Top 5 books I LOVED but others didn’t!

Happy Top 5 Tuesday everyone! This is a topic that I’ve been wanting to do for a long time now! I knew that there were quite a few books that I liked that others had problems with, but I didn’t realize just HOW MANY there are! I actually ended up with a list of 11 and needed to cut the list down a little bit. What makes me so excited about this topic is the ‘chance for unpopular opinions’. Our tastes are all different, so there will always be books that we loved that others don’t agree with. I have a lot to say, so I’m just going to jump on in!

Top 5 Tuesday is a weekly meme where I explore different topics. If you are interested in participating I would love to have you! Here is a list of my Upcoming topics in April – please remember to ping back a specific post of mine so I get a notification and I will add you to the participants list!



I LOVED this book! Seriously! The plot, the action, the setting – but most of all, I loved Jazz!! She was feisty, potty mouthed, rude, bold, fearless, blunt, independent, strong, determined, fun – all the things! Even though she didn’t always make the best decisions, she had the best of intentions. She strived for a small and happy living; a simple and comfortable life. Yes, ok, she attempted to do some seriously illegal things for that simple living, but she had a good heart. It’s not like she had the easiest life. There are so many people that didn’t enjoy this book specifically because of her as a character, but I personally loved her!



This is the sequel to the very popular book You. So many were anticipating this sequel, but not everyone loved it, and I can somewhat understand why. The two books seemed to have very different atmosphere’s. We’re still inside the head of serial killer/stalker Joe, but we are no longer in New York and we are thrust into a weird adventure where Joe needs to blend in with society. He was a very different person in this book. He seemed to be a little softer and actually trying to find love and be a good person. In the first book he seemed more raw and psychotic. But, for some strange reason, I actually enjoyed the turn of events! This book was WEIRD! He made some really strange decisions and did some even stranger things. For some reason I really enjoyed watching this psychopath find love. Why I keep rooting for this guy is a mystery!



I don’t know if this one is so much that people didn’t like it – I think it’s just that not enough people are reading it – and they should be! Her Wolf By Wolf series is pretty popular. Along with her more recently published Invictus. But this book was AMAZING! I loved the characters, the world building, the connections, the actions, the sacrifices, the consequences – it was just so good! It actually has a 3.86 rating on Goodreads which is still a good rating – but it only has 5,000 ratings.



I think I know the reason why not so many people like this book. She is more well known for her YA novels and this one is clearly not YA. This revolves around a struggling couple and then adds in a magical realism element. I’m not a young adult so I most definitely relate to this book more than most. I also read this at a time where I was struggling with my own relationship with my husband. Every marriage has ups and downs and I read this one at the perfect time. I especially related to the fact that relationships change. Being able to talk to the person you knew when you first met would be weird! But it would also help you see that people evolve and you can’t always look back on the past. I can’t wait for more adult novels from her!

The hazel wood


Not too long ago, this book was everywhere. It was on so many people’s most anticipated lists and book lovers everywhere were excited! But when it was released, the reviews weren’t as glowing as I expected. But I think that this is a case where the hype built up this book to be something that it wasn’t. I was lucky enough to go into it with my mind clear of expectations, and I actually really enjoyed it! I loved the creepy magical realism elements (seriously – I have two books on this top 5 list that have magical realism in them…. who am I??) and how the main character connected the mystery of her life to the world that her grandmother wrote about in her cult classic book of dark fairy tales. This book wasn’t perfect, but it had just enough strangeness to it to make it the type of story I really enjoy!


There are 3 other books I would like to mention that I loved that have lower ratings than I would expect:

  • Starflight by Melissa Landers – This book was such a great adventure! A good bookish friend of mine (Robin – The Other Weasley) said that it was entertaining as hell. I would totally agree!
  • A Head Full Of Ghosts by Paul Tremblay – This is the one and only book that made my skin crawl and genuinely creeped me right out. I wish that this book could be adapted into a movie. If this was on the big screen, I might have nightmares for weeks!
  • The Host by Stephenie Meyer – She got a bad rep for the Twilight series (which I could also add to the list of books I loved that others didn’t….. hashtag no shame) so a lot of people either didn’t read this book or hated on it without giving it a chance. It was hard to get into but once the story got going I was so invested and ended up crying like a baby at the end!




This list could have been SO much longer, but who wants to read my post all day long when there are actual books to read! Next weeks list (the books that I DIDN’T like that others did) might have to be a top 10. There are so many books that I have unpopular opinions of! What books did you like that others didn’t seem to enjoy?

Until next time, happy reading!

37 Comments Add yours

  1. I really need to get round to reading some Ryan Graudin books!

    And A Head Full of Ghosts….. Honestly one of the most unsettling books I have ever read. I still think about it now! I also think it should have MUCH higher ratings.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ryan Graudin is so underrated. I have loved everything she’s ever written

      And yes! It’s ratings should be higher and there should be more of them! I really wish this one could be adapted to film. I need this in movie form. I would have nightmares for weeks!!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. There a few mentions online about it being made into a film, but the articles are all from a few years ago. I’ll keep my fingers crossed for a film version because that would be awesome! Absolutely terrifying, but awesome!

        Liked by 1 person

        1. So many times the rights are bought for a movie and then it never happens. I’ll keep crossing my fingers that it will happen some day!


  2. I read about 50 pages of The Hazel Wood and had to put it down. But you’re the second person (and someone that I actually trust based on your opinions) that has enjoyed it so I’m thinking of giving it another try!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The first 50 pages didn’t hook me. At all. But as it moved along and things were revealed it got easier. I hope you can end up enjoying it!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Erica Mae says:

    I just got a copy of The Host and I honestly don’t know what to expect since I never read the Twilight Series. Already looking forward to it though! Lovely list! 💛

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Give The Host 150 pages. I know that’s a lot. But I remember not liking the book AT ALL in those 150 pages. A friend insisted I keep reading and I was so glad I pushed through. I remembered crying like a baby through the end. I was so invested in the characters!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Erica Mae says:

        Now that makes me want to read it asap!

        Liked by 1 person

  4. I LOVED Hidden Bodies! Even more than YOU. That’s the beauty of Joe. You do root for him and then question your own morality lol! Great post!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! So many people hated this book but I’m the same – I liked it more than You. In this book I was actually begging him to kill off all the annoying people 😂


      1. Lol. There’s going to be a YOU movie. I can’t wait. I just hope they do a good job with it

        Liked by 1 person

        1. I knew it was being adapted but wasn’t sure if it was movie or tv show. I can’t wait!!


          1. The Other Weasley says:

            I saw that it was going to be a movie or tv show or something. I told my sister “Hell no.” That book skeeved me out so much.

            Liked by 1 person

          2. 😂 it might work well as a movie. It definitely has the visual aspects for it. I just hope they don’t duplicate that shitty romance!!


  5. Glad to hear that you enjoyed Artemis! I loved The Martian but I’ve heard such mixed things about Artemis that I’ve been hesitant to pick it up. And I was considering taking The Walled City of my tbr until you convinced me not to! 😄

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The Walled City is so fantastic! I forced my mom to read it and she liked it so much she’s reread it three times since January!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Well that’s certainly a ringing endorsement! 😄

        Liked by 1 person

  6. I love Artemis and The Host too!!!! Ugh so many people overlook Artemis and dismiss The Host just because they didn’t like Twilight but both of those books are soooo good!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Crystal says:

    I want to read The Hazel Wood so bad, despite the bad reviews. It’s nice to see that you enjoyed it!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hope you like it as much as I did!

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Birdie says:

    Oh my gosh! I love that we both selected Landline!! It’s a great book!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Marie says:

    I’m so glad to see The Hazel Wood on here, despite the mixed reviews, I also really enjoyed that one 🙂 Lovely list! x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m surprised that so many people didn’t like it. I thought it was really interesting! Especially learning why the main character was such an unlikeable person!

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Beware Of The Reader says:

    Well I loved The Host! As far as tthe hazel Wood is concerned I haven’t read it yet…I tweaked your theme this time, sorry, sorry… Here is my link:


  11. hannawsreads says:

    I liked Landline but it fell into the meh category for me. Probably exactly since it’s not YA and that’s more of a genre for me than adult

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s definitely a book I never would have liked unless I was married and living in that situation. Her other adult novel Attachments was super cute and YA readers would enjoy it as well!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. hannawsreads says:

        I’ve been meaning to read that for so long but then it’s always the one book that is always left unread when needed to be back at library 🙈

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Lol!! I have a few books like that 😂

          Liked by 1 person

  12. hannahsnovelnonsense says:

    I’ve been tossing up on whether to read The Hazel Wood or not. I’m guessing you’d recommend I should haha. But I haven’t heard the best things …

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I will admit that this book isn’t for everyone. A lot of the things I love about it are what people didn’t like about it. So I would say be cautious

      Liked by 1 person

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