Weekly Wrap Up March 12-18

This has been a very unproductive reading week for me. It’s March Break so the kids have been home. So instead of reading I’ve been a sleepover ring master, craft/art teacher, personal chef, video game technician and children’s movie reviewer. I’ve also had work on top of everything else, so finding the time to read has been difficult and then when I do read I’m too tired to make it far. I did manage to at least finish one book (ok, ok! It was a short story but it counts!) so there’s that.


Calendar girl october

Calendar Girl #10 – October. This is such an incredible series!! It was recommended to me by a friend and, at first, I wanted nothing to do with it. I’m just not a girly romance type of person. But this isn’t your typical romance series! It gets quite graphic so if that’s not your type of read stay away! But if you’re looking for a romance series with a really engaging plot that will teach you a lot about yourself and make you look at your own relationships differently – then I HIGHLY recommend giving this one a try!! You can find a description of the series in my Calendar Girl October review. Be warned, there are spoilers, but in the beginning of the post I explain what the series is about.


I’m currently half way through Crooked Kingdom and I wish I could speed read – I need to know how this ends – NOW! I’m loving that a few characters that weren’t as well developed in Six of Crows have come further into the spotlight in this one. Kaz is being his usual protective bad ass self – seriously, the man makes his plans so effortless! And I love how protective he is of his crew. But Nina, you’re worrying me a bit here. I’ve heard that this book has quite the emotional twists and turns to it, and I was warned that it ends on a bittersweet note. I know I’ve been warned but I still think it may kill me!

I’ve also started the November book in the Calendar Girl series and I’m really enjoying it so far. Quite a few characters that were in other books in the series have come back and I’m loving it! Especially my favourite, smart, and foul mouthed best friend Ginelle! Her relationship with Mia reminds me of a few of my friends in how we talk to each other.


On March 15th I did a guest blog spot on the wonderful blog Cornerfolds! I wanted to do a book review as my guest blog but when I was looking through her reviews I realized it was going to be hard to find one that I read and she hasn’t! Our reading tastes are so similar. But I managed to find one so I did a review for  City of Thieves. I LOVED this WWII historical fiction SO much. Two men get a chance to save their lives if they find a dozen eggs……… hooked yet? It’s well worth a read! And so is that blog. As I said, our tastes are similar, so if you enjoy the books I review you may want to check it out!

Also this week, I got an email I never expected. I won a Goodreads giveaway!!! I’ve only been entering a few giveaways a week for years. So basically hundreds of draws….. and I’ve never won…. until this week! I have never been so shocked! Here’s what I won

The tea girl of hummingbird lane.jpg

I’ve wanted to read a Lisa See book for the longest time. She’s written Shanghai Girls and Snow Flower and the Secret Fan, all with really good reviews. This one is about a girl and her family who live on a tea farm. For generations tea is how her family has survived and made money. One day a stranger arrives looking for a rare tea. The young girl is educated and translates for the stranger. The girl becomes pregnant and, rather than stand by tradition, she wraps her daughter in a blanket and abandons her in a nearby city. The daughter is adopted to a privileged family in California. Despite her happy home life she still longs to know where she came from. And Li-yan longs for her lost daughter. This book is an ARC and will be published March 21. I’m not sure when I’ll get to this but it sounds really interesting. My uncle through marriage is from China so I love to learn about Chinese culture!! I can’t wait to pick this up! So thanks Goodreads and Simon and Schuster!

So that’s it for this week! I’m hoping to finish Crooked Kingdoms really soon. But I’m in a strange reading mood and I’m not exactly sure what I’ll pick up next!

Until next time, happy reading!

2 Comments Add yours

  1. mikaela says:

    Ooh, congrats on winning the GR giveaway. I’ve never won one of those (and I definitely won’t anymore since I’m not on Goodreads). XD

    Glad to see you’re loving Crooked Kingdom! It’s still on my TBR for when I’m in a fantasy/series-finishing mood!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Crooked Kingdom is definitely the type of book you need to be in the mood for! It starts off slow just like Six of Crows then you get stuck on the roller coaster lol

      Liked by 1 person

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