Weekly wrap up – Feb 5 – 11

All I have to say is that I hope your week was better than mine!! It’s not that it was awful (it could have been worse), but it wasn’t great either. We are preparing for 5 days in Toronto for a business trip and there is just SO much work to do. Right now my husband and I are working 12-18 hour days and we are both exhausted. I’m still not sure if I’m going to be able to blog during our trip or not. I’ll take the next few days to decide. I’ve also been dealing with a painful infected cyst behind my ear and my son has been sick pretty much all week. But while I was waiting for him to go back to sleep every night I snuck in a few chapters and managed to finish a couple books. Those books saved my sanity this week!


First I finished Saga 4 and I totally forgot how weird this one was! It was weird in a good way and I really liked this volume!!

Then I finished THIRTEEN RISING which was the conclusion to the Zodiac series! I had been putting this book off for the longest time but I’m happy that I actually finished a series! It was a little slower and a little underwhelming compared to the rest of the series, but it was still a satisfying conclusion.



Thanks to the generosity of Raincoast books, I’ve been given the opportunity to FINALLY read an author/book that I’ve been wanting to get to for the longest time. Before I became an active member in the book community, this book was everywhere. So many people were talking about it and it generated some really great conversations. But for some reason I just never got around to it. Now, Speak is in graphic novel form and was published on Feb 6th. I’m about halfway through right now and I can feel my emotions being stripped raw. I’m so afraid to see how this ends. I’m super stressed out and emotional as it is, I have a feeling this one might get to me more than I’m prepared for.



This was an exciting week for T5T – the topic was Top 5 cover buys and I was a little happier after seeing all those beautiful covers! I also launched my new graphic! At first I wasn’t sure about it but the more I look at it the more I like it. And here’s where I feel like the worst host ever…… In hindsight, I really shouldn’t have done a topic this week with all the trip preparations. I know for a fact that I will be insanely busy, so I’m admitting defeat. I will still be hosting the topic, still make my own post, and still add you all to the participants list. But I won’t be making comments on any posts. I just won’t have time. But I PROMISE that I will update the list and see all your posts! I hope you can all understand!


WOW! The response to the Is hype help or harm topic was overwhelming! I didn’t realize just how much the book community loves discussion until I’ve done a few over the last couple weeks! I LOVE the different perspectives and it’s made me consider my own actions and opinions. Thanks so much for the wonderful discussion!


So that’s it for today. Short and sweet. I’m leaning towards taking  a few days away from the blog. I am famous for thinking I can keep up with everything only to realize I’m over my head. So if I’m MIA for a while, I promise I will be back soon! Hope you all had a wonderful week and even more smiles to come.

Until next time, happy reading!

8 Comments Add yours

  1. Nice job, my weekly wrap up will be up later today i am going to try and finish 2 books today

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Two books in one day?! Good luck! That would be amazing!


      1. Thanks, I’m halfway though both anyway so I hope that I can do it

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Kristin says:

    Oh man, I hate having to adult! We will miss you if you take a break but will be waiting for you to come back! 😊

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Beware Of The Reader says:

    Enjoy your event Shanah!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Marie says:

    I’m so sorry to hear this wasn’t the best week for you, I’m sending you all the love and positive vibes for everything to be better this week ❤ ❤

    Liked by 1 person

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