Weekly Wrap Up – March 18 – 24

Hello and happy Sunday! This week went a little better than expected! I blogged every day, work was productive, and I managed to get some reading done! I didn’t respond to comments at all this week though…….. baby steps. I hope that I can find the time to get to your comments some time tonight. But we are having a birthday celebration for my dad, so no promises. I did have a great bookish week this week though! So let’s see what happened:


Dasiy Jones and the six

GAH this book was just sooooo good! I think that i’m really starting to fall in love with Taylor Jenkins Reid. She’s got such a way with characters and emotions. She easily grabs onto your heart strings and pulls you along for a roller coaster ride. Even if the character isn’t the best person, or makes the best decisions, you can’t help but feel connected to them. The interview style format really helped with the emotional connection to the plot. And the whole 70’s music scene was right up my alley! I can’t say enough about this book! CLICK HERE for my full spoiler free review!


The first book I’m reading is The Lies of Locke Lamora by Scott Lynch…… yes….. FINALLY! I’ve had so many people scream at me to just read this already. It took a little bit of a push and a buddy read opportunity with Joe from Storeys of Stories to get to it. This book feels a little like Brandon Sanderson meets Six of Crows with some Jay Kristoff attitude….. safe to say – it’s great so far! I’ve also started In Bed With The Beast by Tara Sivec. I read the first book of the Naughty Princess Club series a while ago, and it was high time that I got back to it. This is a beauty and the best inspired book and I am LOVING this series! Ariel is hands down my favourite character!



This weeks topic was so much fun! The Top 5 Fictional Friendships – and everyones lists warmed my heart! There are so many friendships out there that are so amazing and for so many different reasons. And almost every list made me want to slap myself for not thinking of them! Next week I can’t wait to talk about the top 5 books set in space!!!! The topics for April are being released tomorrow so stay tuned!

Flower divider

That’s about it! Not a whole lot happening in my bookish world right now, but things are staying positive and I’m still getting to read. Maybe I can even make it through this week without crying lol! I hope so!

Until next time, happy reading!


8 Comments Add yours

  1. I finished Daisy Jones this week as well! I can’t stop thinking about how incredible that book was.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Same!! I immediately lent it out to my mother in law. Someone else needs to talk with me about it in real life lol

      Liked by 1 person

  2. CJR The Brit says:

    I have Daisy Jones to read….I really need to push it up on my list!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did! 😁


  3. evelynreads1 says:

    I feel like I should read the lies of Locke Lamora! I keep seeing good things about it everywhere!


    Liked by 1 person

    1. I had people literally yelling at me to read it lol. It’s pretty dang good so far!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Phew, so glad you’re enjoying Locke Lamora! I’m in the middle of Rosewater right now and it’s a bit of a mixed bag. A LOT of jumping around in time in the narrative. It feels like one of those books where the end payoff is going to make or break how I overall feel about it.

    Liked by 1 person