Top 10 favourite book series!

Welcome to another top 5 Tuesday! This week it’s a special topic – my top 5 10 favourite series!! I tried to come up with only 5 but that wasn’t possible, as you could imagine. I’ve finished quite a few series but still have SO many to get to (Mistborn, Red Rising, The Black Prism, etc) and there are so many that are not yet completed. So I will be doing this topic on a yearly basis to include the new ones. But this week is my top 10 of all time! Not only have I went from 5 to 10 books this week, I’m also listing this in order!

Top 5 Tuesday is a weekly meme where I explore different topics. If you are interested in doing my topic on your blog feel free! Here is a list of my upcoming topics if you’re interested in participating in future Top 5’s!

Top 5 Tuesday


Calendar Girl series

#10 – THE CALENDAR GIRL SERIES by Audrey Carlan – This series is so incredible! It’s an erotic romance series that follows the main character Mia as she takes on the job of escort to pay off  her fathers gambling debts. I thought it would be super cheesy and all about the sex, but it focuses on the people she meets (and is NOT required to sleep with) and how they change her perception of herself. Some she is attracted to, some become best friends, and some are like brothers. This series is far more in depth than I ever expected!


#9 – THE HUNGER GAMES SERIES by Suzanne Collins – I read this series so long ago but it’s one that’s stayed with me always! This was one of my first dystopian reads and one of the first I’ve read with a really strong female lead. The details and challenges in this book were so vivid and terrifying! This is also one of the very limited times where I enjoyed the movie adaptations just as much as the books. I managed to finish all three books within 2 days. I think It’s time for a reread soon because I honestly forget a lot of books 2 and 3.

The Infernal devices.png

#8 – THE INFERNAL DEVICES SERIES by Cassandra Clare – Stunning!! The original Shadow Hunter series was great but this series (in my opinion) was leagues above! The characters felt so much more relatable, the plot had more depth, and the pace was much faster as well. The love triangle wasn’t my favourite at times but as a whole I feel like it helped me to understand the characters and their lives as a whole. So good!


#7 THE WRATH AND THE DAWN SERIES by Renee Ahdieh – At the beginning of last year, if someone would have suggested to me that this series would be on this list, I would have just laughed. The synopsis of book 1 didn’t sound all that original and my expectations were low. But after I finished book 1 I remember sitting on the chair literally shaking thinking that I needed book 2 NOW!! The writing was fantastic, the story ended up being original, and the characters were stunning!

#6 – THE SIX OF CROWS DUOLOGY by Leigh Bardugo – You had me at heist! A band of misfit characters that come together under the wing of a criminal mastermind to pull off an impossible heist? YES PLEASE!!! These books pulled me so deeply into the world and the characters and I never knew what was coming as I would turn the page! These books have it all!!

The lunar chronicles.jpg

#5 – THE LUNAR CHRONICLES by Marissa Meyer – This series is THE series that made me appreciate the ‘marathon read’! I had put off reading these for so long that when I picked up Cinder, the release of Winter was only a few months away. I assumed I would hate them and never researched any further. But all of a sudden this books were everywhere and everything being said was hype and praise. I decided to try book 1 and immediately needed all the rest! Cinder threw me into a rabbit hole where I honestly felt like my life could be put on hold until I read all the books! The characters were incredible and I appreciated each book introducing a new person to the mix. Sometimes when that happens it takes away from the original cast of characters but it was written in such a way that you never felt like you were missing anything! The books  were so complex and pushed me further into science fiction.


#4 – THE ILLUMINAE FILES by Aimee Kaufman and Jay Kristoff –  I feel a little guilty that I’ve added a series without it actually being completed but sorry, NOT SORRY!! I’ll break the rules for this one! Last year was such a great year for me as I moved into the unchartered territory of science fiction. I started off with light stuff and went into these afraid of what I would think. This one was set completely on a space ship and even went into Artificial Intelligence. Not only was the story incredible but the layout and format was so unique! Told in case files, emails, messages, pictures, diagrams, surveillance, etc – it was a break in the monotony of the regular written word novel. Such an enjoyable experience and I can’t wait to finish the series with book 3 next year!


#3 – THRONE OF GLASS by Sarah J Maas –  If you’ve been following me for any length of time then you had to have know that this one was coming! Yet another series I refused to read for the longest time then read them all at once as soon as I realized how amazing these books were!!!! I would go into detail but you’ve probably already read these! LOL And you’ll see her again in 5,4,3,2,1…..

#2 THE A COURT OF THORNS AND ROSES SERIES by Sarah J Maas – Once again, not so sure what I could tell you about my love for this series that you don’t already know! The second book in this series had me so in love that it took me months to recover from the book hangover! The characters are so different and amazing and I literally couldn’t get my head (or heart) out of these books!



#1 – THE HARRY POTTER SERIES by J.K. Rowling – SURPRISE!! I couldn’t help it. These are the books that brought me back into my book obsession. I had stopped reading for a bit in high school and college due to lack of time, but I MADE time when it came to these! They rekindled my love of reading for adventure – and reading for feelings. I could go on and on about my love for these but I don’t think I can explain my love properly in words. I’ve read the first book more than 10 times and the whole series more than three times. This will FOREVER remain in my top series ever!


Are any of these on your top series of all time list? What would you say is number 1 on your list?

Until next time, happy reading!

19 Comments Add yours

  1. mikaela says:

    Ah, I agree with so many of these! A big yes to Harry Potter, SJM, Lunar Chronicles, Illuminae Files, the Six of Crows dulogy, and probably a lot more that I’m missing! 😁

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Anna @MyBookishDream says:

    I adore The Infernal Devices!! They are such wonderful books. I’m currently reading TMI series and I have to say that I’m not loving it as much. TID are definitely better in my opinion as well! 😀 I’m also really happy to see the Six of Crows duology on your list! They are some of the best books that I have ever read and definitely some of my favourites as well. Great list! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks! The TMI series is good just not AS good as TID!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. This is such a great list, I love so many of these series!! Harry Potter is also my ultimate fave- no matter how much I enjoy any other series, Harry holds the dearest spot in my heart.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The books are amazing but they’re so sentimental to me. And to a lot of people since they’re so close to our childhood 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  4. 👍🏻 great list!!! Mentioned our fave series (Throne of Glass and ACOTAR plus many others) and books we defo plan to read (SoC and practically everything else on this list LOL)!! 😆😆

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Yes to so many of these! Pretty much all of them are on my TBR except for the few ones I’ve read – but still, I agree 😛 and Harry Potter is and will always be everyone’s #1 ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  6. J.W. Martin says:

    Definitely adding Six of Crows to my TBR! Sounds awesome.

    The Demon Cycle is one of my favs (some people know it as The Warded Man)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think you’ll enjoy Six of Crows. I have a feeling you and the main character Kaz would get along!!

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Lenna says:

    SIX OF CROWS!! I love that series xD. The lunar chronicles is so fun too, as is The Hunger Games! Great list!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Beware Of The Reader says:

    Nearly all of them are on my list! If I had to add one more it would be the Shadow Falls series by CC Hunter. Lots of humor! And my fav are all Cassandra Clare and Sarah J Maas series. They are my idols LOL.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I haven’t read that series you mentioned – I like me some humour in a book so I may have to look into those!

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Marie says:

    This is such a lovely list, I see SO many of my favorites here as well! Harry Potter, obviously, but The Lunar Chronicles just as well and The Wrath and The Dawn ❤ I haven't read Six of Crows yet but it seems to be a lot of people's favorite, I'm eager to get to it someday 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Six of crows was a bit hard for me to get into. There are so many characters to be introduced to and the world building and all. But once the story got going I couldn’t stop! I hope you enjoy when you get to them!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Marie says:

        That’s what I am a bit afraid of: all the characters, since I’m not usually a fan of so many different point of views…Well, I hope I’ll like it anyways 😀

        Liked by 1 person

        1. The different POV’s are kind on necessary and is well done. They split up in some places so you gets everyone’s perspective. I hope it works for you!

          Liked by 1 person

  10. Oh I absolutely agree with this list! (Except maybe The Hunger Games series, I didn’t really enjoy the last two books all that much…)
    The Calendar Girls actually sounds super interesting! I’d never heard of it so I definitely want to check it out. Everything else is already on my TBR I think hahaha
    Thanks for the recs! ^^

    Liked by 1 person

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