Weekly Wrap Up – Nov 4 – 10

Whomp Whomp Whomp. That’s the sound of failure ladies and gentlemen. This was the week of small successes and playing multiple games of Uno with my family. But, that was about it. Normally I’m a book monogamist. I read only one book at a time and stick with it until I turn the last page. This week though I decided to switch things up – I’m reading one book physically and then started another through audio. This decision resulted in me not finishing a single book this week. Shit happens. I know that this is going to turn into me finishing 2-3 books next week, but it feels like a small failure for this week. At least I can talk about the two books i’m reading right now:


The first book that I started this week is long overdue – RED SEAS UNDER RED SKIES by Scott Lynch – OMG I AM LOVING THIS BOOK!!! There is so much happening and I’m only about 250 pages in! So far there has been card game cheating, talk of robbing the most impenetrable vault in the world, and pirates…… that’s not even close to covering it all! So far it’s reminding me of Oceans 11 with players who are pirates on the side to help Jack Sparrow out of a bind……

The second book I started this week is RECURSION by Blake Crouch. I’m listening to the audiobook and really like the narrator. I’m not even 200 pages into this one and my mind is melting from the possibilities and enormity of this story! I This is my second book by this author and I am thoroughly obsessed!



This week was such a fun topic! That was the Top 5 books on your current TBR. It was nice to take a step back from having to make a list of favourites and just talk about books we’re excited to read! The participants lists were amazing! Next week is a hard one. One that will take quite a bit of thought and some editing to make sure that there are no spoilers. Stay tuned next Tuesday for the Top 5 authors I need to read!!


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This is the shortest wrap up in the history of my blog……… it’s not bad but it’s not great. I feel a little like I’m in the middle of a life slump. I’ve been fighting off a cold and don’t really feel like myself this week. I’m just glad that it’s a life slump and not a reading slump! I’ve had enough of that for one year! I hope you all had an amazing week!

Until next time, happy reading!

5 Comments Add yours

  1. CJR The Brit says:

    I’ve started listening to a book at work and I read a physical book after my son has gone to bed and I’m really getting on with it….hope it works out for you 😁

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s exactly what I’m doing!

      By the way – reading with kids in the house is impossible!! They don’t need you for like 30 minutes but then the minute you open a book it’s like a mommy magnet!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. CJR The Brit says:

        That is so true….I get 2 words in and all I hear is ‘Muuuuuuuum’!!!!!!!

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Hahahahaha I feel your pain!!!

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