Top 10 Books of 2017!

Hello again! It feels like it’s been a lifetime since I’ve written a post….. yet it’s only been a few days 🙂 Maybe it’s because I’ve been anticipating this post for a long time – It’s finally time to talk about my favourite books of 2017!! And it’s fitting that this is the first post of the year – as my first post EVER was the top 10 books of 2016 – looking back I cringe a little at the formatting and such, but it shows my growth and comfort which makes me feel so much better about where I am now. Anyway, no more talking! On with the list!!!



In the beginning of 2017 I decided that I NEEDED this book, but it proved impossible to find. It wasn’t available anywhere in Canada to order online! I even tried all the Chapters Indigo stores up to a 3 hour drive away and they were all sold out. So I ended up ordering it from the UK – and it proved well worth the trouble I went through to get it! It was such a unique character driven story that pushed me a little further into the science fiction genre. I actually attribute my push to read more sci-fi in 2017 to this book. Click HERE to see the full review

My best friends exorcism

#9 – MY BEST FRIEND’S EXORCISM by Grady Hendrix

Humour me – just act surprised that you’re seeing this book on my top 10 list! LOL! Still obsessed with this cover, and still so glad that the inside of this book matched the outside. There were quite a few spots in this one that the vivid descriptions made my skin crawl. I was totally expecting a parody of a horror story but it ended up being so much more. So many times I wondered what was really going on. This one made me question my own instincts constantly! I recently got his other book Horrorstor and can’t wait to get to it! The format is totally different from anything I’ve seen before and literally looks just like an Ikea catalogue! For my review of this one click HERE!

You bring the distant near

#8 – YOU BRING THE DISTANT NEAR by Mitali Perkins

This book was such a wonderful surprise!! I believe that I sat down and finished this one in less than 24 hours. It was just one of those books where you immediately get drawn into the lives of these characters and need to follow their every move. You laugh with them, cry with them, and root for them as they move along through the story. What made this book so rich was that it was a multi generational tale of a mother, her two daughters, and then their children. There was also the element of being immigrants to the USA and wondering where they really fit in and how they identify themselves. This was such a beautiful story! For more thoughts on this book, visit my review HERE

the seven husbands of evelyn hugo


This one was another surprise read – I almost didn’t read it! I’m not into celebrity lifestyles or reading anything about Hollywood – not to mention this cover is just unfortunate. When this book was showing up on blogs I literally cringed and wondered what in the hell people were seeing in it……. **insert foot in mouth** I WAS WRONG! So wrong! I finally listened to all the glowing reviews and decided that there might just be more to the story than a selfish conceited hollywood queen. This book gave me a lesson in what it is to sacrifice for the ones you love. Also the fact that everyone that enters your life adds just a little more pieces to your puzzle (both good and bad) but those things that come into your life make you who you are. I felt like my emotions were on a non stop roller coaster and it was just wonderful! For more in depth thoughts on this one (if you’re interested in picking it up) click HERE


#6 – ARTEMIS by Andy Weir

Oh! A controversial one lol! I’ve actually seen this book end up on many ‘worst books of 2017’ lists…. and that’s ok! I totally understand where you’re coming from as to why you didn’t like it, and can’t get mad for your opinions. I just have a really twisted sense of humour and Jazz is my spirit animal! She reminds me so much of myself and I loved her spunk and brutality! I would love to hang out with her and have some drinks….. especially if it’s on the setting of the moon!! The setting was wonderful, the city was interesting, the science was understandable…… I just loved it all!!! For my full review, click HERE

Tower of dawn

#5 – TOWER OF DAWN by Sarah J Maas

And to think – I almost DNF’d this book at less than 100 pages!! HOLY SHIT! Even though I had a hard time getting into it, I very quickly came to love this book as it all came together. All of the bits of information came from out of nowhere and gave me some closure and completion that I didn’t know I craved from the series. It started off feeling so separate from the rest of the series but then everything was sewn together and made my heart want to just explode!!! I could say so much more here, but if you want to know my full thoughts, check out my review HERE


#4 – THE NIGHT CIRCUS by Erin Morgenstern

This was one of the first books that I read this year and I still haven’t forgotten about it! The writing was just so stunning and beautiful. I have never been so effected by words and writing than I was with this book. It was so beautiful (I’ve said that already!) but really it was. I felt as if I was there at the carnival, smelling the popcorn, feeling the spark of the magic. The story itself was wonderful, but it was the atmosphere that she was able to create that was the best part. I really want to reread this one sometime soon! For my full review please click HERE

#3 THE ZODIAC SERIES by Romina Russell

WOW! This series seriously has everything going for it! I love anything to do with astrological signs and their attributes, and this one was quite spot on. But to create a world where each planet is ruled by a zodiac sign it pure brilliance! Each and every planet had its own way of life and it’s own unique abilities that they offered to their solar system. And the complexities didn’t stop there! Each planet had its own technologies. Ways that they communicated with each other and ways that they read the stars. I’ve never read a series where the world and its politics were just so complicated but it was never once confusing! HERE is a link to the review of the first book in the series. I really do hope you check it out!

The hate you give

#2 THE HATE YOU GIVE by Angie Thomas

So this one is no surprise and doesn’t require an explanation! But I’m going to give you a short one anyways. The story is so very important, but her writing skills is what made it what it is. Starr was a great character but it was her family and friends that elevated her and the story. It’s very rare to see a parental relationship in books – especially one so supportive and loving as this one was. What Starr went through is awful. What she, and others, face on a daily basis isn’t something that can be swept under a rug. This was a wonderful showcase for real life problems in todays society. I love that Angie was able to capture all sides to every story, leaving the reader with such a clear picture. I just loved this book to pieces! For the full (and long) review, click HERE

#1 NEVERNIGHT by Jay Kristoff

I am in love with Jay Kristoff! These books were just pure and absolute PERFECTION!!! The characters are fantastic, the politics are mind blowing, the action is fast paced, and my god! He is just so brutal and unforgiving!! What he puts his characters through is insanity! The plot twists….. the endings…… AHHHH! I just can’t put into words how much I love this series! And 2018 is going to be an amazing Jay Kristoff year! Obsidio (Illuminae book 3), Nevernight book 3, and then Lifel1k3… I want it all!! I have such respect for his writing and writing style. He has a way with words and never fails at grabbing my attention. I’m going to say it – Jay Kristoff may officially be my all time favourite author!! For my full Nevernight review, click HERE


ANNNNNNND because I have commitment issues and problems making decisions, I couldn’t just leave this list at 10! Oh no! So I thought that I would add a few more books to the list as honourable mentions. These books I loved so much and have left an impact, but they weren’t quite there to make it on the top 10 – but I loved them enough that I felt too guilty not mentioning them! So here they are!

I hope you enjoyed this list and I’m so glad to be back! Tomorrow I’ll be talking about the books that I didn’t love in 2017…….. I’m crossing my fingers now that I don’t mention one of your favourites!!!!

Until next time, happy reading!


50 Comments Add yours

  1. I’ve only read one from this list and that is obviously THUG!! I absolutely adored it and while it was 4 stars it was such a powerful book and needs to be read by everyone! I really want to read The Night Circus, though I’ve read mixed things about it. AND SRANGE THE DREAMER OMG I LOVE LAZLO SO MUCH AND THE WRITING *melts* ITS SO GOOD AND I JUST LOVE IT SO MUCH ASDFGHJKL

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I made sure I bought a physical copy of THUG for my daughter to read 🙂
      The writing in Strange is sooooo beautiful!! There were so many times that I stopped reading and stared at the page because the writing just caught me off guard!


  2. Dreamy Reads says:

    Yayy!! You’re back. I’m currently reading The Night Circus and kind of enjoying it. I don’t know. It’s the only book on this list that I have read (kind of). THUG is one book that I feel I have to read in 2018. Oh wait! which reminds me… HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Happy new year to you too!!
      The Night Circus is one that you will either love or hate it seems. The writing style is a bit different and it’s slow paced and atmospheric. I hope it picks up and you enjoy it more 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Dreamy Reads says:

        It’s definitely slow paced and I am trying not to rush with it.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Oooo a lot of good books on your list! I’ve still got to read the Zodiac series, hopefully 2018 will be the year!
    Happy New Year! 😄

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Zodiac definitely needs to be on your 2018 bucket list!
      Happy new year!!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I also loved The Night Cirucs and THUG! I still need to read Nevernight (which I’m hoping to read this year!!!) and Tower of Dawn (I’M SO BEHIND ON THIS SERIES UGH) off this list! I’m going back and forth on whether I should read The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo, but I am intrigued.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I hate the feeling of being behind on a series!! And I’m usually always behind lol. The Seven husbands book was soooo good! It is an adult fiction so that’s also something to consider, but it was filled with so many heart breaking and heart warming moments!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Happy New Year!! I feel ashamed that I have not read any of your favorite books from 2017. The ‘Throne of Glass’ series is on my TBR for January so hopefully I will get to Tower of Dawn. Also, The Night Circus has been on my shelf for months and I just have no clue when I will read it. Happy reading!! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Happy new year!! The night circus sat on my shelf for well over a year and I didn’t have any excuses why I hadn’t read it. I just kept passing it over. But then I decided I would read the first chapter and never put it down again! Enjoy Throne of Glass! I assumed I would hate that book and almost didn’t read it. Now it’s one of my top faves! Happy reading!

      Liked by 1 person

  6. bookswithbex says:

    You have 100% convinced me to pick up the Zodiac series – it looks so original and fascinating! Tower of Dawn and THUG were also both fab choices in this list!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. YES!!!!!! Music to my ears!! It’s such a complex and well written series! There are quite a few tropes that you’ve seen a million times, but it’s done in such a unique way that you won’t be bothered by it 🙂 enjoy!!

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Marie says:

    HAPPY NEW YEAR, Shanah! I hope you had a wonderful time with your family and loved ones for the holidays, even if it has only been a couple days, we missed you for sure 🙂 ❤
    I only read THUG from this list, but I loved it, it was such a great story and an important one to be told, as well. I can't wait to read The Night Circus someday 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I did have a great time! So glad i took the time off but also glad to be back 🙂 hope you had a great holiday season as well!

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Crystal says:

    The Night Circus was the last book I read in 2017. The world building was great.

    Also, I nominated you for an award. ☺️

    Happy New Year!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for the nomination! I hope to get to it soon 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Elizabeth says:

    In so curious about the Zodiac series! Do you actually learn about the different planets being ruled by the astrological signs? Like do you hear about Pisces at all? Either way, definitely reading that series this year!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes you do!! You get to learn about what the different planets are like, what their strengths are, and how their technology differs. You hear more of certain planet than others but they’re all present in some form or another. It’s so interesting!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Elizabeth says:

        That’s awesome. I love it!

        Liked by 1 person

  10. Very exciting list.
    Happy New Year 🎊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks! Happy new year to you too!

      Liked by 1 person

  11. barelysofia says:

    By reading your list I realised that I am very behind in my TBR list! I’ve been looking forward to reading The Hate You Give, maybe I’ll get to it this month! Thanks for sharing 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. My back list is crazy too! So many books and too little time! Enjoy it when you get to it!


  12. Justine says:

    *whispers quietly* I still need to read almost all of these. BUT! I’m 100% with you on Artemis!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Lol! There were a few you mentioned in your video that I still need to get to so we are even! This is the year that I tackle my backlist I think. So many books that I’ve wanted to read but got distracted!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Justine says:

        I’m going to seriously attack my backlist as well! I’m thinking of making it into an event. Got to start saving some money 😦

        Liked by 1 person

  13. The Night Circus and The Hate U Give were also some of my favourite reads from last year ☺

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Great list Shanah! There are lots of books on your list that I still need to get to. And seeing that Nevernight is so high up on the list it just got pushed up on my own TBR! I hope 2018 brings you lots of amazing books too!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I hope you love Nevernight as much as I did! Definitely one of my all time favourites 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  15. kyera says:

    Oh my gosh, we have none of the same books on our lists! That means I need to go read like 85% of what you put on your list, they must be really good!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. 😂 not even one??? We are usually really close in our reading tastes…. leaving to check out your list….

      Liked by 1 person

  16. Nia says:

    So happy to see you loved The Night Circus! It’s definitely one of my all-time favourites.

    I still have to read The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo. I’ve heard nothing but amazing things about it, so maybe I’ll end up reading it this year.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I hope you love it when you get to it! It was so good!!!

      Liked by 1 person

  17. I need to read Artemis and Zodiac still!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think you’ll love both! Our reading tastes seem to be similar 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I agree! I am excited to read them! I actually may read them back to back with The Martian, haha. Sci-fi whammy!

        Liked by 1 person

        1. That sounds like a plan! His characters are very different and I think the problem people had the Artemis is they were comparing the two.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. That’s odd that they were trying to compare the two. I can tell they are supposed to be different.

            Liked by 1 person

  18. Hi!!
    The only book I read on your list is Zodiac but sadly I didn’t like it that much. I mean it was entertaining but I don’t think I’ll read the next books. I reaaaally wanna read Nevernight so I’m adding it to m TBR list.
    New follower here! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi and welcome! Zodiac seems to be love it or hate it. But Nevernight is one of my all time favourite books ever! It’s so brutal! Enjoy 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  19. Amy S. says:

    You like the Hate U Giive too? I’ve been trying to get it, i’ve heard its really good. Now I really want to get it. Great post. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. It’s even better than I expected! I was afraid because there was just so much hype – but it was warranted! Hope you get to it soon!


  20. Tower of Dawn = YES. I am finishing it now 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  21. I would look into it thanks

    Liked by 1 person

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