Introducing: The TBR Unhaul Challenge!

Me and my bright ideas…. this one may come back and bite me straight in the ass!! One of my biggest goals for 2018 is to knock down my backlist of unread books on my shelves. I started off the year with almost 120 physical books that I hadn’t read yet….. Ridiculous! I will say though that in 2017 I successfully managed to stay current with a lot of new releases. That’s something to be proud of! But at the same time, while I was reading all those new books, I didn’t get to any of the books that I’ve been dying to read! Instead, they sit there, lonely on the shelf, fluffing their beautiful feathers for my attention. And I keep not reading them! It’s time to change that…..


That’s right! For motivation, I’m threatening myself with unhauling books if I don’t read them. But don’t panic! I’m not just going to go all willy nilly and get rid of all those books! I will be giving myself a chance to read them! Here are the details:

  • Each month, I will be choosing TWO books that I HAVE to read….. or else, I say goodbye!
  • The first book will be chosen by me. I’ll be putting all of my titles into a jar and choosing one at random. I obviously want to read all of these books and, by choosing one at random, I will be putting my mood reading to the side and FINALLY getting to some of these!!
  • The second book will be chosen by one of my children. They’re going to love being able to choose my next read! And, once again, this will be completely at random as they have no clue what my books are about!
  • During any given month I can read as many backlisted books as I want, but I CAN NOT substitute one of those books for the two that were originally chosen.
  • If there is a month that’s heavy with ARC’s, those obviously take priority, so I will plan to only read 1 backlisted book. But really, I don’t see that happening. I’m just covering my ass lol
  • I will give myself ONE save from now until December – if there’s a month that was too chaotic to read, or something happens in my personal life where I just couldn’t get to both books, I will be allowed to keep those books. I will, however, have to move those books to the next month. If I still haven’t read them after the save month, then say bye bye! This save is a ONE TIME ONLY deal!!

I haven’t decided yet if this idea is brilliant or completely insane!! Since I’m such a big mood reader, I often find it hard to stick to my TBR. I sometimes set all these books aside at the beginning of a month and they all sound amazing. Then it comes time to pick them up and I’m not interested. So I’m a little terrified about this. Basically, there are 3 possible outcomes:

  1. I’m finally giving myself the chance to read some amazing books that Ive been excited about for months/years.
  2. I won’t be in the mood to read them but I’ll read it anyways to keep it – and because I’m not in the right mood, I won’t enjoy it as much as I could have.
  3. I could be getting rid of some of my beloved books! TORTURE!

No matter what happens, I will be holding myself accountable for this! I will be listing the books chosen in my monthly TBR. My first two choices will be coming up in my May TBR next week. The plan is to continue this challenge until December. But, if things work out, I might keep this around for a little while! If this sounds interesting to you, by all means, join me! But be warned, the consequences are dire!!

Do you have a backlist you need to knock down a bit? Do you think I’m crazy? I’m questioning my sanity right now too, so it’s ok to admit it.

Until next time, happy reading!

40 Comments Add yours

  1. Do I have a backlist list? xD Let’s just say it’s over 1000 books πŸ˜€ Though I don’t own physical copies of all, I would have to rent another apartment for that πŸ˜€ I don’t think this is a crazy idea! I’ve just been thinking the other day about the papers in a jar technique! Although, I don’t think you should get rid of some books forever, I mean you did want to read them at some point πŸ™‚ Maybe put them into a list for 2019? Anyway, great idea, I need to work on my backlist books too, I can hear them sobbing on the shelf 😦

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Lol 1000? I don’t feel as bad now!! I won’t be getting rid of them immediately. I will be keeping them in a stack on my shelf until
      I can trade them in at the used book store out of town. But I need the motivation and space on my shelves lol

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      1. It’s more but I’m ashamed to admit xD Lately I’ve been cutting it down and it’s going really well. πŸ™‚ I know what you mean haha, I need to do the same! I’ll try the jar thing and who knows, it may turn out great. πŸ˜€

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Good luck with your jar!! And don’t be ashamed! I think it’s great! πŸ™‚

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  2. anatomyofabookthief says:

    This is pretty hardcore and tbh i’m not sure if it’s crazy or not! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ From getting rid of my own tbr it can be really liberating to get rid of some books because once they were gone i realised that the time had passed when i had wanted to read them and i was just hanging on to them because i felt bad or i had spent money on them so you might find that if you don’t get around to reading some books in the alloted time! Anyway, good luck, i hope this challenge goes well for you!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks! I might need some extra luck! I went through a phase where I bought books based on hype and others recommendations. If I’ve held onto them for years and still haven’t read them – it’s time for something to happen! And I could honestly use the space lol

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  3. That’s a pretty creative and effective way to get through your TBR. The thought of potentially loosing a book should be fabulous motivation. Lol We’ll help cheer you along!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yay! I’ve always wanted cheerleaders πŸ˜‚ losing a book is possibly the best motivation. It’s a book hoarders worst nightmare!

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      1. Hahaha.
        I know what you mean!!! Dome books I know I’ll never read again but I’m not parting with them. lol

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  4. Not sure whether even have 100 books on shelves! I try to be ruthless after read, in giving away / donating to charity or I would be constantly putting up shelves.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m a bit of a book hoarder. I have a thing where I need to keep/own all the books I’ve read. Thankfully I have a large living room to fit shelves πŸ˜‚


  5. Vanessa says:

    I am all for this, great way to lower your TBR!
    I have like over 200 unread books on my shelves (not to mention the ebooks), so I might need to do something similar, or else I’ll drown in my TBR haha
    Good luck with this challenge, you’ve got a cheerleader over here! πŸ˜€

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yay! I’ve never had cheerleaders before!! Lol. I don’t feel so bad having 120 unread books now! I’m glad to know I’m not the only one with a ridiculous TBR!!

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      1. Vanessa says:

        We’re definitely not alone out here πŸ˜„πŸ˜„

        Liked by 1 person

  6. Haha this actually sounds brilliant. Mood reading is often what largely attributes to my growing backlist of books just waiting to be read haha so this sounds like a good idea! Good luck! (If my stack of books starts getting high again I’m definitely going to borrow this idea to knock it back down!)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Being a mood reader is so hard! It’s definitely the reason I’ve passed up on most of my books. I hope this breaks the habit

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  7. Great idea!! Maybe it’s crazy but I think it could work! Mood reading is definitely what keeps me from reading much of my backlist so I feel like you might be onto something here.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Mood reading isn’t easy to break. Which is why this is so scary. I hope the threat of getting rid of books fixes it or else I’ll be getting rid of a lot of books!


  8. beereaderbooks says:

    Great idea, bloody brave but great ha! I love that your children will choose a book every month for you. Good luck and don’t be afraid to be ruthless, if the book doesn’t serve you pass it on!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m so not ruthless when it comes to books!! Maybe this will also increase my ability to DNF!!

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  9. Suziey Bravo says:

    Holy crap this is lowkey genius lol

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  10. Rose says:

    This is such a great idea! I’ve got so many unread books on my shelves as well but I find it so difficult to get rid of them haha. I really hope this works for you! 😊

    Liked by 1 person

  11. This is a great idea! I believe in you!! Good luck with this challenge! πŸ˜„

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  12. I made a challenge for myself too and it was the best thing I ever did!! I’ve already read so many on my backlist… I wish you much success with this Shanah!! ❀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Wow that’s great! And also encouraging to know that this works!


  13. kyera says:

    Oh, this sounds tough! I hope you do it!!

    Liked by 1 person

  14. leetharose says:

    I really really like this idea and I feel like I should give it a try sometime soon! (Maybe once I have all of my books in one place…or maybe different jars for different times!) I can’t wait to hear how this goes!

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    1. My son picked the first one last night and the choice went well. He picked up The Goldfinch first (which is something like 900 pages!) but put it back. Thank god!

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      1. leetharose says:

        Hahhaa! Thank goodness, best start small(er)! πŸ™‚

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