The 5 W’s book tag!

So this week has been a struggle – once again. It was supposed to be a calm and relaxing week, but instead, I feel like I’ve been hanging on by a thread trying to keep things organized and getting things accomplished. Since I didn’t have another post planned, I thought that I would do a book tag instead! I saw this tag over on the AMAZING blog Thrice Read – which is basically the most amazing blog to find book tags 🙂 If you’re ever looking for a tag to do, chances are, they’ve done it! Here we go!

1 – WHO? Who is an author you’d love to have a one on one with?

This will come as no surprise….. JAY KRISTOFF! I want to meet this man SO badly! First of all, our appearance together would be hilarious. He’s almost 7 feet tall, and i’m 5 feet tall. He would dwarf me and make me look like a child lol. But I really want to meet him for his humour and creativity. His books are just so amazing, he’s so brutal with his characters, and he seems like he’s a generally sweet, soft, and hilarious person.

2 – WHAT? What genre or style do you most gravitate to?

Fantasy and science fiction. Almost always. If there is somehow a combination of the two, I am in bookish heaven!

3 – WHERE? Where do you prefer to read?

I almost always read in the living room on the couch or chair. I get something to drink, cuddle with my dog, and have background noise to keep me focused. For some reason I can’t read in complete silence…. it freaks me out! I do sometimes read in bed but it always ends up with me passing out and loosing my spot in the book.

4 – WHEN? What time of the day do you prefer to read?

I try to pick up a book whenever I have a spare few minutes, but I do most of my reading after 8pm. The kids are starting to get settled, things start to quiet down, and I don’t have a long list of shit I need to do hanging over my head. If I know that things need to get done, I can’t focus on a book because I feel guilty that I’m not being productive. So before bed time is when I do 95% of my reading.

5 – WHY? Why is your favourite book your favourite book?

This one is really hard to answer. I don’t think that I have ONE favourite book. There are many. But the reason why I love them is almost always the same. Great characters, invoked emotion, a world/setting I could lose myself in, and twists and turns. Usually books that invoked emotion is the kicker though. Emotions could include heartbreak, sadness, excitement, shock, love, and more.

BONUS! How do you go about selecting what you’ll read next?

This one is easy – it depends on what mood I’m in. I am a 100% mood reader, so it depends on how i’m feeling. If i’m feeling emotional I’ll pick up a contemporary. If I’m bored i’ll pick up a fantasy. If I’m excited I’ll pick up a science fiction….. kind of like that.

Flower divider

If you haven’t done this tag yet, consider yourself tagged! It was really fun to take a step back and look at why you’re reading what you are, why you enjoy it, and just the type of reader you are 🙂

Until next time, happy reading!

29 Comments Add yours

  1. Great tag I might join in sometime 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  2. J.W. Martin says:

    Wait… you like Jay Kristoff??

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I know, right?! I don’t think I’ve mentioned it before………

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Alexandra says:

    Ha! Ha! That was fun. I’m posting my answers, now!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Beware Of The Reader says:

    Jay is nearly 7 feet tall????? Well as I am 5 feet too count me in on the dwarf size LOL

    Liked by 1 person

    1. 😂 glad I’m not the only tiny blogger out there! It’s sad when you have to take your 13 year old daughter to the grocery store with you so someone can reach the high shelves lol!!


  5. Justine says:

    Oooh how fun! I love this tag and your answers! Might give it a go myself 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Paige @ BookishPaige_ says:

    Love this tag! I’ve saved it and will schedule it for some point after Blogmas ^_^ I get the whole Jay being so goddamn tall. my boyfriend is 6″5 and i’m only a tiny 5″2

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Lol my husband is 6’4 and I’m 5’. We look funny together so I feel your pain 😂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Paige @ BookishPaige_ says:

        does he also use you as his personal leaning post? because mine does lol!

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Yes. Yes he does 😂 I’m apparently perfect arm height lol


  7. Love your tag answers! I like Jay Kristoff too. Meeting him and picking his brains would be great. Love to hear about where his ideas come from and his characters. ❤️❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Arvenig says:

    Lovely tag! I’ll try to do this soon!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Mini says:

    Loved your responses. I’ll do this one. Also, I realised that I haven’t read science fiction that much. Will try that too sometime.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Sophie Li says:

    Hello Shanah 🙂
    I love your answers and I can definitely relate to them. I absolutely love curling up to read (such as on a couch!) and my favourite time to read is before bedtime although I do read during my commute as well 🙂 This seems like a fun tag so I might steal this for my blog!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I kind of wish I had a commute to work. It would give me some extra reading time! But I work from home so there’s not much a daily commute at all 😂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Sophie Li says:

        Haha yes I enjoy reading during my early commute! However I’ve always wondered how it’s like to work from home :’D

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Working from home isn’t as great as it sounds 😂 you end up working constantly because you’re always at work lol

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Sophie Li says:

            Haha yeah I’ve heard that before 🙂 I suppose there are pros and cons of both working from home and from work!

            Liked by 1 person

  11. I find it hard to answer what my favorite book is. 🙂 I enjoyed reading your answers. I’m gonna bookmark this so I can do the tag when I ran out of posts. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Hi Shanah, glad I stumbled onto this post! I was originally looking up posts related to the 5 Ws in preparation for the buzzwordathon hosted by booksandlala (reading books that have one of the Ws in the title), but this was a happy accident! Always fun reading about the “personal” side of book bloggers, like where and when you read. Thanks for sharing!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Omg I LOVE Lala!! She’s such an amazing booktube personality! Enjoy the buzzwordathon 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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