good read.

    I’ll definitely be adding A Monster Calls onto my TBR list.

    I look forward to following your blog 🙂


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks! I hope you enjoy A Monster Calls!


  18. lacyliteracy says:

    I cried so hard while reading A Monster Calls!! And it was while I was on a plane so it was super embarrassing lol.

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    1. Oh no way!!! I can’t imagine!! I’m mortified for you and I wasn’t even there! Lol

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      1. lacyliteracy says:

        I only read romance novels while flying now. I learned my lesson 😂.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. That’s probably for the best 😂

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  19. J.W. Martin says:

    The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein did it for me. Easily one of my top books of all time, though I’m not sure I could bring myself to read it again.

    Liked by 1 person

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